Writers Magazine 2008

Page 14

Reasons Not To Read This Poem By Julius Calasicas This poem will not change the world. This poem does not vote does not Protest does not burn braziers or Demonstrate anything you need To know has no agenda no Manifesto no chants boycotts No picket lines and no pipe-bombs. This poem has the munchies and Sits on its ass while the rest of The world waits to read this poem. This poem is the poem that Your parents warned you not to read. This poem is from the earth like The flowers that were placed in your Hair or painted on your visage. This poem filters out the glam Giggles at descent and has a Difficult time keeping a job. This poem flickers the lights on And off for some reason has a Penchant for twenty minutes past The fourth hour everyday Listens to Sublime and has a Horrible short-term memory. This is a gateway poem to A world that exists in your mind. You can say whatever you want To say about this poem but This poem doesn’t need you and Can survive by finding a culture that values it wants it in Its very fabric to weave an Art that you love so much my friend. This poem can put you in jail. This poem is going mainstream. This poem might be in your next Dessert unbeknownst to your taste. The smell of this poem might gross You the fuck out but this poem Is much too patient for judgment And needs fire to go away.


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