Writer's Ezine Volume XI : March 2015 Issue

Page 24

Writer’s Ezine – Writing one word at a time

with the crowd, get lost in the jungle, introspect down the memory lane to search, find a bit of me in the memories kindled, receive nudge from my present, find myself again amidst the crowd, again begin the journey and again get lost

in the jungle.� And then I contemplate in retrospection, remembering those good old days when the pleasure would simply

unfold itself in small little acts. Seeing birds flying in the sky used to fill the heart with much of abundance and soothe; running after them sometimes to chase, sometimes to better and sometimes just to fly them away, would culminate with

the series of laughter. There I find a bit of myself in the echoes of that laughter which remains even long after the laugh has died. Those brief breaks during the cricketing sessions and www.writersezine.com

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