2 minute read


By Jesse

Today we are at a hotel, planning a heist. The target is RBC. The heist members are J. the Hacker, K. the Getaway, B. the Stealth Expert and D. the Disguise Expert.


Chapter 1: Planning

This is an interactive story. There are two ways of doing the heist.

Number 1: Quiet, stealthy Number 2: LOUD!

If you pick option 2, go over to where it says “Number 2: LOUD!” If you want option 1, stay here.

They all agree on going stealthy. The plan is to go to RBC and bring out three guards while K. waits at the front. Then they will tie the guards up and trap them in the dumpster. The team has no weapons, so the metal detector won’t go off when they go inside. They’ll go to where all the money is. J. will hack the security cams and then hack the way into all the money. Done—that’s the plan.

Chapter 2: Day 2

Now it’s time to do the heist. The team drives to RBC. In the car, J. hacks the security cams. When they reach RBC, they tell the three security guards that there is a raccoon in the dumpster and they need to go out and look. They go to the dumpster but don’t see any raccoons. That’s when the team captures them and locks them in the dumpster. The team takes their clothes and disguises themselves as security guards. Then they go inside. J. has already hacked the vault so it’s ready to open. They have the bags ready, so they open the vault. Suddenly, the alarm goes off—that means they only have five minutes to get all the money. They get out and put all the money in the trunk of the car. K. is already in the car, but the others get caught before they can get in. K. drives away and gets all the money while the others go to jail.

Later, K. comes to visit his friends in jail. He sneaks in a laptop so J. can hack everyone out of jail.

Number 2: LOUD!

The team hacks the security cams and the sensors so the cops don’t get called. B., the control guy, controls the people so they don’t call the cops. Still, they know they only have three minutes before the cops come.

The team uses a fake toy to stop the people in the bank from calling the cops. D. is an explosive expert and plants a device that will make a lot of noise. The device explodes and goes BOOOM BOOOM!!!

Everyone’s ears are ringing from the explosion, and the vault is open. The vault is full of gold bars. Everyone except B. puts the gold into a bin. The team wheels it outside and loads the gold into the car. The whole team hops in the car and K. drives away. He drives home and the team splits the money. They have to lay low for a bit so the cops stop looking for them. When the time is right, they exchange some of the gold bars for money.