3 minute read


By AnaJulia

A tattoo artist named Keigo had a best customer named Enji who had 20 tattoos. She said to her, “If you get another tattoo, you can’t go home.” Enji said, “Stop joking. I want a doll tattoo.”


Enji walked out of the store laughing and then went home. She went to lie down on the couch for a few hours, then fell asleep. When she woke up, she was at the tattoo shop.

“Huh?” said Enji. “Oh, haha—good joke. Can I go home now?” But there was only dead silence. Enji yelled again: “CAN I GO HOME?” Hours later, Keigo walked out of a back room, holding a tattoo gun.

“Do I get a free tattoo?!” asked Enji.

Keigo just drilled a hole in Enji’s arm.

“Please let me go,” cried Enji.

Years later, Enji was finally released. But she didn’t remember anything. Then, two years after Enji was released, a man named Koto who had 20 tattoos came to Keigo and asked for another one.

Keigo said, “You don’t want another tattoo,” and Koto said, “Yeah, I don’t need another one. It hurts and it costs a lot of money. Thank you. Sorry, I didn’t get your name?”

“My name is Keigo,” she said.

“Well, bye!” said Koto.

“Bye,” said Keigo.

By Meeka

There were 5 friends, and they all went to the same school. Let’s call them 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The friends all went to 3’s house to sleep over. They all wanted to watch 4 movies that were popular at the time, so they got a bunch of snacks and watched all 4 movies back to back. When they finally got to sleep, it was about 5 or 6 a.m. They had to wake up at 7, so they only had 1 hour of sleep.

As they walked to school, they got some coffee so they could stay awake for most of the school day. When the coffee kicked in, they felt mostly normal, so they all walked to their classes. All 5 had different classrooms, except for 2 and 4, who were in the same class.

5 hours later, there was only 1 hour left of school, and they all started to feel a bit drowsy. Eventually, they all fell asleep. Approximately 3 or 4 hours later, 2 woke up and looked around to see if anyone was there. No one was, except for 4 because they were in the same class.

Immediately after she looked around, 2 rushed over and shook 4 to wake her up. 4 woke up and looked around, then asked where everyone was. 2 looked worried and got up to try the door. When it opened, 2 looked at 4 and signalled for her to come with her.

2 and 4 looked around on the floor they were on. They found 3, who was unconscious in a locker. A few minutes later they found 1, too. 2 and 4 carried 3 and 1 out onto the floor and tried to wake them up by shaking them. They still wouldn’t wake up, so 2 and 4 just sat there for a few minutes.

Just as they were about to give up, they saw a shadow at the end of the hall. They both started to back up as the shadow came closer— then they realized it was 5. At first, 2 and 4 were relieved, but then they saw her leg. 5’s leg looked like it had been cut open: the bone was sticking out and blood was running down her calf, all the way down to make a puddle on the floor by her feet. Meanwhile, 5 just stood there, staring. 2 and 4 screamed at the vision of 5’s leg basically cracking off.

4 looked traumatized, frozen with her hand on her mouth, and, as for 2, she got up and tried to run. 5 took her jacket and started trying to stop the blood from coming out from her leg, but soon passed out from losing too much blood. As 5 fell to the floor, 2 started crying. She got up and grabbed 4’s hand and they left to find a place to hide and figure out what happened.

When they found a hiding place, 2 and 4 sat down and started making up theories on what or how 5’s leg had got to the point that the bone was sticking out. After about 10 to 13 minutes, they still couldn’t think of anything. So they got up to see if 1 or 3 had woken up, and to find a way to escape. When they finally got back to the floor where everything had happened, no one was there anymore. 2 and 4 were confused, but they were now focused on escaping so they could at least survive.

They reached the door on the first floor and were about to run outside... until they saw 3 lockers on the ground. 2 looked at 4 to see if she should open the lockers, and 4 nodded yes. 2 and 4 ran up to the 3 lockers and opened them. 1, 3 and 5 were inside, unconscious and purple. Then 2 looked up with lifeless eyes. She ran into a locker too, and shut herself inside.

4 was confused and scared. No one really knows what happened to her, but 1, 2, 3 and 5 were later found at the bottom of a lake.