January Edition | FHS Key Club

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Division 22 Hikina | Region 18 | California-Nevada-Hawai‘i District |Key Club International

Volume 10 Issue 8 January Edition

January Recap


January Service Project Articles


Upcoming Events




Kiwanis Advisor Message




“Key”ping it Fun!


Farrington Club Board Members


Contact Information


Adult Friends for Youth January DCM & Kiwanis Meeting Division Conclave Kiwanis Family Dance Learning Technology Stencil words making BoH Family Sunday Avalon Arts and Crafts 0 1

By: Bernadette Castillo

On January 19, 2019, Key Clubbers, along with some Class of 2020 volunteers, had a service project with a group called The Mission Continues. The service was held at Farrington High School, what we did was repaint the doors facing towards our Amphitheater maroon. After that, we waited for it to dry and we taped the stencils that says our motto, which is “Enter to learn, Go forth to serve.� We painted over the stencils white and retouched the paint, if the white paint spread. While waiting for the first paint to dry, we ate lunch at the Amphitheater and we discussed future projects we can do for our school. Also, since we had non-Key Clubbers come and volunteer we had some little ice breakers, like Guessing the Music Title or some little karaoke. In my opinion, I think this service project is a great idea and opportunity because we are finally showcasing the beauty of Farrington High School. Also, the students can learn to appreciate Farrington because for the past few years Farrington had a lot of problems that includes vandalizing the school property. We are really excited on doing more service projects with The Mission Continues group because they plan to making our campus presentable. Our campus has old benches and destroyed tables, so they plan on creating and designing new benches and tables for students to use. Lastly, it was a fun experience because we always love doing community services in our school, especially 0 with other organizations in our school. 2


s t f a r C d n a s t r A By: Hazelle Baptista

On January 20, 2019, Key Clubbers went to Avalon Care Center, a service project opportunity that occurs every month. In this service project, our members need to do arts and crafts with the elders. This month, we did a Valentine’s Day themed card. The elders were really happy to see what we had to do. We also socialized with the elders and they were really adorable. There was a lady who was talking with one of the attendees, Aileen; “there is always a possibility.” She was a really nice lady and what she said really got to us because we’re somehow always looking possibilities and that’s something that will stick to me. At the end of the service project, I gave my card to Aunty Lita -- she loved it and seeing the smile on her face really made my day.

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By: Lawrence Gerald Guittap On Saturday, January 12, 2019, Division 22 Hikina Key Club members commuted to Henry J. Kaiser High School early in the morning to judge division-based contests that were submitted. Despite division judging taking place early, members from different clubs were able to witness other clubs’ personal accomplishments, goals achieved, and service performed in the 2018-19 term. Hours prior, Region Assistant Mr. Iwanaga and the Division 22 Hikina Lieutenant Governor set up a classroom of laptops, categorized by the different contests submitted. Division Judging was an extremely smooth process, as agreements were signed and rubrics were collected in an orderly fashion. Clubs who submitted illustrated the value of hard work in completing their portfolio submissions. After Division Judging, clubs had time to rest and socialize with other clubs within the division prior to Conclave 2019. “It was a chance for me to get out of my comfort zones and take risks, especially since I am usually shy,” a member mentioned. In this time period, clubs had the opportunity to eat pizza, do Key Club work, and play fun card games. When time came for the Division Conclave, more members and officers commuted to the school, and more pizza was served as it was lunchtime by the time the event began. As I led the event, it was a very heartwarming moment for me, as I was able to gain insights on new division goals and become more cognizant of the division’s concerns during the caucus session. Like Division Judging, Conclave was a welcoming moment for the elected Lieutenant Governor for Division 22 Hikina: Racquel Kuge!

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Upcoming Events Bee a Reader Every Wednesdays

℅ ‘21 Help Out

Science Fair

Feb. 19-22, 2019

Once on this Island Help Out

Pre Set-Up FACF Luncheon

March 1-3, 8-9, 2019

Pancake Breakfast

Feb. 23, 2019

Hawaii Convention!!

Feb. 16, 2019

FACF Luncheon

Feb. 16, 2019

Stan Sheriff Fundraising

Feb. 24, 2019

Feb. 16, 2019

Avalon Arts and Crafts

BOH Family Sunday

Feb. 24, 2019

March 1-3, 2019 District Convention!! April 12-14, 2019

Feb. 17, 2019 0 5


The Division Newsletter has been updated! Check it out on https://d22hikina.weebly.com/newsletters.html 0 6

Kiwanis Advisor Message Welcome back everyone, and I hope you all had a great winter break. So I hope you are all ready for the start of the new school semester. I know everyone wishes winter could go on forever, but sorry. So let’s roll up our sleeves and get ready to work for another great year. This year I think our officers and members learned a lot from the outgoing officers and seniors. I was also happy to see our officers making good use of the lessons learned, and started planning for the new school year. With all the preparations and planning everyone did this summer. I think you all are better prepared this year than previous years. I know you all have set some high goals this year, and I hope with good planning and leadership you will meet your goals and have a good year. Just remember it will take effort and work to achieve your goals. I have every confidence that you all will be able to make it happen and have a successful year. Aloha, Mr. Hayakawa

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UPDATES Division Racquel Kuge is our next LTG! The next DCM will be on February 9 at Makiki District Park

Region HCON is coming up real soon. Remember to be prepared with talent show, contests, etc… March 1-3 at the Prince Hotel



DCON will be held at the Ontario Convention Center on April 12th-14th

ICON will be at July 3-7, 2019 at Baltimore, MD, USA

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“Key”ping it Fun! Word Search is fun!!! Find the 11 Key Club terms listed below: Caring Character Building Club Community Home Inclusiveness Key Kiwanis Leadership School Service

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Farrington Key Club Board Members



Nicole Anne

President Vice President of Membership salacupaileen@gmail.com jovince27carranza@gmail.com (808) 366-2805 (808) 304-8951



VP of Service glen_matsumotomoto_ 20@farringtonhighschool.org


Assistant VP of Membership baptista_nicole1@gmail.co m (808) 692-2390

Vice President of School Relations primeroflorie@gmail.com


Vice President of Public Secretary Relations christinejeanquinto@gmail.c hazellebaptista@gmail.com om

Maynhel Assistant Secretary #1 maynhelc@gmail.com

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Farrington Key Club Board Members




Assistant Secretary #2 charisseverdon123@gmail.c om

Treasurer/Builders Club Chairperson bernadettecastillo@gmail.com

Denerie Jewel Assistant Historian deneriejewel@gmail.com

Historian acclairemiguel1@gmail.co m


Giovanna Mae

Kiwanis Chairperson tammylam.fhs@gmail.com

InterClub Chairperson giovannamaetaong@gmail .com


Glorie Anne

Services on Focus Chairperson domarzadon@gmail.com

Planning & Growth Chairperson gloriecalipjoatfhs@gmail.co m

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Contact Information Key Club International

Region 18

Website: keyclub.org Instagram: instagram.com/keyclubint Twitter: twitter.com/keyclub Facebook: facebook.com/keyclubint Youtube: Key Club International

Region Advisor: Charlene Masuhara chmasuhara@gmail.com Region Assistant: Scott Iwanaga scottiwanaga@gmail.com Region Assistant: Joshua Chang joshuamchang@gmail.com

California-Nevada-Hawaii District

Division 22 Hikina

Website: cnhkeyclub.org Instagram: instagram.com/cnh_keyclub Twitter: twitter.com/CNHKeyClub Facebook: facebook.com/calinevhakeyclub Youtube: CNH Key Club

Lieutenant Governor: Lawrence Guittap (808) 308-0004 d22h.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Instagram: instagram.com/d22hikina Website: d22hikina.weebly,com Youtube: Division 22 Hikina

Farrington Key Club Instagram: instagram.com/farringtonkeyclub Website: wrfarringtonkeyclub.weebly.com (808) 305-5000 Faculty Advisor: Violeta Romero (808) 729-5161 violetar@farringtonhighschool.org

Kiwanis Advisor: Gary Hayakawa (808) 497-3685 garykenji@msn.com Kiwanis Advisor: Grant Ito (808) 522-1431 grant@thebayclub.net 1 2

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