1994 v22 i19

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Tuesday September 20,1994

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Admissions Office gears up for "New" freshman class by Joseph Smith Assistant D irector o f Admissions W ith the end o f A -term ap proaching, and the “ new ” freshm en cla ss not so new an y ­ m ore, ad m issions activ itie s for W P I’s C lass o f ‘99 are in full sw ing. The O ffice of A dm issions is curren tly p rep arin g for two open house program s fo r prosp ectiv e stu ­ d ents and th eir parents. The program s are scheduled for M onday, O cto b er 10 and F ri­ day N o vem ber 11. T hese day s are d esig n ed to give p ro sp ec­

tive students an o p p o rtu n ity to visit our cam ­ pus and take a clo se look at w hat m akes W PI such a unique an d special place. M any W PI stu d en ts, faculty and sta ff h av e v olunteered to share th eir en th u siasm for an d experiences at W PI w ith v isitin g students and parents. T he a ctiv itie s w ill begin in H arrington A u d itorium w ith a p rese n ta tio n o f The WPI P lan. V isito rs w ill then h av e a studentc o n d u cted tour o f the cam p u s along w ith a p resen tatio n on stu d en t activ ities and stu ­ d en t life. F o llo w in g the tour, p articipants w ill select from various academ ic d ep art­

m ent presen tatio n s. The program will also include a luncheon in H arrington A uditorium w ith m usic pro­ vided by W PI m usical groups u n d er the di­ rection o f Prof. D ouglas W eeks. L unch will conclude w ith an A dm issions and Financial Aid p resen tatio n . T he aftern o o n w ill co n sist o f o p tio n s to attend p an els co n cerning co o p erativ e ed uca­ tion, c areer planning and p lacem ent and in­ tern atio n al p rojects and program s. In addi­ tion, v isito rs m ay also choose to tour the W ind T u n n el, C hem istry D epartm ent, Ro-

MTPC shuttle

AXP annual Penny War Sept. 28-30 Now you may be asking yourself, “W hat, exactly, is a penny w ar?” It is ju st that; a war o f pennies. Like it sounds, it is both cheap and extrem ely com petitive. The penny war was brought into being as another way for groups on cam pus to vie for year long bragging rights, this time using their pocket change. Each year all the people of WPI converge on Daniels hall to donate change to charity and im prove the standing o f their favorite team in the rank of com petitors. T he rules o f this ‘w a r’ are d eceivingly sim ple. E ach o f the g ro u p s on and around cam pus w ill have a cup w ith th eir nam e on it in D aniels hall in w hich to place their p en ­ nies. E very penny in a g ro u p s cu p counts as one point, but every p iece o f silv er o r bill counts as i t ’s value, n egative. So a nickel is -5 points, a dim e is -10, etc. In this m anner y o u can s u p p o rt y o u r fa v o r ite c am p u s

o rg a n iz a tio n ’s b id to win w hile ridding y o u r­ se lf o f those a n n o y in g pennies in y our pocket at th e sam e tim e. T hen you c a n use the rest o f y o u r ch ange to underm ine a rival o rg an i­ zation. T he team w ith the most positive points at four o ’clock on Friday Sept. 30th wins. The w inner picks their favorite charity and the entire proceeds from Penny W ars are then donated in their nam e, last y ear over $1,000

was raised for charity during Penny W ars. This money was donated in the name of L am bda Chi Alpha to the W orcester Food Bank. So, starting saving that copper and bring it down to D aniels between 10 and 4 on Sept. 2830. You can give your seem ingly useless pennies a purpose, not only will you help to prom ote a organization’s name on cam pus but the money goes to help out a charity, one you ju st may be able to choose.

Free ham radio class being offered Courtesy o f WPI News Service W O R C E S T E R , M ass. — A free ham radio class is being o ffered at W o rcester P o ly tech ­ nic Institu te b eg in n in g T h u rsd ay , Sept. 22. ‘‘T he class is fo r anyone who is interested in o b taining their basic ham rad io o p e ra to r's

Oar&yResearch Systems Free

li c e n s e , ” s a y s R o b e r t T a y lo r , the a sso c ia tio n ’s advisor. The classes w ill run for five w eeks. The class will be held in H iggins L aboratory 224 beginning at 6:30 p.m . S p o n so red by the W PI W ireless A sso­ ciatio n , the oldest co llege radio statio n in the U .S., the class is open to the public. For a dditional inform ation c o n tact T ay lo r at 831 5219.

Voice: ” 91 4946 1 0 % o ff to students delivery to WPI Box Fax'BBS: 791-5072 BBS is v.FGV.32bis-2400 Prices listed include student discount

Sound Blaster Pro 16-bit comp, card Windows&OS/2 drivers'CDROM Interface Sound Blaster 8-bit compatible card Digitized voice I/O Joystick, line-in jacks Mitsumi Double Speed CD-ROM includes controller Under a Killing Moon (CD-ROM) Interactive movie starring Margot Kidder Myst (CD-ROM) Broderbund Software SRP: $79.95 DRS: $65.99 Student: Rebel Assault (CD-ROM) Lucas .-Mis SRP: $79.95 DRS: $64 99 Student:

$ 9 0 .0 0 $ 5 0 .0 0 $ 1 7 1 .0 0 S 9 0 .0 0 S 5 9 .3 9 S 5 8 .4 9

Peek at the new undergrad catalog A draft o f the 1995-96 U ndergraduate C ata­ log will be available for public view ing and com m ents in Gordon Library from Sept. 19-23. Any adm inistrator, faculty, staff, or student m ay brow se through this docum ent, and can m ake suggestions or offer observations about it by leaving a signed note.

Two-sear N R O TC scholarships o ffer tu itio n an d o th e r financial assistance w orth as m uch as S35.000 to q u alified college so p h o m o res. T h e N aw pavs for tu iu o n . textbooks, n stru cu o n al fees in d gives sou an allow ance o f SI 00 a m o n th for up to 20 m o n th s d u rin g vour last two sears o f college. U pon g ra d u a tio n and c o m p le tio n o f re q u ire ­ m ents. sou 11 b e c o m e an im p o rta n t p art o f th e N aw a d s e n tu re as a N aw officer.

Schindler s List Is A Monumental

icor more in form atio n contact LT Leo F. Taylor, Naval ROTC, C o lleg e of the Holy C ross at 793-3387.

NAVY ROTC fu°us“ ^ : s -. m r. 'KY

Steven Spielberg ha* mane a film of probing intelligence anapasslonate heart. It In the most heartfelt Rim of hi* career. 1.1am Neeson Is outstanding and Ralph Fiennes It at exciting at the young Brando.

I*.\V •|1§&.

- f r i e r 1 r i » m . H OI I INC. TION I M M .W IM

“An Astounding Achievement - |),s» i<i IHnh*. XI

The shuttle bus to M assachusetts Technol­ ogy Park C orporation (MTPC) will be running M onday - Thursday for the fall sem ester. The pickup time from WPI will be prom ptly at 5 p.m. in from of Riley Hall. The shuttle will depart from MTPC at 9:30 p.m. in front of the class­ room facility. (The 9:30 departure time may change to 8:30, depending upon the dem and for service at this hour). C ontact Allen M artin at ext. 5505 or at am artin@ cs with questions or comm ents.


i :h more to choose from! Adult CDs available! Call for prices on other computer products...

It left me shaken and not a little surprised. I didn’t think I could be afTectcd this way anymore, not by this subject. Steven Spielberg is at the top of fiis form,

b o tics Lab, N uclear R eactor, F uller L ab o ra­ to rie s or V LSI D esign facilities, or m eet with W PI A thletic co ach es or R O T C rep re se n ta ­ tiv es. T he A dm issions office is ex pecting about 650 students and parents at each program , so th ey w ill be very busy days. D o n ’t be su r­ p rised if y o u ’re stopped on cam pus and asked fo r d irections or an “ in sid er’s v iew ” ! A nyone having q uestions reg ard in g the p rogram s or d esirin g to help w ith the d a y ’s activ ities should please contact Joseph Sm ith, A ssistan t D irector o f A dm issions.


jv' j&rj fejiyi




lOHfc M M . 4 / I M

“A Consequential Event.



‘Schindler’s Llst’arrlves when it Is very obviously needed. Steven Spielberg has never used his skills with more tact or to better dramatic and emotional effect.”




Affordable Meals "Meet Friends At'

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