MagicMailers Review & (BIGGEST) jaw-drop bonuses

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MagicMailers Review: New Magic Mail Gets You Primo Clients!

MagicMailers: Today I want to tell you about something New, that works... It's a way to invest very little and get a great response from local offline prospect clients... My friend, Bruce Newmedia, is launching his proven Lead Gen tools called "Offline MagicMailers". Bruce has this so dialed in I feel like I hear the phone ringing already. If you cringe at the thought of cold-calling, this is for you.

Includes Sales Letter templates, Flyers, Emails, Brochure Templates, Postcard Templates, Lumpy Mail, Facebook Promoters, etc. “THIS collection of letters, postcards, headlines and more is pure “in-the-offline-trenches-gold.” Within minutes you can plug and plug your information right in and be in the mail the very next day!” “I’m NOT kidding. These are winners, written by a pro copywriter!” Bruce uses traditional mail AND email because it's what's worked for him over his many years in the business. "MagicMailers" Includes Sales Letter templates, Flyers, Brochure Templates, Postcard Templates, Lumpy Mail, Facebook Promoters, etc. etc, etc. MagicMailers are perfect if you...      

Are just starting in offline-trying to get your first client. Trying to lease a site Are selling Press Releases to local businesses Are selling Craigslist ads to businesses Just started selling Mobile sites Want leads or calls for SMS Sales.

MagicMailers Overview: [wp-review id=""]

MagicMailers's Key Features: Look At All You Get... 

40 Postcard Headlines (msword)

10 Complete Postcard Templates (msword) 7 Prospecting Letter Templates (msword) 7 Sample Flyers ( pdf) Sample Consultant Website Copy (msword) Split Test Instructions (pdf) Envelope Impact Boosters (pdf) Bruce's Audio Walk-Thru (mp3) Service Business Update 2016 (pdf) Postcard printing Service Info (pdf) US &UK Postal Regulations Quick Tips (pdf) and FULL SUPPORT

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Exclusive Bonuses Of MagicMailers: Bonus 1: "Down and Dirty Copywriting"

A short powerful report on copywriting & persuation. Just the things you need to know to write/edit lead-getting mail.

Bonus 2: "Power Postcard Swipe File"

A selection of proven postcard formats design and copy. Some of these have brought in over $250.000!

Bonus 3: "Business Builder Formula"

This powerful report uncomplicates the Marketing Funnel Concept and provides a roadmapfor you and your clients to follow.

Final verdict - Your Turn! I recommend you get it today (while it's a super bargain.) In just a few days it goes off the market. Bruce gives you details in introducing this product. It is designed to lift you up and ease your path. These mailers are real gems, yet simple and straight to the point. They immediately hit your potential customers "hot button" and you should be able to use them straight out of the box. Now what are you waiting for? Just click and grab it immediately to start your journey!!! MagicMailers, MagicMailers review, MagicMailers review and bonus, MagicMailers reviews, MagicMailers reviews and bonuses, MagicMailers discount, MagicMailers bonus, MagicMailers bonuses,

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