WOW MAG Vol3. FEB 2021

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Reading is magic because it can transport us to another world to escape reality for a while. For many, books are a happy place. ever since I joined Instagram, I have met many incredible Indie authors, and I would like for you to meet some of them too. Get your TBR list ready for this.

As a romance fanatic but not so much a regency fan, I was hesitant to read this book. However, my regency atheism was cured quickly. Author Joanna Barker knows how to swoon your heart and take you to a different time. You can’t help but fall in love with the characters, especially shy Nora Hamilton, who has to learn to stand up for herself because her father is determined to marry her to Mr. Weston, whom she does not love. Her heart belongs to her childhood friend James Allen, who happens to be not only handsome but has a wonderful sense of humor and is an incredible kisser too. Does James love Nora as well? Get the book and find out for yourself.

A Proper Charade by Esther Hatch gives your romantic heart everything you desire. The main characters’ passion lets your heart flutter and will make the butterflies in your stomach be on steroids. Lady Patience Kendrick feels challenged when her brother, the Duke of Harrington, makes it clear that he disapproves of her carefree behavior. Wanting to prove herself to her brother, she pretends to be a maid and attempts to be hired by General Woodworth, who used to be her brother’s mentor and superior while serving in the military. The General isn’t home, though, but his handsome son is. Anthony has been courting a lady for two years and, seeing how ladylike and beautiful his new maid is, comes up with a charade to win the heart of Miss Morgan. Is she still the person he desires to marry, though? I never knew I would become so adventurous regarding the books I am reading. It is fun to discover amazing new authors and new worlds full of romance, suspense, humor, and drama.have always been pretty picky with what I read, and I still am to a point, but my wanting to support other authors, has also expanded my horizon to read something different.

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