1 minute read

Starting Over


I - End

Too tired of pretending, Of acting so well that I lose myself Behind a mask, façade, of smiling Polite shyness but always Fine. Correct. Articulate. Some Semblance of normalcy but

I am tired.

Tired of forcing words out of my Leaden mouth. Words that Serve a shallow function, that placate, That calm, that soothe, that are the oil In the gears of what we call society but

I am tired.

Tired of these endless games, of questions With no meaning. Not that I can see. Of smiles and stories it all goes over My head, yet I see through it and Find it hard to believe that other people Aren’t pretending. I try to leap over the chasm but

I am tired.

Tired of trying to build a bridge from One side, of slipping, falling, floundering, Running. Run away child, I cannot Swim much longer here. ‘Tis but rarely that Someone (you) comes along and I can take The mask off and breathe.

Are you acting too? Do you know who You are?

II - Beginning

When the sky’s so blue you could fall into it Drown in it

And the music is so loud and normally you would be In pain But you want it to be louder, to surround you Drown you like the infinitely Deep Sky Sun through the leaves twinkling Too bright for words Piercing Darts from the endless sky

And you’re walking but your feet don’t seem To quite touch the ground And you’re living but the world around you Shimmers, slips away And everything is far too real yet isn’t real enough

All is glowing, merging until All that remains Is the everlasting Painfully Yearningly Blue Sky.

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