New Zealand Immigration services in India

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WORKING AND LIVING IN NEW ZEALAND The “Skilled Migrate Category “

Why should people consider living and working in New Zealand ?...................... 3 The New Zealand Work Environment ................................................................ 4 What are the simple requirements to migrate? ................................................ 5 How to get a job ? ....................................................................................... 8 What is a “skilled job” ? ............................................................................ 10 How to get a skilled job – the Study Pathway issue .................................................................................................. 12


New Zealand is a young, growing country, and we need people with skills in a wide range of occupations. The requirements to migrate to New Zealand are simple, and a lot simpler than for most similar countries.

On various world indices, we are No. 1 for Education No. 1 for Social Progress No. 1 for Human Freedom No. 1 for Least Corruption

(Legatum Prosperity Index 2013 + UN Human Development Index) (Social Progress Imperative 2014) (Worldwide Index of Human Freedom 2013) (Transparency International Corruption Index 2012)

In addition, we have

A parliamentary democracy, and the rule of law Laws that make discrimination of all types illegal Laws to protect exploitation of workers An uncrowded, clean and green environment Low unemployment (5-6%) for the last 20 years Relatively high incomes and efficient tax system that pays for (relatively) FREE Education Health Care Social Welfare Retirement Pension

New Zealand has strict laws about giving “immigration advice.� Within New Zealand, only a Licensed Immigration Adviser is entitled to give you immigration advice, the Chairman of Choose New Zealand is an LIA. Outside of New Zealand, a Student Recruitment Agent can give you advice and help with Student Visas only, unless they are also a LIA. However, all information on this e-Booklet is of a general nature and publicly available. You should not rely on it as Immigration Advice, as every person is different and needs individual advice about their situation. For more details about each issue raised, please look at Immigration New Zealand (INZ) websites listed at the bottom of this e-Booklet.


THE NEW ZEALAND WORK ENVIRONMENT A bit of history first. New Zealand was settled by English migrants who were determined to leave the British class system behind, and to protect workers from exploitation. So, we don’t like hierarchical thinking, and we do like to treat people equally and fairly. After an initial introduction, you will almost always call everyone, from the top to the bottom, by their first name. New Zealand was the first country in the world to give women the vote, and to make laws insisting that employers paid a living wage on an 8 hour day, 40 hour working week. Trade Union influence has been very strong. That is not so true these days, but there are still many legal responsibilities on employers (and potentially very large fines or other costs). Employers need to be very careful about compliance with Health and Safety laws, for example the need to prevent employees from smoking indoors. It is illegal to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, marital status etc. Most importantly, employers must go through a very rigorous process if they want to dismiss a worker.

And another bit of history. The first settlers had to pioneer New Zealand, and develop it out of mainly dense forest. So, we do like people with a “can do” pioneering attitude of finding a solution to a problem,and getting on with it. We don’t like people who complain that things are not perfect.

Thirdly, a simple fact. The vast majority of New Zealand businesses (and other organisations) are all small businesses. Even our biggest businesses are small compared with many international companies.

Why does this matter to a job-seeker? Employers are looking for technical skills and experience BUT personal and social skills, and general attitude are very important. They want to know “How well will this person fit into my team?” And given how complex it is to dismiss someone, perhaps you can now understand why NZ employers are very very very careful about who they hire! And also,why employers almost always want to meet you before they appoint you. An impressive CV is not enough, and even a Skype interview does not reveal things that can be seen in a personal interview. Is an employer likely to hire someone who smokes, has poor personal grooming, and a relaxed attitude towards safety? Or is argumentative, and with Body Odour? Those negative characteristics will not be seen in a CV or even in a Skype interview. THIS IS WHY WE STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT THE “STUDY PATHWAY TO RESIDENCE” IS AN EXCELLENT OPTION, BECAUSE

You will be in New Zealand, and legally entitled to work – part-time in the first year, and full time in the second, and possibly third and fourth years You will therefore have the opportunity to meet employers, and impress them! Your job application will not be subject to the Labour Market Test. Here are some recent quotations from New Zealand news media “The next biggest group of migrants was 13,800 from India, with three-quarters on student visas.”

- Stuff, New Zealand.

“…. migrants from China, with about half on student visas”

– Stuff, New Zealand.

“The study to residence pathway is an ‘easy way to secure residency’ by signing up as an international student, the Filipino population grew by 144% and the Indian population by 55%

- The New Zealand Herald.

Fourth, some Frequently Asked Questions. Job prospects and locations New Zealand is a fresh, emerging country, with a modern economy, and a need for a wide range of skills. Unemployment has been consistently lower than almost every other western country over the past 20 years. Whatever your skills, we probably have a need for them. (However, as above, skills at ANZSCO 3 and above are needed to be eligible for Residence under the SMC.) Auckland is the biggest city, which generally means the biggest demand, but there is a demand for some specialised skills in particular regions. Auckland is also the most expensive city for living costs, particularly house prices, and a recent change in government policy will give more “points” for residency, if the job offer is outside of Auckland. However, it is very important to realise that many migrants arrive in Auckland, and never leave. That is why Auckland has such a huge cultural diversity, which makes Auckland such a fantastic city! But it does mean that the further south you get, the less the diversity, and the (slightly) greater difficulty of finding people with a similar culture to yourself, and the (slightly) greater difficulty in having employers want you. Personal skills

We are a nation of immigrants, with people from a wide range of countries and cultures. Cross cultural communication is hugely important, and demonstrating experience of working in that environment is very helpful. Unfortunately, it must be said that a strong accent may be considered a hindrance to communication. Recognising that as a potential problem is a first step – a second step is to get some help to improve it. Classes in pronunciation, and even “Accent Reduction Boot Camps” are available in many countries, and in New Zealand. Aging workforce Our population, and workforce, is aging (another reason we need young migrants). There are growing opportunities in Aged Care, but unfortunately, simple Caregiver roles are not considered skilled enough to qualify for SMC migration.

Women in the workforce New Zealand has a very strong record in the employment of women, with women dominating not only traditional professions like teaching and nursing, but also nowadays accounting and law. In parallel with that, sexual harassment is completely outlawed, and employers can get into serious trouble if they allow it in the workplace. Hours of work and work/life balance Trade Unions are not as strong as they used to be and there is a lot more flexibility around working hours nowadays. Generally though, an 8 hour day and 40 hour week is most common. Traditionally, when the churches were strong, Sunday was the day of rest, with nothing open, but that is no longer the case. Similarly, Saturday was the day for sport (Cricket in the summer, and Rugby in the winter) but that is not true nowadays either. However, New Zealanders are keen on sport, recreation, and outdoor activities, and the work-life balance is important to most employers. Are New Zealand organisations open to change? As a small country, we are buffeted by changing world trade patterns, and have to be open to change, or perish. And some do perish because they do not change fast enough. Formality and dress code To some extent, formality will be dependent on the size of the organisation, but again, almost everyone will be called by their first name. Dress code really depends on the level of professionalism required. For men, wearing a tie in the office is becoming less common, and almost never outside the office. Team building and separation of personal lives from professional lives Some organisations put a lot of effort into formal team building exercises, and others rely more on informal socialising,usually during or immediately after work hours. For example, it would be unusual to be required to attend work social functions at the weekend.

Professional organisations There are organisations for every profession, industry and interest group you can think of! It is a very good idea to join appropriate ones as soon as possible, maybe even before you get a job. Health system We have an excellent public health system, which is essentially free, or with minimal charges,paid by the taxpayer. There are waiting lists for many operations though, so many professional people do purchase Health Insurance to enable them to get faster service in the private sector. The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) runs a no-fault accident insurance scheme, paid by levies on wages,petrol sales etc. ACC will pay for all costs resulting from accidents, but in New Zealand you cannot sue anybody for causing an accident. (Incidentally, we do not have any dangerous pests like spiders, snakes, or crocodiles to worry about!)

Fifth, the biggest problem to overcome Many migrants complain that NZ employers won’t employ people who don’t have “New Zealand experience” – a real chicken and egg situation. Let’s not be too negative though – a large proportion of employers do employ new migrants. What you need to do is read through the above information, and the checklists following, and work out what it is that New Zealand employers consider to be the important elements of “New Zealand experience.” Then you need to be pro-active in your approach to employers in countering any negativity by employers before they get a chance to express it!! What do employers want in an employee? There are many surveys about this on the internet, and they all essentially say the same thing. Internet Internet survey: survey: The The top top 55 candidate candidate skills skills desired desired by by employers: employers: 1. Verbal Communication Skills 2. Strong Work Ethic 3. Teamwork Skills 4. Analytical Skills 5. Initiative And mentioned very frequently are Willingness to learn Understanding of health and safety

And note that 4 of these 7 skills are all about ATTITUDE.

1. What do you think about our city?

HOW TO GET A JOB Traditionally, employers use Recruitment agencies to find suitable candidates, usually for high level management jobs, and job - seekers use Employment agencies to find them a job. Nowadays the terms used interchangeably. There are several websites where you can see jobs advertised– have a look at the Resources section at the end of this e-book.

This is an example of a rapport question that gives the candidate an opportunity to share a lot about themselves. It tells the employer if they are a positive or negative person (do they complain about the city, or do they talk about the things that they love?), it reveals if they’re interesting and engaging (do they say it’s nice, or do they go into detail?) and their professionalism level and how well they understand what’s appropriate to say in an interview.

2. Tell me about yourself

Remember that a huge percentage of jobs are never This is one of the most common and important questions advertised – you get them through contacts, networking,and asked at an interview and gives the individual the chance to share the best about themselves. Here they might focus on word-of-mouth! their personal life and say little that helps to evaluate them, CV Format:There are lots of different formats available on OR they might discuss their history in the community and the the internet. The main things are :industry, and essentially wow the interviewer with their Describe your specific employment skills, both general and enthusiasm and curiosity. technical. Show your enthusiasm and “can do” attitude, without being “over the top.”

3. What did you think about (or experience problems with) your previous boss?

This question will find out if they’re the type of person that Show what you can do in addition to your employment skills. complains or sees themselves as a victim, how they interact with the workplace, how well they communicate about their Can you drive a car ? Your prospective boss might sometimes need to send someone off on an urgent errand. past, and much more. Multi-skilled people are useful employees!! Drive a truck? Even better!

4. What in your history makes you best qualified for the position? (Or Why should we hire you?)

Do you have a First Aid Certificate? All employers in NZ The interviewer will learn what they consider to be an achievmust have some staff trained in First Aid. Already being ement, what they identify are the skills that they have learned, trained will be a bonus for them. and how hard they work.

The Interview:

Every job interview will have specific questions about the technical aspects of the job, but one 5. Describe yourself 5 years from now employment agency* believes these are the 5 most You can learn about the candidate’s ambitions, the likelihood powerful interview questions that should be asked – what of loyalty with the company, and their professionalism (“I’d like would be YOUR answers? to be married with kids,”rather than a professional answer).


INZ defines a skilled job as one that “substantially”matches the appropriate Job Description on the ANZSCO table. High level professionals such as doctors are Level 1, and unskilled jobs are at Level 5. The minimum level for a skilled job is Level 3, but the higher the level the better.


In general, all the guidelines above apply. However,students on a “Study to Residence” Pathway will be able to get a part-time job while they study, and this is often the best option for “upgrading” into a full-time job after graduating. The biggest problem to face is that often employers do not have any understanding of how the system works. It is extremely important that you understand the requirements yourself, and set your goals right from the start. 1. Part Time work while studying: You need to decide if the job and/or employer has the potential to offer you a full-time job later. If not, find another job that does 2. Full-Time work on Post Study Work Visa(Open): If you have been able to get your employer to like you, and prove your value to them, they could offer you a full-time job. They need to understand that this visa received from graduating from your course is an entitlement– you will* get it, and they do not have to advertise the job and appoint a New Zealander. 3. Full-Time work on Post Study Work Visa (Employer Supported): To get this next visa, you will need your employer’s support through providing INZ with various supporting documentation, including a statement that they have employed you in part, because of the qualification you have studied in New Zealand.

4.Residence Visa: To be able to apply for Residence, ( whether immediately after the PSWV (Open) or after the PSWV (Employer Supported ), you need your employers support to ensure that your Job Description is a substantial match to the definitions in ANZSCO for a Level 3 skilled job (minimum). If it does, you will be eligible to apply for Residence. In summary, you need to understand what is required at each step, and you will possibly need to educate your employer. To be successful at that, you need to develop a good relationship with them. Remember: Establish a good relationship with your employer! *Needs proof of graduation, and proof of maintenance funds,currently $4,200

Finally, the 8 migration factors By law, with a few exceptions, all employers must first offer a job to people already entitled to work in New Zealand, before they can offer it to someone not already entitled to work here. In other words, the employer must satisfy INZ that they have advertised widely, and not found a suitable, eligible person. (Known as the “Labour Market Test.”)

A genuine job is one which is paid by salary or wages (not commission) at market rates is not self-employment is not “bought” by the person paying the employer to employ them

A permanent job is one which is at least 30 hours per week on-going, or a minimum one year contract

unlikely to impose significant costs on the taxpayer RESOURCES funded health services or special education Work Situation in New Zealand services able to undertake the work specified in their job or A reputable employer is one who job offer • is financially stable,and likely to be able to continue Good character is also required, which broadly working business to support the job offer means has no previous history of non-compliance with NZ no history of serious criminal offending Skilled Migrant Category employment law no history of immigration offences in New Zealand skilledmigrant/default.htm • has no history of problems with immigration or any other country Jobs and Recruitment Advertising A skilled job is one which is at least level 3 on the not posing a risk to the security of New Zealand scale (see more detail below To repeat, graduates on Post Study Work Visas are recruitment-websites/ including The points system gives points for a range of entitled to be in New Zealand and work, and factors, with more points given for more desirable therefore not subject to the Labour Market Test. If factors. For example, migrants under 30 will get you want to come directly to New Zealand, jobs on most points, and over 50, least points. (And over the Long Term Skills Shortage list are not subject 55 are not accepted, as they can make too small a to the LMT, but Residence is still dependant on contribution to NZ before they retire.) Please see getting a job – and we believe the Study Pathway What do employers look for? Appendix for details, or go online to the INZ Points provides the best way of doing that. Calculator. Another exception to the LMT is through a job offer threshold to submit an Expression of Interest by an Accredited Employer, whereby permission is jobseekers/ is a total of 100 points (fairly easy to do). Your granted annually to particular employers to recruit Post Study (Open) & (Employer Assisted) Work Visas EOI goes into a pool (for up to 6 months) awaiting off-shore for particular jobs, but this is not app- canistudyinnewzealand/allaboutvisas/ fortnightly draws to receive an Invitation to Apply for licable to most people. Residence. Gaining sufficient points (currently 140), Points system for Residence you will be selected from the pool automatically. worktemporarily/requirements/studytowork.htm Obviously, people with only 100 points or not much more,may need a lot of luck to receive an ITA within skilledmigrant/default.htm the 6 months allowed. An “acceptable standard of health,” is required for any visa. Applicants for residence are required to be: unlikely to be a danger to public health skilledmigrant/caniapply/points/default.htm

Skilled job definitions generalinformation/anzsco.htm

WORLD WIDE COLLEGE ASSOCIATION - promoting quality education The WORLD WIDE COLLEGE ASSOCIATION is a group of primary, secondary, and tertiary schools throughout New Zealand that works to promote our excellent education system to the world. Our motto is “Learn in the world’s best destination”, supported by New Zealand’s friendly people, pleasant climate, and clean, green environment . International students have the opportunity to experience employment and culture in Western life, and smart, hardworking migrants are encouraged to apply for residency. Although schools are required to provide pastoral care, our multi-lingual staff and partner agents offer additional support for international students and their parents. This starts before they arrive and ends after graduation.

Visit our Website :

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All information is correct as of March 2016

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