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chalk_MOBILITY 4/5/11 4:20 PM Page 5

Mobility Specialist™ training. Since the conference would be free, she thought it was a good idea. What do you hope to gain from your conference experience? Christian: My GMS™ designation, hopefully, networking, and industry

updates. It looks like there will be a number of good courses. I have been more focused on domestic relocation my whole career so this will be a great opportunity. Julie: Networking, seeing who is out there. Allison: For me, a better under-

standing of the industry both globally and domestically. What are you most excited about? Laura: Speed networking. Kevin: Probably attending the opening session as well as some of the breakouts. I enjoy the rah-rah stuff. I have heard Tony Robbins and Lou Holtz speak, and have gained valuable insight. Christian: The networking. Is there anything about attending the conference that you are nervous or unsure about? Laura: I worry that I might miss some great content in one session while I am in another. I made the rookie mistake of not booking my hotel when I registered. I waited until one month before and everything was sold out. Christian: Late nights and early mornings. What is your purpose in the exhibit hall? Kevin: I plan to visit the booths of our current providers but there is no way I can attend all the events, so I’ll just do the best I can to maximize the experience. Allison: To meet people and see what is out there. Julie: To see software demos. What else are you looking forward to? Laura: The vendor fair (exhibit hall). It’s good for people new to the industry and new to the conference to learn who is in the market and what they do—where do their services start and end, and what vendors do I not even know about? Kevin: Absorbing as much information as I can, and observing what


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