TV Kids Guide 2020-2021

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Contents A Note from the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

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A Note from the Editor Kristin Brzoznowski

There has been a resounding declaration from within the global TV industry about just how much diversity and representation matter, both on- and off-screen, and it is perhaps even more imperative when it comes to children’s content. Not only is it of paramount importance for young ones to identify with characters in the shows they’re watching and see themselves reflected back, but it’s also vital that they see characters who are nothing like them—of different races, physical abilities and family structures than their own. Experts on child development will argue that as early as preschool, children have already learned stereotypes or acquired negative attitudes toward “others.” The process of countering those negatives with positives begins at an early age, and TV can play a key role. A 2019 report from the children’s media company Hopster finds that the majority of top preschool shows poorly represent those with different abilities, LGBTQ+ and the working class, and have high rates of gender stereotyping, pushing BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) characters into the background. For example, the top 50 preschool shows in the report had no lead characters who are differently abled. Also, many shows focus on “privileged” families, and there were negative depictions of working-class characters. According to the report, only 6 of the 50 top shows had lead BAME characters, and only 7 percent of the episodes alluded to an LGBTQ+ character, usually very fleetingly. The good news is, things are changing. There’s a beautifully diverse range of characters and social themes popping up in shows across the kids’ programming landscape. In this edition of the TV Kids Guide, there are programs with messages about inclusivity and working together, about ecology and the importance of caring for the planet, about overcoming personal obstacles and supporting others while they tackle theirs too. And these are exactly the types of shows that our little leaders of tomorrow so desperately need in their lives. 8

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Philippe Bony Head, Thematic & Youth Channels M6 Group

TV KIDS: Tell us about the acquisition of the Lagardère kids’ channels. BONY: We are the second private TV group in France. We have three free-toair, general-entertainment channels. They are already quite family- and womenoriented, especially with regards to M6 and 6ter. Gulli, as a free-to-air channel, was an opportunity to add a new type of programming to cover the whole family. TV KIDS: This portfolio is very well established. How have they been able to maintain their leadership positions? BONY: It’s a very competitive market. When Canal J launched 35 years ago, it was the first pay-TV children’s channel in France, maybe even in Europe. And now, there are 17 children’s channels on cable and satellite. It’s fierce competition. What is [beneficial] is the fact that Canal J and Tiji are connected to Gulli, and, of course, to the M6 Group and all of our other pay-TV channels and digital services. That helps to try to create a [complete] offer for kids. Gulli is more a general-entertainment kids’ channel, so it’s addressing all ages. With TiJi and Canal J, we have the opportunity to address more specific targets in children’s programming. The combination of all these services is doing well, and I think it helps to maintain Canal J and TiJi in the market. TV KIDS: How crucial are French shows in strengthening the bond with your audiences? BONY: It’s major for us. And it’s a real opportunity in France because we have great producers and great talents in terms of animation. We have a lot of creativity in France. We are also quite successful on the technological side, so we have been able to create a French touch in animation. We have a lot of French productions on our channels. They give a specific flavor that helps us in France and in our developments abroad. Of course, having these channels join the M6 Group and what we are doing in terms of productions will help to increase and enhance this volume of local production. That is very important to us. 10

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Claude Schmit CEO Super RTL

TV KIDS: What has been the defining impact of Super RTL on the German media landscape? SCHMIT: Without sounding too boastful, we made commercial children’s television socially accepted in Germany. When we first started, we had to compete with the public channel, which had a very attractive offer as it was and still is advertising-free. Our approach was to have a better program than our colleagues from the public channel and to be financed through advertising. We spent quite some time and put a lot of effort into persuading people, especially parents, that ad breaks are not necessarily the work of the devil! Now, 25 years later, private children’s television is accepted in Germany. TV KIDS: You’ve been acquiring more from the open market since Disney pulled its content in 2013. What have been the major lessons for your content team since then? SCHMIT: The first thing we learned is that you can live without Disney. We found that there are programs available in a quality absolutely comparable to the Walt Disney programs. The Walt Disney programs have one major deficit, though, as they are very expensive. We found comparable formats for less money, which I find is a good tradeoff! We learned to focus more on other partners. We also learned to not only focus on the big players in the market but also on smaller players where we can find exactly what we need with the set of rights that we need for our territories. We evaluate everything produced for kids around the world, which also allowed us to diversify our sourcing business massively. TV KIDS: Are clients turning to trusted channel brands following the concerns about kids’ safety on YouTube? SCHMIT: Brand safety is one of our key sales arguments. With Super RTL and our brands TOGGO and Toggolino, our customers are 100 percent brand-safe. That is something YouTube cannot offer. It’s also reach. With Super RTL and all our platforms, we reach many more kids in Germany than YouTube does. 11

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Jules Borkent

Executive VP, Kids & Family ViacomCBS Networks International TV KIDS: Were there trends that emerged during lockdown viewing that you think will continue? BORKENT: As expected, family viewing increased during lockdown. The popularity of international content has been quite phenomenal. We saw a lot of engagement with content from different markets as kids were just exposed to a lot more. They were, of course, coming in for their favorite shows, but what we noticed was a powerful trend towards borderless storytelling, an expansion of subject and style that has enabled kids to embrace diversity on-screen and behind the camera. TV KIDS: How have your launch strategies evolved as more viewing has transitioned to on-demand? BORKENT: We want to be everywhere kids are. That means we have to be incredibly focused on ensuring that new content is seen by as broad an audience as possible. While we still have a lot of viewing happening on our linear services, as everywhere, the engagement on other platforms is growing and continues to grow. We have quite a sophisticated rollout plan for all our content, whether that is through short-form on YouTube, longform on our apps or VOD services, or our linear channels. We’ve just announced the launch of our SVOD service internationally and that will be an additional opportunity for us to focus on. TV KIDS: What are you looking for content-wise? BORKENT: We aim to deliver shows with great characters, great storylines and relatable content that kids can enjoy and relate to wherever they are. Diversity is key. We’re looking at animation to fill the pipeline, whether that’s through co-production models or pre-buy acquisitions. Live action has also always been and continues to be a very big focus point. And we are also interested in new formats. We’re always on the lookout for new ideas and formats to keep our audience entertained. 12

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Vince Commisso President & CEO 9 Story Media Group

TV KIDS: What do shows need in order to appeal to the whole family? COMMISSO: You have to have entry points for all of them that they can relate to. You assume that there’s a family watching at home. You generally have to deliver them a family construct and then you have to say, This person is relatable in his or her role inside the family to someone in the audience at home. We’re seeing more and more content created in that mindset because there’s no bigger win for the platform than to have everybody in a home watching this show. TV KIDS: Does comedy generally sell better than other genres? COMMISSO: Kids’ content in general is selling really, really well. There’s a great demand for kids’ comedy from the OTT world and the SVOD world. Of course, there are still major kids’ channels around the world that look for content. And the demand has never been greater than it is today. I actually don’t think you can make any kind of kids’ content these days without there being a comedic element to it. Kids always want to be entertained with a smile, with a giggle. You can engage them through some other ethos—creativity, friendship, family, empathy—but if there’s not a comedic element to it, you won’t succeed. TV KIDS: Are you finding slapstick humor or character-driven humor more popular these days? COMMISSO: I feel like it’s all character-driven. But when you start talking about ages, you have to deliver the comedy a little bit differently. If you’re dealing with 2 to 5, preschoolers, the comedy has to be gentle, deliver a giggle and maybe a little, What do you think that means? When you get a little older, it becomes more characterdriven. You start to get a little bit more into what it’s like for the characters, who like each other, but when they interact with each other, they do things that are unexpected or say things that are unexpected. Then, if you get a little bit older still, it gets to be kind of wisecracky and slapsticky. 13

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Dominic Gardiner CEO Jetpack Distribution

TV KIDS: How is the overall demand for kids’ comedy? GARDINER: It’s kind of a truism that comedy is the essential component for most genres. Preschool, education, adventure, everything has got comedy in it. On the whole, if you’re trying to get kids to pay attention, then comedy is the best way to hold their eyes. Comedy is like the currency of kids, the way kids behave with each other. They’re always laughing, they’re always making jokes or doing silly things. That’s just what kids love to do. TV KIDS: What kind of comedy travels best? GARDINER: The really basic gags—the custard pie in the face—if done well, with comedic timing, are universally funny. Then there are other types of humor that are more sophisticated, that are based on parody or situations that may or may not be relevant, depending on where the person lives. Comedy has got to be really relatable, and there are some universal comedies. Obviously, it’s much easier if you’re selling something that’s very physical and doesn’t need any explanation. TV KIDS: Are you seeing more family-viewing shows with jokes for everyone? GARDINER: It’s the holy grail. Television is very segmented. We talk very specifically to very narrow demographics. I’m talking about the way we’ve been doing it for the last 20 years, because we’ve got segmented channels, segmented brands with content that’s segmented by gender, by age. The thing the theatrical cartoons and shows for kids have been doing for a long time is getting jokes in for everybody. Right at the top there you’ve got Pixar’s Toy Story-type of entertainment that’s for everybody. If you can get that right—and it’s incredibly hard to get that kind of comedy that’s going to hold the attention of a 3- and 4-year-old but at the same time get the parents in—that’s where we want to be. That’s where the newer platforms are positioning themselves, as family-entertainment destinations. 14

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Martin Krieger CEO Studio 100 Media TV KIDS: What are your thoughts on the current state of the kids’ content industry? KRIEGER: It continues to be a great industry to be a part of. Even in these special times, with challenging and heightened conditions, we have learned that it is still possible to produce outstanding animation—with some limitations, of course. It’s amazing to see how the industry has evolved in these last few years. For example, the process of selection is now driven by strong core values and messaging like diversity and sustainability. We appreciate this very much, and before we make our decision to finance or distribute third-party productions, we take a closer look at what’s beneath. It doesn’t make sense anymore to simply jump on trends; we are looking for content that makes a difference, that conveys some value but is also fun and entertaining at the same time. TV KIDS: What types of shows are you looking to invest in? KRIEGER: We are always looking for kids’ content, mainly animation, that is ideally gender-neutral comedy adventure for the preschool to school-age target groups. At the same time, we believe that great content does not exclude the possibility of also having commercial appeal—especially when you are looking at further exploitations, for example in the L&M area, bringing an IP not only to screens but also into the hearts and homes of kids physically. TV KIDS: What are the best ways for distributors and producers to work together to develop IP? KRIEGER: All the parties must have a common basic understanding, shared values and a common direction to move forward. It is advantageous to involve the distributor and the wishes of clients early in the production process and to talk about needs and suggestions. Within Studio 100 Group, for example, we appreciate the fact that we can consult and involve the expertise from our various countries, business areas and departments at an early stage—from distribution to content production, from licensing to marketing. 15

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Brenda Bisner Chief Content Officer Kidoodle.TV

TV KIDS: What are some of the factors driving the service’s recent gains? BISNER: Our AVOD channel is geared for families and kids 12 and under globally, with a primary point of entry being connected TVs (CTVs). We serve low-, middle- and high-income homes and do not have a barrier to entry; be it that you’re watching on the TV in the living room or on a tablet or phone, we are there for free. Our Safe Streaming standards of adhering to the highest letter of the law give relief to families looking for a better alternative, and have proven successful. TV KIDS: What led Kidoodle.TV to move into the originals space? BISNER: We believe in co-viewing; we always have. In March, we came upon a viral sensation, Wes Tank, and instantaneously engaged in meaningful dialogue with him to discuss a partnership. What Wes did was create a movement in households full of families on edge and overworked. The idea of taking something otherwise ordinary and up-leveling it to appeal to not just the kids but the whole family was extraordinary. We watched his success and carefully measured what could be done, hence the recent launch of our first Kidoodle.TV originals. We have always wanted to create content for today’s families, and Wes was a great person to do that with. What we have developed together will continue to grow, and you can see new StoryRaps episodes every month. TV KIDS: With regard to acquisitions, what types of programs are you currently on the lookout for? BISNER: We are looking at everything, all the time. We love data, and want to bring fresh and relevant programming to our audiences globally. We love viral, established sensations and are looking to change the game across the board, not just with where and how families consume but what they see. We’ll be looking for partners who have not only an audience that loves them, but partners who care deeply about the important work we are doing at Kidoodle.TV to keep kids Safe Streaming. 16

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9 Story Media Group ADDRESS: 23 Fraser Ave., Toronto, ON M6K 1Y7, Canada TELEPHONE: (1-416) 530-9900 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT & CEO: Vince Commisso CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER: Natalie Osborne SENIOR VP, DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITIONS: Alix Wiseman CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Donkey Hodie: 80x11 min., puppetry, comedy, 3-5; Guitar & Drum: 52x5 min., CG, 3-5; Luo Bao Bei: 104x11 min., 2D, 4-7; Bad Nature: 25x5 min., live action, comedy, 6-11; Dr. Panda: 39x7 min., 3D, 3-6; Book Hungry Bears: 52x11 min., 3D, 3-5; Moon and Me: 50x22 min., stop motion, 2-5; Clifford the Big Red Dog: 78x11 min., 2D, 2-5; Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum: 74x11 min. & 1x55 min., 2D, adventure/comedy, 4-7; The Magic School Bus: Rides Again: 26x22 min. & 4x44 min., 2D, adventure, 4-8.

“From development right through to licensing, 9 Story Media Group is one of the world’s leading kids’ and family content companies. Our award-winning animation studio, Brown Bag Films, is 100 percent creatively driven with a focus on producing the highest quality crossplatform content with strong stories and engaging characters. The company’s international distribution arm, 9 Story Distribution International, represents over 4,200 half-hours of animated and live-action programming, which can be viewed on major international broadcast and digital platforms. Our in-house consumerproducts division, 9 Story Brands, builds global entertainment children’s brands, with expertise across creative, brand marketing and licensing. With facilities in Toronto, New York, Dublin, Manchester and Bali, 9 Story Media Group employs over 1,100 creative and corporate staff worldwide.” —Alix Wiseman, Senior VP, Distribution & Acquisitions


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Aardman ADDRESS: Gas Ferry Rd., Bristol BS1 6UN, U.K. TELEPHONE: (44-117) 984-8485 WEBSITE: MANAGING DIRECTOR: Sean Clarke DIRECTOR, DISTRIBUTION & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Alison Taylor CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Brave Bunnies: 52x7 min., 2D, edutainment, 3-6; The Epic Adventures of Morph: 15x5 min., stop-frame animation, comedy, 5-11; Pop Paper City: 52x11 min., CGI, view-and-do adventure series; Lloyd of the Flies: 52x11 min., CGI/2D, comedy, 7-11; Shaun the Sheep: 170x7 min. & 2x28 min., stop-frame animation, comedy; Timmy Time: 78x5 min. & 2x22 min., stopframe animation, comedy, 3-5; Learning Time with Timmy: 26x5 min., stop-frame animation, educational, 3-5; The Snowman & The Snowman and The Snowdog: 1x26 min. & 1x24 min., 2D, Christmas specials, family; Two Minute Tales: 30x2 min. & 1x6 min., 2D, comedy, 3-6; Numberblocks: 90x5 min., CGI, educational, 3-6.

“Aardman is an award-winning producer based in Bristol, U.K., dedicated to the development, production and distribution of its animated content. Producing films, series, commercials, games and interactive entertainment for domestic and international markets, all its productions are brilliantly characterized and full of charm, reflecting the unique talent, energy and commitment of the whole Aardman team. Aardman is a renowned global distributor and prides itself on distributing content on the best platforms to support raising the brand profile of any series it represents. Aardman’s productions include Shaun the Sheep, a global franchise with 170 episodes, a special and two theatrical movies to date with a second special in production. Also in production is Aardman’s first Netflix original, Robin Robin, and a much-anticipated second Chicken Run movie. In 2018, Aardman became employee-owned, to ensure Aardman remains independent and securing the creative legacy and culture of the company for years to come.” —Alison Taylor, Director, Distribution & Business Development


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Acamar Films ADDRESS: Ground Fl., The Rotunda, 42-43 Gloucester Crescent, London NW1 7DL, U.K. TELEPHONE: (44-203) 675-7450 WEBSITE: CEO: Mikael Shields DIRECTOR, SALES & DISTRIBUTION: Eroulla Constantine CONTACT: PROGRAM: Bing: S1 26x7 min., S2 26x7 min., S3 26x7 min. & S4 26x7 min., animation, preschool, 2-5.

“International Emmy Award-winning show Bing celebrates the joyful, messy reality of preschool life and finds the big stories in the little moments. Bing is licensed to over 130 territories worldwide, delighting audiences through an increasing range of books, magazines, consumer products, apps, digital touchpoints, live shows and cinema experiences. On BBC iPlayer, Bing is the most-streamed children’s series week-on-week; the series recently achieved a staggering 66,809,160 iPlayer requests in the period from March to July 2020. In Italy, Bing is number one on the RaiPlay Yoyo app. Extensive commitment to world-class digital content and community engagement is yielding exceptional results, with the recently launched Bing: Watch, Play, Learn app having been downloaded 400,000-plus times since launch in September 2019. Acamar Films’ continued global expansion of Bing underlines the project’s phenomenal success to date, and points to Bing becoming an iconic and timeless preschool property.” —Eroulla Constantine, Director, Sales & Distribution


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ADK Emotions NY ADDRESS: 515 W. 20th St., New York, NY 10011, U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (1-646) 284-9825 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT & CEO: Shawn Wada TV SALES & LICENSING DIRECTOR: Natasha Khavin Gross CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Beyblade Burst: 51x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11; Beyblade Burst Evolution: 51x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11; Beyblade Burst Turbo: 51x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11; Beyblade Burst Rise: 26x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11; Beyblade: 51x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11; Beyblade: V-Force: 51x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11; Beyblade: G-Revolution: 52x22 min., 2D, action/adventure, boys 6-11.

“ADK Emotions NY Inc. is a dynamic global entertainment rights-management company with distribution, licensing, marketing and foreign-rights divisions. ADK Emotions NY has had much success reviving the [Beyblade] phenomenon with a new, third generation of animated content and a toy line from Hasbro in the western markets. The series is currently going into its fifth season, entitled Beyblade Burst Surge, consisting of 26 22-minute episodes. The animated Beyblade Burst series continues to bring the characters and storylines to life with a relatable theme of sports, competition and the excitement of battle. Beyblade Burst continues to be supported by an innovative new toy line from Hasbro and underscores its dynamic ‘burst’ feature, where battling can trigger the spinning tops to burst into pieces. Hasbro’s latest release of Hypersphere battle sets features vertical drops and side ramps, elevating the gameplay to exciting new heights. The first three seasons of the original Beyblade series, consisting of 154 22-minute episodes, are also available for distribution and offer core and nostalgic fans a way to support and connect with the brand. ADK Emotions NY is a subsidiary of ADK Emotions and specializes in bringing Japanese animated IP (anime) to the global market with the robust backing of the parent group, ADK Holdings, and its longstanding history in the animation business.” —Shawn Wada, President & CEO


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APC Kids ADDRESS: 85 Rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris, France TELEPHONE: (33-1) 8508-7017 WEBSITE: MANAGING DIRECTOR: Lionel Marty CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Kid-E-Cats: 156x5 min. & 3x10 min. & 5x2 min., 2D, comedy, 2-6; Dinocity: 52x5 min., 2D, comedy, 3-7; Little Tiaras: 52x7 min., 3D, adventure, 4-8; Tinka: 48x26 min., live action, adventure, family; Fox and Hare: 26x11 min., 3D, comedy, 3-7; Huggleboo: 26x7 min., 2D, comedy, 2-6; Galactic Agency: 52x11 min., 2D, adventure/comedy, 6-9; Hello Maestro: S1-7 26x26 min. each, 2D, educational, 6+; The Wish: 24x2 min., live action, adventure, family; Roger: 78x7 min., 3D, comedy, 6-9.

“At APC Kids, the children’s entertainment arm of leading independent distribution and production company APC Studios, we focus on building a limited number of curated IPs into international brands, offering an alternative boutique approach to big distribution groups more focused on the number of hours in their catalog. We believe that working closely with producers to address their needs, from co-development and financing to distribution, through bespoke solutions is the key to success. We channel our wealth of expertise into a 360-degree approach, building kids’ brands such as our preschool hit series Kid-E-Cats: optimizing the TV exposure in order to fuel the licensing-and-merchandising exploitation. We attend all major TV and CP events, online and offline, pushing a select number of launches each year, making sure we cover all target groups while giving each property in each demographic their space to grow.” —Lionel Marty, Managing Director


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Atlantyca Entertainment ADDRESS: Via Giacomo Leopardi, 8, 20123 Milan, Italy TELEPHONE: (39-02) 430-0101 WEBSITE: HEAD, PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT & EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Caterina Vacchi DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Alessandra Dematteis CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Berry Bees: 52x12 min., 2D/HD, spy/action, 5-9; Bat Pat: 104x11 min., 2D/HD, creepy sitcom, 5-9; Geronimo Stilton: 78x23 min., 2D/HD, adventure, 6+; Nutri Ventures: 52x23 min., 2D/HD, action, 6+; Toy Cop: 52x13 min., 3D/CGI, action, 3-7; Dive Olly Dive: 104x11 min., 3D/CGI; ZDF Junior catalog.

“Atlantyca Entertainment is a transmedia entertainment company maintaining production, distribution, licensing, publishing, foreign-rights sales and live stage event divisions. The company is most recognized as the IP owner and producer of the popular Geronimo Stilton animated series (three seasons), based on the publishing sensation of the same name, and the spooky animated adventure comedy Bat Pat (two seasons). In March, Atlantyca completed the production of its latest animated property: the first season of the buzz-kicking Berry Bees. The 52x12-minute spy-action series features three talented girls named Bobby, Lola and Juliette, who have been selected for those spy missions in which only child agents can be involved. The series is top-rated in many countries. The distribution division represents a growing library of properties, which includes the Junior catalog of ZDF Enterprises for Italy with series such as H2O, The Bureau of Magical Things, School of Roars and #Likeme, as well as other well-known shows for the international market, including Toy Cop and Nutri Ventures.” —Corporate Communications


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Beyond Rights TELEPHONE: (44-207) 343-3444 WEBSITE: CEO: Katy Llewellyn-Jones CONTACT: Sean Harris, PROGRAMS: Turbozaurs: 52x6 min./26x12 min., CGI, preschool, 3-5; Hushabye Lullabye: 10x3 min., animation, preschool, 3-5; Ace My Space: 10x25 min., live action, 6-12; Annie & Manny: 26x7 min., preschool, 3-5; The Wacky Word Show: 13x24 min., live action, 6-12.

“Beyond Rights is the newly launched distribution business formed from the merger of Beyond Distribution and TCB Media Rights. Beyond Rights has an enviable catalog of more than 7,500 hours, covering an extensive range of unscripted genres and documentaries, in addition to scripted content, feature films, children’s programs and formats. Key children’s titles in the combined catalog include Beat Bugs, Numberjacks Motown Magic and The Dengineers. The business is proud to work with and represent content from a wide range of independent producers from around the world, in addition to companies within its own group such as Beyond Productions. Beyond Rights is committed to being a refreshing new business in the international marketplace, combining scale and stability with innovation and flexibility in order to create enduring relationships with its buyer and producer partners.” —Corporate Communications


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Boat Rocker Studios ADDRESS: 310 King St. E., Toronto, ON M6A 1K6, Canada TELEPHONE: (1-416) 591-0065 WEBSITE: MANAGING DIRECTOR, KIDS & FAMILY & PRESIDENT, RIGHTS: Jon Rutherford SENIOR VP, GLOBAL SALES, KIDS & FAMILY: Gia DeLaney CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Dino Ranch: 52x11 min., 3D, comedy/adventure, 2-5; Kingdom Force: 52x11 min., 3D, action/adventure, 3-6; Remy & Boo: 52x11 min., 3D, adventure, 2-5; Love Monster: 54x7 min., 2D, comedy/adventure, 2-5; The Next Step: S6-7 52x30 min., live action, drama/comedy, tweens/teens; The Strange Chores: 52x11 min., 2D, comedy/adventure, 6-11; Xploration: DIY SCI: 44x30 min., live action, educational/ science & tech, 6-11; You’re Called What?!: 13x30 min., live action, educational/wildlife, 6-11; The Tasty Tales of the Food Truckers: 52x11 min., 3D, comedy/adventure, 6-11.

“Boat Rocker Studios, the content, distribution and brands arm of Boat Rocker Media, consists of Temple Street, Platform One, Proper Television, Insight Productions, Matador Content, Boat Rocker Studios Kids & Family and a partnership with Industrial Brothers. Boat Rocker Studios Kids & Family has a distinctive portfolio containing 150-plus series with more than 1,000 hours of dynamic programming. Recent projects include the global hit dance drama The Next Step (CBBC) and tween mystery drama Get Even (BBC, Netflix). Our premium preschool properties include Dino Ranch (Disney Junior/Disney+, CBC), Love Monster (BBC, UYoung), Remy & Boo (Universal Kids) and Kingdom Force (CBC). We have forged strong partnerships with world-class platforms, locally, regionally and globally, offering direct distribution, co-production opportunities as well as representing third-party studios. With an international footprint, we continue to extend brand engagement off the screen, with a franchisemanagement approach within our brands division. Boat Rocker Studios’ distribution library includes well-known kids’ and family favorites Danger Mouse, Kate & Mim-Mim and Tree Fu Tom. Also included are family cult classics Rainbow, Count Duckula and the original Danger Mouse series. Rounding out the extensive distribution library are the comedy series The Strange Chores and The Tasty Tales of the Food Truckers.” —Jon Rutherford, Managing Director, Kids & Family & President, Rights 32

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CBC & Radio-Canada Distribution ADDRESS: 1400 Boulevard René-Lévesque E, Montreal, QC H2L 2M2, Canada TELEPHONE: (1-514) 347-7706 WEBSITE: DIRECTOR, CONTENT DISTRIBUTION PARTNERSHIPS: Mia Desroches CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Gary’s Magic Fort: 13x11 min., live action/puppetry, preschool; Amos, The Mask Hunter: S1 13x22 min., S2 23x22 min. in dvpmt., 2D, 6-10; Moose: S1 5x11 min. & 1x60 min. Christmas special in prod., 2D, 6-9; ZamZoom’s Animal Adventures: 21x4 min., 2D/live action, 6-9; Li’l Doc: 52x2.5 min., 2D, 6-9; Marika: S1 10x8 min., S2 10x9 min., S3 10x8 min., S4 10x9 min. in prod., investigation/adventure, 8-12; That’s Cool!: 120x3 min., 2D, 6-9; YOUniverse: S1 13x2.15 min., S2 13x2.15 min., S3 26x2.15 min., 2D, preschool; Alphabet Stories: 26x1.5 min., mixed media, preschool; I Love My Monster: 52x1.5 min., mixed media, preschool.

“CBC & Radio-Canada Distribution is the licensing department of Canada’s national public broadcaster. With operations based in Montreal and Toronto, we represent an ever-growing library of properties, including Amos, The Mask Hunter, ZamZoom’s Animal Adventures, Li’l Doc, Gary’s Magic Fort and many others that are guaranteed to delight and entertain. Our specialty is working in tandem with independent producers to finance and distribute content worldwide. We have developed expertise in working with creative talent to nurture unique and groundbreaking content. In collaboration with our colleagues from the broadcasting arm of CBC/Radio-Canada, we have succeeded in bringing an impressive range of entertaining content to audiences of all ages. We carefully select, nurture each relationship and build a rich and diverse catalog of animation and kids’ programs. Looking to the future, we are eager to extend this unique and collaborative approach to the international community through financing, co-distribution and the development of new business models that will enable creators to up their game. CBC & Radio-Canada Distribution is open for business.” —Corporate Communications


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Cyber Group Studios ADDRESS: 44B Quai de Jemmapes 75010 Paris, France; 9696 Culver Blvd., Suite 208, Culver City, CA 90232, U.S.A. TELEPHONE: (33-1) 5556-3232, (1-424) 341-4911 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT & CEO: Pierre Sissmann SENIOR VP, SALES, ACQUISITIONS & NEW MEDIA: Raphaelle Mathieu CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Droners: 26x22 min., HD/2D/CGI, adventure/comedy, 6-10; Gigantosaurus: 52x11 min., HD/2D/CGI, comedy/adventure, 4-6; Taffy: 78x7 min., 2D/HD, cartoon/comedy, 6-10; Tom Sawyer: 26x22 min., HD/CGI, adventure, 6-12; Sadie Sparks: 52x11 min., HD/2D/CGI, comedy, 6-12; Orange Moo Cow: 52x7 min., HD/2D, comedy, 3-6; Bananimals: 78x7 min., HD/2D, comedy, 5-8; Ernest and Rebecca: 52x13 min., HD/2D, comedy, 5-8; Purple Turtle: 52x7 min., HD/CGI, comedy/ edutainment, 3-6; Mini Ninjas 2: 104x11 min., CGI/2D/HD, adventure/comedy, 6-12.

“Cyber Group Studios is a leading producer and distributor of animated series and a developer of global entertainment brands for children and families worldwide. Founded in 2005 and employing around 150 people, the company has its headquarters in Paris, two production studios in Paris and Roubaix (France), an office in Los Angeles (U.S.A.) and strategic partnerships in Russia and China. The company’s mission is to produce safe and entertaining content for children around the world. The team has a passion for telling great stories leveraged by a strong creative identity, a diversity of animation styles and powerful music. To immerse the viewers in the emotion of its shows, the company works with top creative international talent and develops innovative technology. Cyber Group Studios develops its content for television, digital platforms, feature films and direct-to-consumer (home entertainment, interactive games, consumer products). The company sells the media distribution rights of its own and third-party programs, localized in 30-plus languages, into more than 160 countries. Its distribution partners include TV broadcasters, VOD streaming platforms and home-entertainment companies. The dedication of its team to creating content that resonates with kids and families worldwide has earned Cyber Group Studios multiple international awards.” —Raphaelle Mathieu, Senior VP, Sales, Acquisitions & New Media 36

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eOne Family Brands ADDRESS: Shropshire House, 2-20 Capper St., London WC1E 6JA, U.K. TELEPHONE: (44-20) 3691-8600 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT: Olivier Dumont EXECUTIVE VP, CONTENT SALES: Monica Candiani CONTACT: Toby Seagers, PROGRAMS: Peppa Pig: 312x5 min. & 4 specials, HD/digital/2D, preschool; Ricky Zoom: 52x11 min., CGI, preschool; PJ Masks: 156x11 min., CGI, preschool; My Little Pony: Pony Life: 52x11 min., HD/digital/2D, preschool; Transformers: Rescue Bot Academy: 104x11 min., animation, adventure/sci-fi, preschool; Transformers: Cyberverse: 62x11 min. & 2x44 min., animation, action/ adventure/sci-fi; Power Rangers: 44x22 min., CGI, action; Treehouse Detectives: 40x11 min., CGI, preschool; Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom: 104x11 min., HD/digital/2D, preschool; Cupcake and Dino: General Services: 52x11 min., 2D, comedy.

“Hasbro’s entertainment studio, eOne Family Brands, is a market leader in the development, production, distribution and marketing of award-winning kids’ content that connects with families around the world. As a major licensor, eOne Family Brands also develops global consumer-products programs that produce merchandise based on its hit children’s entertainment properties. Following Hasbro’s acquisition of eOne, the newly restructured content division will now oversee all content and distribution across its combined portfolio of stellar family-entertainment brands, including Peppa Pig, My Little Pony, Transformers, Power Rangers, PJ Masks and Ricky Zoom, with many more exciting shows in the pipeline.” —Monica Candiani, Executive VP, Content Sales


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foo entertainment ADDRESS: Bahnhofstrasse 8b, CH-6340 Baar/Zug, Switzerland TELEPHONE: (49) 178-16-88-084 WEBSITE: CEO & DIRECTOR: Chris Djuritschek DIRECTOR, SALES & LICENSING: Oliver Helwig CONTACTS:; PROGRAM: Miss Bellyfoo: 52x13 min., 3-9. “Miss Bellyfoo is set in a world of music, a magical place of adventure and wonder: welcome to Daba Diba Duba Land—the land of music, dance and melodies. Accompany special agent and supergirl Miss Bellyfoo on her adventurous way through the land of music, supported by faithful friends and a crazy professor—always fighting the evil Mastermoll and his helpers who only know one goal: to rule over Daba Diba Duba Land. Will Miss Bellyfoo be able to bring new talented kids from planet Earth to Daba Diba Duba Land to charge energy into the crystal ball, and what is the secret of this crystal ball? There is a highly committed and powerful team behind foo entertainment and the Miss Bellyfoo property, which is offering a wide range of exploitation and marketing opportunities. The perfect combination of educational, musical, funny and adventurous stories and skills makes this new promising TV series and property maybe one of the hottest new projects available in the market. We are currently focusing on securing the ideal and best TV coverage in all territories.” —Oliver Helwig, Director, Sales & Licensing


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Gaumont ADDRESS: 30 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France TELEPHONE: (33-1) 4643-2000 WEBSITE: VICE CEO: Christophe Riandee PRESIDENT, GAUMONT US: Nicolas Atlan EXECUTIVE VP, TV DISTRIBUTION & DEVELOPMENT: Cécilia Rossignol VP, GLOBAL CO-PRODUCTION, FINANCING & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Karen Vermeulen CONTACTS:;; PROGRAMS: Bionic Max: 52x11 min., 2D, buddy comedy, 6-11; Furiki Wheels: 52x11 min., 2D, slapstick action/buddy comedy, 6-11; Belle and Sebastian: 52x11 min., 2D, action/adventure/comedy, 5-9; Calimero: 104x13 min., CG, adventure/comedy, 2-5; Galactik Football: 78x26 min., CG, action/football, 6-12; Atomic Puppet: 52x11 min., 2D, comedy/action, 6-11; Dude, That’s My Ghost: 52x13 min., 2D, comedy, 8-12; Lanfeust Quest: 26x26 min., CG, adventure/comedy, 6-11; Santa’s Apprentice: 48x13 min. & 2x26 min., 2D, holiday/adventure, 2-5.

“Gaumont has a long legacy of creating the widest range of engaging and fun content for families and kids of all ages. In addition to our vast catalog of content, we are currently in production on Bionic Max with Gulli, a hilarious, fun, slapstick buddy comedy; Do Re & Mi, an animated musical series for preschoolers featuring 52 original tracks performed by Kristen Bell (Frozen) and Jackie Tohn (Glow, season eight American Idol finalist) for Amazon Studios; Stillwater, based on the Zen Shorts book series of Jon J. Muth, for Apple TV+; Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles—based on the globally successful 35-yearold comic book Usagi Yojimbo from award-winning creator Stan Sakai—and High in the Clouds, the animated feature developed together with Paul McCartney, both for Netflix.” —Corporate Communications


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Guru Studio ADDRESS: 110 Spadina Ave., Unit 1000, Toronto, ON M5V 2K4, Canada TELEPHONE: (1-416) 599-4878 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT & EXECUTIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Frank Falcone VP, SALES & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Jonathan Abraham CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Pikwik Pack: 52x11 min., 2D, preschool; True and the Rainbow Kingdom: 30x22 min., 5x22 min. seasonal specials & 1x44 min. holiday special & bonus content, 3D, preschool; Big Blue: 52x11 min., 2D, comedy, 5-9; Justin Time: 74x11 min. & 2x22 min., 2D, preschool.

“We’re looking forward to showcasing some phenomenal new shows at this year’s MIPCOM. Check out the Screening Library for a sneak peek of Big Blue: our newest 2D comedyadventure for kids of all ages. Together with their quirky misfit crew, Lettie and Lemo set out to explore, protect and bring together their underwater world that’s filled with creatures from all walks of life. The series highlights the importance of discovering and caring for our environment and how by working together, we can make our world a better place. This November, we’re launching Pikwik Pack: a brand-new preschool series about a team of adorable animals who deliver surprise-filled packages to the charming residents of Pikwik. Preschoolers are going to fall in love with Pikwik Pack’s adorable characters and stories packed with huge laughs, inspiring adventures and big beating hearts. The broadcast support of Disney Junior, Hulu in the U.S. and Treehouse in Canada offers an incredible foundation to build a top-tier global brand. We’ve also just launched the fourth season of True and the Rainbow Kingdom, which has quickly built a massive global following. Its timely message of empowering children to be mindful, courageous and respectful of all living things is really resonating with families all over the world.” —Jonathan Abraham, VP, Sales & Business Development


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Jetpack Distribution ADDRESS: Churchill House, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 2HP, U.K. TELEPHONE: (44-203) 561-5881 WEBSITE: CEO: Dominic Gardiner GLOBAL HEAD, SALES: Marie-Laure Roche GLOBAL HEAD, SALES: Gillian Calvert Ridge SALES DIRECTOR: Sophie Prigent CONTACTS:;; PROGRAMS: Master Moley: 1x30 min. & 52x11 min., GGI, 4-8; Clangers: S1 52x11 min., S2 26x11 min., S3 26x11 min., stop motion, preschool; Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty: 52x11 min., 2D/CGI, 6-11; Oswaldo: 52x11 min., 2D, 6-11; The Cul de Sac: 18x23 min., live action, 9+; Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed: S1 52x11 min., S2 52x11 min., 3D/CGI, 6-11; Kitty is Not a Cat: S1 52x11 min., S2 52x11 min., S3 26x11 min., 2D, 6-11; Talking Tom & Friends: 156x11 min., 3D, 6+; Wolf: 156x7 min., 2D, 4-6; Emmy & GooRoo: 52x11 min. & 104x7 min., 2D, 3-5.

“Blasting the very best kids’ content across the planet! At Jetpack, we find homes for highquality and enduringly appealing kids’ TV shows worldwide. We work directly with producers, creators, broadcasters and video-on-demand platforms to deliver great value and experiences. We are delighted to have grown our catalog a massive 40 percent year on year and are now working with 33 producers and a burgeoning library of 1,400 halfhours of fantastic character-driven shows featuring timeless themes for all ages. We have brought a raft of new shows to market this year, including the live-action game show A Week to Beat the World, CBeebies’ timeless preschool classic Clangers, sci-fi animation NEW-GEN and brand-new CGI animation Master Moley. These join a stellar lineup including Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed, Daisy & Ollie, Oswaldo, Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, Kitty is Not a Cat and The Baby Club. Our approach is to partner with producers, nurture and promote their shows, and together we ‘Jetpack’ for the stars. For platform partners, we curate some of the best content in the market and provide a quality of service and speed of negotiation and delivery. And we like to have fun in the process.” —Dominic Gardiner, CEO 46

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Kidoodle.TV ADDRESS: Suite 320, 333 24th Ave. SW, Calgary, AB T2S 3E6, Canada WEBSITE: CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER: Brenda Bisner CONTACT: ABOUT: Owned by A Parent Media Co., Kidoodle.TV is a familyfocused Safe Streaming connected-TV channel committed to providing children with a safe viewing experience. With over 21,000 episodes and growing weekly, we are proud to have meaningful content partnerships that not only provide creators with an additional revenue stream but that also harness and protect their great content and brands within our Safe Streaming environment. Kidoodle.TV is available in over 140 countries across an ever-expanding global ecosystem of connected devices and platforms to accommodate “anytime, anywhere” viewing. Currently available in hundreds of millions of households globally—as an app on supported iOS and Android devices, online as a browser-based streaming service ( and as a channel in connected-TV environments—look for us on Roku, Apple TV 4, Android TV, Hi-Sense, Vizio, Chromecast, Fire TV, LG Smart TVs, Plex, Samsung and many more. We continue to expand access globally, with many additional environments being added in 2020.

“We have made great strides, not just in creating a ‘walled garden’ for kids in over 140 countries. We are setting standards around Safe Streaming that support creators, brands, advertisers and, most importantly, children and their families. Our outstanding 600-plus percent growth in 2020 reveals that Kidoodle.TV offers a compelling and timely solution to satisfy the streaming demands of families worldwide.” —Brenda Bisner, Chief Content Officer


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Magic Light Pictures ADDRESS: 4/Fl., 41-42 Foley St., London W1W 7TS, U.K. TELEPHONE: (44-207) 631-1800 WEBSITE: JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR: Michael Rose JOINT MANAGING DIRECTOR: Martin Pope HEAD, INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION: Muriel Thomas CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Pip and Posy: 52x7 min., 3D, preschool, 3-5; Zog and the Flying Doctors: 1x26 min., 3D, comedy/family/ children, 3-7; The Snail and the Whale: 1x26 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7; Zog: 1x27 min., 3D, comedy/family/children, 3-7; The Highway Rat: 1x26 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7; Revolting Rhymes: 2x29 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7; Stick Man: 1x26 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7; Room on the Broom: 1x26 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7; The Gruffalo’s Child: 1x26 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7; The Gruffalo: 1x27 min., 3D, family/children, 3-7.

“Magic Light Pictures has built a global reputation for excellence in kids’ and family programming, and directly manages production, licensing, global distribution and marketing. Especially renowned for our magical animated specials based on literary classics, we’re thrilled to present our latest, Zog and the Flying Doctors, which premieres on BBC One this Christmas. The follow-up to 2018’s hugely popular, Emmy-winning Zog, it’s another fabulously original, hilarious and heartwarming adventure with the lovable dragon, based on the global hit book by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. We’re also tremendously excited with our very first full preschool series, Pip and Posy, adapted from Scheffler’s million-selling books. An adorable story of friendship and understanding packed with warmth and humor, it features the colorful adventures of forgetful rabbit Pip and impulsive mouse Posy. As ever, the care, love and attention to detail we put into our work—reflected in four Oscar nominations—shines through.” —Muriel Thomas, Head, International Distribution


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Mediatoon Distribution ADDRESS: 57 rue Gaston Tessier, 75019 Paris, France TELEPHONE: (33-1) 5326-3100 WEBSITE: MANAGING DIRECTOR: Jérôme Alby SALES & BUSINESS AFFAIRS MANAGER: Mélanie Errea SALES & BUSINESS AFFAIRS EXECUTIVE: Fanny Gilabert CONTACT: Aude Rimbault-Joffard, PROGRAMS: Kid Lucky: 52x12 min., 2D, comedy, 6-10; Tom & Lili: 52x7 min., 2D, comedy, 7-11; Sardine in Outer Space: 52x12 min., 2D, adventure, 8-12; Martin Morning: S4 52x13 min., 3D, adventure, 6-10; The Fox-Badger Family: 52x12 min., 2D, adventure/comedy, 6-10; Garfield Originals: 24x3 min., 2D, comedy, 7-11; Little Furry: 78x7 min., 2D, adventure/edutainment, 3-6; Yakari: 156x13 min., 2D, adventure/edutainment, 6-11; The Minimighty Kids: S3 52x12 min., 2D, action/comedy, 7-11; SamSam: S3 78x8 min., 2D, adventure, 6-11.

“As Mediatoon is specialized in kids’ entertainment, we are committed to delivering high-quality and safe content for all of our 4,000 hours of programs. We do have very talented production studios in-house (Ellipsanime, Dargaud Media, Dupuis Audiovisuel) and, at the same time, it is essential to keep working with independent producers to broaden our catalog with the most innovative shows that will one day become the next iconic series. In this sense, it is important to think creatively to acquire programs with diverse and exciting themes. One of our newest series is Kid Lucky. Kid is a slingshot ace who is destined to be the world’s greatest cowboy. Where there is an injustice, he and his friends will be there to save the day— and have a laugh along the way. Kid will fit in very well alongside other iconic heroes such as Garfield, SamSam or Naruto.” —Jérôme Alby, Managing Director


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Mondo TV Group ADDRESS: Via Brenta, 11, 00198 Rome, Italy TELEPHONE: (39-06) 8632-3293 WEBSITE: CEO: Matteo Corradi HEAD, CONTENT SALES: Luana Perrero CONTACT: Silvia d’Archivio, PROGRAMS: MeteoHeroes: 52x7 min., 2D/HD, comedy/ adventure/educational, 4-7; Robot Trains 3: 52x11 min., 3D/CGI/HD, comedy/adventure, 3-6; Invention Story: 52x11 min., 3D/CGI/HD, comedy/adventure, 5-8; Sissi the Young Empress: S3 26x11 min., 3D/CGI/HD, comedy/adventure, 4-8; Grisù: 52x11 min., 3D/CGI, comedy, 4-7; Annie & Carola: 52x11 min., 2D/HD, comedy, 6-10; Masked Cinderella: 26x22 min., 2D/HD, comedy/adventure, 6-12; Hey Fuzzy Yellow: (Presented by Mondo TV and Toon2Tango) 52x11 min., 2D/live action, edutainment/emotainment, preschool.

“Mondo TV has continued to grow its broadcast output with new takes on established favorites like Robot Trains and Sissi the Young Empress and brand-new versions of classics like Grisù. We have produced exciting and topical shows like MeteoHeroes and Invention Story. And we are looking to the future with brilliant concepts like Hey Fuzzy Yellow, Annie & Carola and Masked Cinderella. We have also been a production partner on a number of projects, most recently in our partnership with the kids’ and family entertainment venture Toon2Tango. We have enjoyed L&M and distribution success in many territories. And we have opened a preproduction hub, Mondo TV Producciones Canarias, which is now also a 3D production studio, part of the ongoing production and distribution of animation and live content. The Mondo TV Group is in great shape and looking forward to continuing success in the coming years.” —Matteo Corradi, CEO


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Serious Lunch ADDRESS: 6/Fl., Charlotte Building, 17 Gresse St., London W1T 1QL, U.K. TELEPHONE: (44-20) 8771-7310 WEBSITE: CEO: Genevieve Dexter DIRECTOR, GLOBAL SALES: Leila Ouledcheikh CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Monty & Co: 34x11 min., puppet animation, musical sitcom, 3-5; The New Legends of Monkey: 20x26 min., live action, action adventure, family; Tik Tak: 104x5 min., live action/animation, 1-3; Bo & To’s Family: 54x5 min./3.5 min., stop-frame animation, comedy, 4-6; Art Ninja: 50x26 min. & 15x20 min., entertainment, 6-9; Horrible Science: 10x26 min., comedy/drama, 7-9; Gigglebug: 52x5 min., animation, comedy, 3-5; Operation Ouch!: 100x26 min., factual entertainment, 7-11; Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter: 26x26 min., animation, 8-12/family.

“We are excited to launch two new series at MIPCOM, including The New Legends of Monkey season two, a high-budget actionadventure series for family audiences from See Saw Films (Top of the Lake, State of the Nation), and Operation Ouch! season nine, including ‘Virus Alert,’ a COVID-19 special, and the second season of Tik Tak, which was nominated for the Prix Jeunesse this year. We have placed both Tik Tak and Monty & Co on CBeebies this summer and both have gone straight into the top ten on their first airing. Our core brands Operation Ouch! and Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter go from strength to strength. Operation Ouch! has a whole range of new content in addition to the ninth season, and NPO is producing the fifth season of the Dutch version, Top Doks. Ronja, the Robber’s Daughter has now launched in two further major territories, in France via Septième and in the U.S.A. via GKids.” —Genevieve Dexter, CEO


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Sixteen South Rights ADDRESS: 1 Clarence St., Belfast BT2 8DX, Northern Ireland TELEPHONE: (44-28) 90-244675 WEBSITE: CEO: Colin Williams SALES MANAGER: Alexandros van Blanken CONTACT: PROGRAMS: ODO: 52x7 min., 2.5D, comedy, 2-6; Claude: 50x12 min. & 11x2 min., 2D, comedy, 2-6; WildWoods: 26x11 min., live action, comedy, 2-6; Lily’s Driftwood Bay: 96x7 min. & 4x14 min., 2D/mixed media, comedy, 2-6; Big City Park: 26x11 min., live action, preschool, 2-6.

“Sixteen South Rights is an independent distributor that is part of the Sixteen South Group. It represents all of the studio’s original IP: four multi-award-winning completed titles and two new series currently being presold. As a boutique independent distributor, we are completely aligned with the ethos of the studio that we were born from, and the three pillars of passion, heart and quality underpin everything that we do. We want to see our innovative and inspiring stories being enjoyed by every child in every home in every country around the world.” —Alexandros van Blanken, Sales Manager


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Studio 100 Media ADDRESS: Neumarkter Str. 18-20, 81673 Munich, Germany TELEPHONE: (49-89) 960855-0 WEBSITE: CEO, STUDIO 100 MEDIA/INTERNATIONAL: Martin Krieger HEAD, GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION: Dorian Bühr CONTACT: PROGRAMS: SeaBelievers: 52x11 min., CGI, ecotainment/ preschool, 4-7; FriendZSpace: 52x11 min., CGI, comedy/adventure, 5-9; 100% Wolf—Legend of the Moonstone: 26x22 min., CGI, comedy/adventure, 6-10; Heidi: S1-2 65x22 min., CGI, adventure, 4-8; Tip the Mouse: S1-3 104x7 min., CGI, preschool/comedy, 2-6; Wissper: S1-2 104x7 min., CGI, preschool/adventure/comedy, 3-5; Arthur and the Minimoys—The Series: 26x24 min., CGI, adventure/fantasy, boys 5-9; Maya the Bee: S1-2 130x13 min., CGI, adventure/preschool, 4-7; Mia and me: S1-3 78x23 min., live action/CGI, fantasy/adventure, girls 6-12; Ghost Rockers: 209x12 min. & 1x92 min., live action, mystery, 8-12.

“Our mission in the kids’ entertainment world is to bring brands to life that are content-driven and entertain kids and families, on every platform and wherever they are. We share this goal among our different business departments: Our studios in Belgium produce the live-action shows and the four animation studios around the world create our animation movies and CGI TV shows. Our distribution brings them to platforms, broadcasters and theaters around the globe. We generate special experiences with our theme parks and live entertainment shows, and with our licensing program, we extend these experiences into everyday life.” —Dorian Bühr, Head, Global Distribution


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Superights ADDRESS: 107 Avenue Parmentier, 75011 Paris, France TELEPHONE: (33) 516-500-016 WEBSITE: DEPUTY MANAGING DIRECTOR, SALES & ACQUISITIONS: Nathalie Pinguet SALES MANAGER: Pedro Citaristi SALES MANAGER: Jérômine Ader CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Pat the Dog: 141x7 min. & 10x1.5 min. & 4x22 min., 3D, cartoon comedy, kids; That’s Joey: 52x11 min., 3D, comedy, kids; Koumi’s Animated Picture Book: 52x5 min., 2D/live action, edutainment, preschool; Clay Time: 60x3 min. & 60 live tutorials, 2D, edutainment, preschool; Handico: 12x3 min., 2D, shortcom, kids; Anna & Friends: 78x7 min., 3D, comedy, preschool; Zibilla: 1x26 min., 2D, preschool; Helen’s Little School: 52x11 min., 3D, social development/comedy, preschool; Percy: 52x11 min., 3D, adventure/comedy, preschool; Doopie: 26x7 min., live action, preschool.

“Superights distributes kids’ programs covering all genres and demographics, operating from Paris, Milan and Los Angeles. Our activity includes all rights, from traditional TV to VOD services to theatrical. Superights was awarded Best European Investor/Distributor of the Year by Cartoon Forum Tributes. Its catalog includes Puffin Rock, produced by Cartoon Saloon and Dog Ears and globally acquired by Netflix; Pat the Dog, produced by Superprod and Animoka and sold in over 180 countries, including Disney (U.S.A.), Turner (EMEA and AsiaPac) and Discovery Kids (Latin America); and Boyster, produced by Je Suis Bien Content and sold to, among others, Disney (U.S.A., EMEA, Latin America, Japan and Southeast Asia) and Animax (Korea); Helen’s Little School, produced by Superprod and Muse Entertainment; The Horn Quartet, two TV specials produced by Vivement Lundi; Bo Bear, Superights’ first live-action series produced by Spark; and Clay Time, produced by REAZ. Recent additions to the catalog are the special Zibilla; the TV series Ralph & The Dinosaurs, produced by Nadasdy Film; and the live-action series Doopie, produced by Submarine, Walking The Dog and NTR.” —Corporate Communications


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WildBrain ADDRESS: Queen’s Quay Terminal, 207 Queens Quay W., Suite 550, Toronto, ON M5J 1A7, Canada TELEPHONE: (1-416) 363-8034 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT: Josh Scherba EXECUTIVE VP, CONTENT PARTNERSHIPS: Deirdre Brennan CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Green Hornet: 2D, kids; The Woods: 10x60 min., live action, young teens; Sheila HippoDreamer: 40x11 min., 3D, preschool; Alva (w/t): 52x11 min., 2D, 5+; The Brilliant World of Tom Gates: 20x11 min., mixed media, kids; Summer Memories: 40x11 min., 2D, kids; Dorg Van Dango: 52x11 min., 2D, kids; Fireman Sam: S12 13x11 min. & 1x60 min., S13 26x11 min., 3D, preschool; Chip & Potato: 40x11 min., 2D, preschool; Polly Pocket: S2 26x11 min., 2D, kids.

“At WildBrain, we make great content for kids and families. With approximately 13,000 half-hours of filmed entertainment in our library—one of the world’s most extensive—we are home to such brands as Peanuts, Teletubbies, Strawberry Shortcake, Caillou, Inspector Gadget, Johnny Test and Degrassi. Our shows are seen in more than 150 countries on over 500 telecasters and streaming platforms. Our AVOD business, WildBrain Spark, offers one of the largest networks of kids’ channels on YouTube, with over 168 million subscribers. We also license consumer products and location-based entertainment in every major territory for our own properties as well for our clients and content partners. Our television group owns and operates four family entertainment channels that are among the most-viewed in Canada. WildBrain is headquartered in Canada with offices worldwide.” —Corporate Communications


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Winsing Animation ADDRESS: No.4 CaoFangWei, Nanhua East Rd., Haizhu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 510220 TELEPHONE: (86-20) 37635953 WEBSITE: CEO: Ben Gu VP: Echo Gu HEAD, INTERNATIONAL MARKETING: Sophie Lau CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Team S.T.E.A.M.!: S1-4 26x15 min. each, 4K/3D, edutainment, 4-8; GOGOBUS: S1-6 26x13 min. each, 3D, edutainment, 2-5; GG Bond: Undersea Wonders: S1-4 26x15 min. each, 3D, adventure/action, 4-8; GG Bond: Dino Diary: S1-4 26x15 min. each, 3D, adventure/action, 3-6; Diary of Dinosaurs: 1x90 min., 3D, feature film/adventure/action, family.

“Winsing focuses on 3D animation TV and film production, distribution, merchandising and licensing, toys, stage shows, theme parks and more, [and has done so] for over 15 years. With about 600 in-house corporate staff members and talents worldwide, we maintain a growing library of over 30,000 minutes and produce almost 5,000 minutes per year. It includes the evergreen properties GG Bond, GOGOBUS and the new, developing property Team S.T.E.A.M.! Our goal is to provide the best content and products for our viewers and users. Team S.T.E.A.M.! is a STEM-based edutainment program, which was selected at the MIPJunior Project Pitch in 2019. A key recurring theme in the show is ‘knowledge is power.’ We are taking the position that our viewers have a desire for information to match their hunger for adventure. Let’s feed them both.” —Ben Gu, CEO


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Xilam Animation ADDRESS: 57 Boulevard de la Villette, 75010 Paris, France TELEPHONE: (33-1) 4018-7200 WEBSITE: CEO & FOUNDER: Marc du Pontavice EXECUTIVE VP, DISTRIBUTION: Morgann Favennec CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Oggy and the Cockroaches—Next Generation: 78x7 min., 2D, comedy, kids; Tangranimals: 52x11 min., 3D, adventure/comedy, 3-6; Where’s Chicky?: S1-2 104x1 min., 3D, comedy, family; Pfffirates: 52x11 min., 3D, comedy/action, 4-8; Lupin’s Tales: 78x7 min., 2D/3D, comedy, upper preschool; Moka’s Fabulous Adventures: 78x7 min., 2D, comedy/adventure, young kids; Coach Me If You Can: 52x13 min., 2D, comedy, kids.

“At Xilam, we are committed to offering a diverse catalog, which covers all genres, targets and animation techniques, to meet the needs of different partners and audiences. This has been an important development year for us, and alongside keeping our productions up and running during the lockdown period, we have spent time focusing on new ideas and getting projects off the ground. As a result, we now have half a dozen exciting new series to introduce at the upcoming markets covering a range of demographics and genres from traditional preschool shows, right through to thrillers for teens. We’re very much looking forward to discussing these, along with our new titles, including Oggy and the Cockroaches—Next Generation, Tangranimals and Pfffirates, with existing and potential new partners over the coming months.” —Morgann Favennec, Executive VP, Distribution


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ZDF Enterprises ADDRESS: Erich-Dombrowski-Str.1, 55127 Mainz, Germany TELEPHONE: (49) 6131-9910 WEBSITE: PRESIDENT & CEO: Fred Burcksen VP, ZDFE.JUNIOR: Peter Lang CONTACT: PROGRAMS: Heirs of the Night: S1-2 26x26 min., live action, 10+/family; Space Nova: 26x22 min., animation, 6-9; Zoom— The White Dolphin: 104x12 min., animation, 6-9; Ziggy and the Zootram: 52x11 min., animation, upper preschool.

“ZDF Enterprises was founded in the year 1993 as a 100 percent private subsidiary of the German public broadcaster ZDF, one of the biggest and most renowned television broadcasters in Europe and continuous market leader since 2012. On behalf of ZDF, ZDF Enterprises is responsible for worldwide program sales, the implementation of international co-productions, license purchasing for quality programs, marketing online rights and the merchandising of strong ZDF program brands. During the course of the process of development and diversification to date, it has been possible to incorporate a large number of business activities within the television and media industry within the ZDF Enterprises group. Consequently, today ZDF Enterprises can offer a comprehensive, full-service offer that covers every step in the process of creation and marketing of successful TV productions, from material development in all genres to production and then on to the marketing of television licenses, merchandising, VOD and online rights.” —Corporate Communications


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