April 2021 Bulletin

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worldimpact.org/new Los Angeles Christian School transitions from World Impact First class of Evangel Deans commissioned through World Impact U World Impact U is revolutionizing ministry training



uch of the world continues to live marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet our God is at work growing men and women to display His faithfulness to communities who need the Gospel. As we celebrate World Impact’s 50th year of serving urban leaders and churches in communities of poverty, we can’t help but marvel at God’s faithfulness and the work you made possible due to your generosity. The pandemic hit families in urban communities particularly hard. Job loss is high in industries with low wages, household expenses like rent and medical care are difficult to cover, and families with children struggle to have enough food on the table. But the research says what we already know—the local church is the hope of the world. Our big goal is a healthy church for every community of poverty. We strive to see urban churches serving their communities to advance well-being, a stronger social fabric, and a more just society. From inside Colorado prisons to the streets of Kolkata, India, God is displaying his faithfulness to the local church during the pandemic through each of the five World Impact programs you support. •

Leaders in India serving their community, thanks to your help!

One of many Trauma Healing Trainings you made possible!

CHANGING MY COMMUNITY Trauma Healing Written by Yuri Rivero As a youth leader in the city, I see broken families, drugs, and people who are hurting. I used to struggle with my own internal battles of insecurity, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to reach any of my goals or do anything significant. If left unaddressed, trauma can be a big barrier to living out God’s call on our lives to love him and serve others.

“If left unaddressed, trauma can be a big barrier to living out God’s call on our lives to love him and serve others.” I took World Impact’s Trauma Healing training so that I could teach other women. I wanted to understand the process of healing first in myself and then lead others. The Trauma Healing training was powerful! God called on me and filled my heart with

undeniable peace and joy. I don’t need to be in pain or limit myself—nobody does! I’ve learned that even through trials and hard times, I can put my trust in God. I’m a firm believer that when someone is changed by God, they are able to turn around and impact the people around them. Thanks to your support, I have the confidence and training to make a big change in my own community! What a blessing! •



Written by Rev. Sudipta Nanda

Written by Mark Walker, M.Div.

Church-Based Seminary

God is good and He gave us many opportunities to marvel at His work even during the pandemic lockdown in India. Before the lockdown, we hosted regular Church-Based Seminary (TUMI) classes in Kolkata. Once the pandemic hit, we were worried we would have to stop our classes for a few months, which was a great distress for all until we received information on how to conduct our classes online. You helped turn roadblocks into opportunities for progress!

Prison Ministry

The pandemic suspended all volunteer programs in the Colorado Department of Corrections. This could have devastated the prison church and halted the students’ spiritual growth, but students responded by picking up the mantle of spiritual leadership in their facilities. They are shepherding their church through this challenging time.

“Students responded by picking up the mantle of spiritual leadership.”

Your support is changing lives around the world!

Some students who used to travel up to 3 hours to attend the classes can now stay home and attend the class. This has saved their money, time, and energy. One of the participants, Amit, and his wife, Preeti, shared that the course cleared many of their doubts on Christian faith and increased their appetite for learning God’s Word. They are also sharing what they have learned with others, increasing our reach in Odia and Bangla. We hope to see a ripple effect across India! •

Your support is raising up ministry leaders with seminarylevel training from among incarcerated citizens through God’s faithfulness. More men and women on the inside of prisons will be reached with the good news of the Gospel during this pandemic because of your ongoing prayer and support. •


For 50 years, World Impact has faithfully ministered to families in communities of poverty for the sake of Christ. The missionary staff of World Impact’s Los Angeles Christian School (LACS) has modeled incarnational ministry as they support urban families by equipping students for a life of discipleship by helping them develop academic competence, Christian character, and self-confidence. The faithful ministry of LACS has given families an accessible alternative to undesirable educational choices while addressing the holistic nature of a child’s wellbeing. World Impact is pleased to announce that effective April 10, 2021 LACS will transition to become its own 501c3 nonprofit. This change allows LACS to continue its faithful ministry with minimal change and gives bright opportunities for missional growth. World Impact’s commitment to urban communities means it will remain a LACS champion while our work expands to bring a healthy church to every community of poverty through accessible and affordable ministry training.


We are grateful during this transition for the prayerful leadership of LACS staff and volunteers. Paul Phillips provided key leadership during this transition. His unique perspective is shaped by growing up within the World Impact community as founder Keith Phillips’ son, a former LACS student, and a former World Impact board member. He has been instrumental in shaping the changes to best serve the LACS families, staff, and community. Paul states:

“I am so encouraged to play a part in the great work that has been done at LACS for decades. The success that LACS has experienced is a testament to God’s faithfulness. This transition came together in a way that truly honors the generous donors, dedicated teachers and staff, and diligent students and families whose involvement in LACS have guided us to this point.” We invite you to join us in praying that the Lord continue to bless LACS. May we see lives changed, communities redeemed, and many come to know the Lord. “For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Psalm 100:5 •


The pandemic has hit urban communities the hardest and believers like Ivan need your support right now. Because of COVID-19, Ivan lost his job in the restaurant industry. This news was difficult for Ivan because he was concerned with providing for his family and he wanted to grow in his ability to minister to his church, but seminary training is too costly. With your help, Ivan can access affordable, seminary-level classes through World Impact’s Church-Based Seminary (TUMI). There are many believers like Ivan in urban churches across the US who want to grow in their faith to serve their community, but who cannot afford to attend traditional seminaries.

Will you partner with us to equip servants like Ivan to reach their communities for Christ? Your gift Leaders like Ivan need your help to thrive! of $140 helps provide one leader with seminarylevel theology and leadership training in communities of poverty. Donate online at worldimpact.org/ donate or by returning the enclosed envelope with a check made payable to World Impact. •

This year marks World Impact’s 50th Anniversary! From kid’s Bible clubs in Los Angeles in 1971 to providing effective, affordable, and accessible ministry training, we know that God is faithful. Thank you for your prayers, support, and affirmation.

worldimpact.org | P: 323.735.1137 | F: 323. 735.2576 2001 S. Vermont Ave | Los Angeles, CA 90007 | wiinfo@worldimpact.org In Canada: The Great Commission Foundation PO Box 14006 | Abbotsford, BC V2T 0B4

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