GA Buyer Europe June 2019

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AEROTEK.qxp_Master Page GA 03/05/2019 11:51 Page 1

Aerotek Promotes Value of Oil Testing Aerotek is a startup company based in the UK but it covers all of the European Union. The company takes oil samples from piston-engined aircraft to determine the state and safety of an aircraft’s engine, thus allowing the operator to get a snapshot of the condition of the engine. This is rather like taking a blood sample from a person to identify underlying diseases. Just changing the blood doesn’t cure the problem, and it’s the same with engines; just changing the oil won’t cure any developing issues. This is not new technology. It is used regularly across various sectors, such as plant machinery, trains, ships and wind turbines. Aircraft manufacturers such as Lycoming recommend that oil samples are taken regularly and have issued the following service letter (No. L171), entitled ‘General Aspects of Spectrometric Oil Analysis,’ which provides a guide for the use to oil analysis in measuring engine health. The information is in general terms since the health of each engine must be determined on its own merits. Aerotek uses a world-class laboratory, with offices in more than 100 countries, to test samples. It provides analytical ferrography and chip evaluation for ascertaining various metal constituents that wear out your engine.

Photo courtesy of Lycoming

After performing a series of tests, the technician analyses each oil sample to evaluate the extent of metal wear and the accumulation of abrasive dust.

The analysis report considers aluminium, chrome, copper, iron, magnesium, nickel and silver, in order to determine the precise type of wear in an engine and its sources. The report also offers informed recommendations on the state your aircraft engine generating a detailed report and a visual ‘traffic light’ report which shows green for “all wear as expected”; yellow for “more wear than expected” in a named component; and red for “do not use the aircraft until immediate maintenance has taken place.” Fortunately, red is rare as with regular testing, you build up a trend analysis which can be viewed online at any time. Your aircraft is a valuable investment and safety is paramount. Whether you are an owner, a member of a syndicate, or a flying school, if you are undertaking an hours-based engine overhaul you need to know that the engine can do what it is designed to do, and is performing as the aircraft manufacturers intended. Timely oil analysis also can save on unnecessary maintenance and save you money, as well as to giving you the confidence to keep you and your passengers flying safely.

How does the process work? First, you purchase your kit from the website, either single packs or packs of three to fit in seamlessly with your existing maintenance programme. Aerotek will then send out the kits, which will include a sample bottle in a return pod, syringe and tubing, full instructions on how to take your small 25-50ml sample, along with gloves and tissues to insure no drips or contamination of the engine cover or hangar floor. Once this is completed, complete the paperwork, enclose the sample in the pod, and return to the laboratory using the pre-paid postage label. Once Aerotek receives this, your aircraft will be set up on the system and the analysis will begin. The technicians measure engine oils, lubricating oils and other fluids for the detection of lubricant engine wear, lubricant quality degradation, and other problems. Your sample is bombarded with tests such as: • spectrometry • viscosity • dilution • water detection • acid number • base number • particle counting • microscopic analysis

Once you have your first report, you are now on the road to creating a TREND ANALYSIS for your engine. By monitoring your aircraft’s engine condition, it allows you to evaluate the engine’s data trends. Most engine bearings mainly comprise of iron, thus making it the most common metal to display fundamental changes. It’s important to carefully track the iron content by monitoring its trends to detect gradual damage and wear in the engine’s gears and bearings. So now you can see this is not about just changing the oil! Oil analysis acts as a warning system. It minimises engine down-time and maintenance costs. It also enables you to detect promptly any malfunction before it worsens. Oil analysis is vital in locating worn elements inside an aircraft’s engine. Why chose Aerotek? It offers a world-class analysis service that keeps your asset flying. The service is reliable, friendly, consultative and deliberately affordable. The results are measurable over time and will show trends in engine wear & tear that helps your mechanic keep you enjoying what you love to do most — fly!

You can purchase your sample kits online. James Smith - European Sales Manager - AeroTek Oil Testing

+44 (0) 74744 10115

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