The World Bank Legal Review, Volume 5 part 2

Page 48


The World Bank Legal Review

The identification of a suitable broker is a challenge that needs to be addressed before any progress can be made. One way to do this is to invest effort in making international anticorruption fora more sector inclusive. The fact that the Steering Group of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network increasingly includes education in its deliberations shows that this is a feasible option. There are also promising developments in the sector itself. The standing conference of Council of Europe Ministers of Education recently established an anticorruption platform for education that can be mobilized as a brokerage agent. On a more technical level, in the next biennium, the European Training Foundation, the biggest education agency of the European Union, charged with steering knowledge and guiding resource allocations for human capital development in 31 countries neighboring the European Union, is focusing on efficiency and good governance as priority areas. The times have never been more opportune for pu ing together resources and coordinating efforts on an issue that deeply concerns all countries, their citizens, and the future of their citizens’ education. The success of this endeavor can render the wisdom of the modern-day Bulgarian proverb obsolete, at last.

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