Business Regulation and Economic Performance

Page 224


bergoeing, loayza, and repetto

The model economy: The economy is populated by a continuum of heterogeneous plants. A plant needs labor (n) and capital (k) for production of the unique good, which can be used for consumption or investment. This unique production good is the numeraire. Each plant’s technology is given by

where λt is the aggregate productivity shock common to all establishments and θt is the idiosyncratic productivity shock. The aggregate productivity shock follows an AR(1) process described by

N(.) is the normal distribution, 0 ≤ ρλ ≤ 1, and εtλ is i.i.d. Each type of capital embodies different levels of technology. Since technologies are characterized by constant returns to scale, we can restrict the size of all plants to be equal to one unit of capital. Thus, capital goods are identified with plants so that investing one unit of the aggregate good yields a unit mass of plants. The aggregate production function of this model economy is:


is the aggregate effective capital stock.

Capital embodying relatively low levels of technology is scrapped as its productivity lags behind that of the leading-edge technology. When a plant is retired, a unit of capital that is scrapped has salvage value s < 1. The total amount of salvaged capital in period t is then

– where θt is the endogenous cut-off level of productivity that determines the exit decision of plants. Units of the production goods not consumed—which are made up of investment and part of last period’s scrapped capital—are transformed into new units of capital embodied in the leading-edge technology. That is, the initial produc-

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