A Guide to the World Bank, Second Edition

Page 57

How the World Bank Group Is Organized

of Governors and capital subscriptions. It also provides support to the independent Inspection Panel (see the subsection entitled “Independent Evaluation Group”). Development Economics

The chief economist heads this main research unit of the World Bank. The unit provides data, analyses of development prospects, research findings, analytical tools, and policy advice in support of Bank operations as well as advice to clients. More information on Bank Group research and data appears in chapter 2. IFC’s chief economist is also the World Bank and IFC vice president for the Financial and Private Sector Development VPU. External Affairs

External Affairs at the World Bank manages communications, issues management, and constituency relations; handles relations with the public, the media and other organizations, governments of donor countries, and the local Washington, DC, community; arranges speaking engagements for Bank representatives; produces and disseminates publications; coordinates the Bank’s worldwide network of PICs; and maintains the Bank’s external Web site. Programs include Development Communications and CommNet. The Bank’s offices in Brussels, Geneva, London, New York, Paris, Rome, and Tokyo are part of this unit. IFC and MIGA each maintain a corporate relations unit. Financial Management

The Bank Group’s chief financial officer is responsible for the finance and risk management functions for the World Bank Group. Three vice presidencies within IBRD and IDA report directly to the Bank Group chief financial officer: 䡲 Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships, which oversees the mobilization of funds for IDA and key environmental and debt relief initiatives; manages trust funds and development grants; and is responsible for interaction with bilateral partners, multilateral development banks, and foundations. 䡲 Controllers, Strategy, and Resource Management, which oversees the Accounting and Loan departments as well as the strategic allocation of resources across the Bank.


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