Discover A Great Education That Is Actually Worth Something

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A Great Education That Is Actually Worth Something Get A Great Education With The Digital Experts Academy The value of a great education has always been viewed as one of the secrets to financial success. We are programmed from a young age to finish school with a great education that will allow us to go to university. At university we study ‘something’ that will more than likely shape our futures. The problem I have is that in this day and age there are an ever increasing number of graduates that simply cannot find decent jobs. And because of the ‘I already have a great education and I’m too good to do that low paying job’ attitude, many of these graduates will earn no money and will simply sit around ‘waiting’ for matters to improve with a very uncertain future. I wonder how many of these graduates “with a great education” are sitting at home living off their parents. It’s not an ideal situation and playing PlayStation all day won’t help anyone.

Great Education With Work With Gordon During the course of the past year I have been slowly building my online business. It is well documented that when I first set up Work With Gordon I used a scatter gun approach in my marketing and general approach to my business. To be honest I did not really know what I was doing and it was not until I joined The Six Figure Mentors that things started to happen for me. The Six figure Mentors is a digital marketing education system that has provided me with tools, training and expertise to become the marketer I am today. More recently the Six Figure Mentors has partnered with Jay Kubassek of Pro U to form a new partnership called the Digital Expert Academy The Digital Experts Academy is a private, membership-based, digital marketing education system founded by Internet Marketing gurus Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross. The sole purpose of the Academy is to offer the most prestigious collegiate-level, business training to members so they may achieve financial independence – as independent online entrepreneurs – within three years or less. This got me thinking! Would it not be better and cheaper for many potential “I’m on the dole” graduates ”with a great education” to rather get a real life education that would not only teach them real life skills and marketing techniques but would also allow then to earn as you learn. It’s been a very long time since I went to university and I confess that when I started my online business I knew very little about online marketing. However I have fully embraced my new great education and I am slowly seeing my company take shape and it’s all down to the educational programmes of The Six Figure Mentors and the Digital Experts Academy.

So why would parents not encourage their children to get an online education. I suppose some parents are hard coded to the fact that their children must have a university degree. Perhaps children don’t really know what they want from life so the go to university to get a degree and decide. The reality is that the more I think about it, getting a great education in a vocation that allows me to build a viable business sounds more and more appealing to me. Imagine getting a great education and while you are ‘studying’ you are earning an income!

Great Education With The Digital Experts Academy

Digital Experts Academy Gold Event Now of course it’s not going to be easy, but let’s be honest, the way the world is at the moment we cannot afford to take it easy and be complacent. The perfect scenario would be to join the Digital Expert Academy and over a period of three years progress your education (read business) to a point that you eventually have a long term sustainable income. Obviously the more effort you put in the more you will get out but getting a great education this way would allow you to get a part time job and be in a position to pay your way, something I’m sure many parents would welcome. Plus, you will be generating an income from your business and you will be securing your future job! This is just food for thought but I know if I could go back 20 years I would certainly have opted for this type of great education. As you can see it’s not too late for anyone but we are entering the Digital Economy so getting involved with a learn while you earn relevant programme certainly makes sense. Looking for a great education? Discover more about this relevant earn while you learn programme called The Six Figure Mentors. Together we can achieve more,

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