Working Women | Autumn 2013

Page 45


QR codes


Next time you are out and about, take a look around and notice how many people are using their smartphone, computer, tablet or iPad to access the Internet. These same people are potential buyers for your home but how easy is it for people on the go to find your property? WENDY CHAMBERLAIN explores how the latest technology can help get your property sold. You have probably seen QR codes around. QR (Quick Response) codes are twodimensional codes that feature black modules on a white background, arranged in a square pattern. They are small bar codes that can be read by mobile gadgets including smartphones with cameras, or tablets and iPads, with a bar code reading application installed.

Simply generate a QR code that redirects your potential buyer to the most effective place for them to find out more – usually to view your property on one of the multi-listing property websites, such as or This can all be done via the mere tap of a smartphone.

A QR code enables a potential buyer to look up further information about your property on the spot, via their smartphone or mobile device. They can even call your real estate agent right off the QR code, if that’s how you have programmed it.

Bar codes versus QR codes – what’s the difference? While a QR code is similar to the bar codes used at retail stores to track the prices of products, it is different in terms of the amount of data contained in the code.

In a nutshell, QR codes can store and share far more information than a traditional bar code. When you scan the code, you can access the information contained in the QR code. With their ease of use and the access to data they provide to anyone wielding a smartphone, tablet or iPad, savvy business owners are starting to realise these tiny little black and white boxes can pack a marketing punch.

How can a QR code help get your house sold?

When you are on the hunt for a new home, you are often mobile. As a seller, this means your buyers are attending open for inspections brandishing their latest smart gadget. This is where the QR code becomes an ideal marketing tool for the real estate market and anyone looking to sell their home.

How many times have you stood out the front of a property, looking at the sales board, only to realise that you have missed the open for inspection? Imagine being able to whip out your smartphone and look up further information about the property right then and there. That would be really convenient, right? That’s the power of a QR code.

A QR code ups the convenience factor for any buyer, allowing them to find out more about your home and contact your real estate agent in just a few short clicks on their phone or tablet.

But more than that, your unique QR code can even include the property details as well as your contact number or your real estate agent’s mobile number, in addition to the website URL to find your property. A QR code can be incorporated into your real estate sales and marketing campaign in many different ways. The ultimate aim, of course, is to make it as easy as possible for anyone viewing your home to look up more information about your property.

Social media continues to change how society communicates and real estate is no different. The influence of social media in the real estate world continues to grow, as it offers buyers and sellers many different avenues to research and view real estate online. When it comes to getting your home sold, technology such as QR codes may just be the competitive edge that makes the difference. n

CONTACT Wendy Chamberlain BUSINESS Social Property Selling PHONE +61 (3) 9686 2288

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