Various Types of Barges and Where You Can Find Right One

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VA RI OU S T Y P E S O F BA RG E S A ND WHE RE YO U C A N F I N D O NE T HAT FI TS YOU R NE E D S R I G HT Barges are types of work boats or vessels that are mainly used on the purpose of transporting cargo. The most imperative fact about barges for charter, however, is that they cannot move by themselves. For they are independent vessels, they need to be towed or tugged along by the naval vessels in the waters. Barges were earlier meant for smaller water parts uses such as in the rivers, canals or lakes. Well, the needs and uses have changed these days, they are as well used in sea or ocean parts. Barges are flat-shaped, just like a raft, on their bottoms. The fundamental reason for this specific shape is to make sure that the cargo-capacity is heightened and more and more can be hauled and transported now. Barges have had its presence in the industry since the time before industrial revolution. Before industrial revolution occurred, there were marine barges used for transporting ferry cargo across several places linked by small water bodies. However, post the revolution and with the advent of steam engine as well as trains, the requirements for barges began to fall as speed become a constraint. In modern times, marine barges are still found useful for they have evolved greatly as a significant utility tool. The followings are some main types of barges available on market: Barrack barge: These types of barges are as well called ‘houseboats.’ They are found very much common in places like North India (especially, Kashmir), Cambodia, Canada, Laos and Australia. As the name suggests, barrack barges are mainly used for residential purposes and they look very attractive as they float. They rather look like a beautiful stationary object in the lakes or rivers. Dry bulk cargo barges: These barges are used for hauling ferry dry cargo. As it says ferry dry cargo, it actually means sand, food grains, minerals such as steel or coals and several other dry stuffs which are likely to be transported through barge systems. Barges for liquid cargo: Barges that carry liquids are totally different than the dry bulk cargo barges. These types of barges are used in transporting fertilizers, petrochemicals that are chiefly used in liquid state, and many other essential industrial liquid chemicals too.

Car-float barges: The marine barge type was chiefly used during early 20th century to as they used to transport rail carts. In layman’s terms, the rail-carts attached to the barges were more like transferable rail-carts carried from one place to another. In contemporary times, car-float barges operate in a few parts of United States of America. Furthermore, there are as well other barge variants such as power barges that are used for transporting power plant. Besides, there are royal barges, operating chiefly during ceremonies by monarchs or royals in countries where monarchy is still present. Work Boat Hire, on the other hand, makes a one stop destination for you as you look out for barge for hire online. Having operated as the most streamlined online platform for enlisting and providing a large selection of work boats including all types and sizes of barges, Work Boat Hire certainly makes an exclusive niche for itself.

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