PRO Website Buying Guide

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The Pro Guide to Buying Websites

Other information Of course, Flippa listings contain a range of other information about each website, including PageRank, Alexa Rank, Google links, Compete Rank, SEOmoz Rank, and more. This information may or may not be important to you—that will depend on the goals you have for your site. But do take a look around the listing and Due Diligence pages to familiarize yourself with the available data, and understand what it means for you. Also, don’t neglect to look further afield for information on the website you’re buying. Searching forums (perhaps using the Google Groups10 archive) for discussions about the site, the services and products it provides, and/or its owners might turn up some interesting tidbits of information from real-world users.

Knowing the seller The site looks good … but what about the seller? Many a promising sale has fallen through due to bad buyer–seller relations. And many a successful transfer of ownership has been undermined by a seller who was careless or uninterested in the future of the site they were selling. Getting to know the site’s seller is an important part of reaching a decision about a site purchase. If you have any doubts about them, look deeper—at their exchanges with other potential buyers, with the site’s users, staff, or associates, and so on. To be truly confident about the site in question, you must be confident in the person selling it. On Flippa, getting to know the seller involves a number of steps.

Checking seller feedback and trust ratings Each seller has a trust rating, and feedback percentage. The trust rating comprises a number of factors, as shown here.


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