Everything you need to know about Partial Dentures

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Everything you need to know about Partial Dentures If some of your teeth are missing then one of the most convenient and easy dental solutions is to get the partial dentures fixed and begin life at the same pace.

What are partial dentures? As the name suggests, partial dentures are the removable dentures that help in restoring multiple teeth in the lower or upper part of the mouth. Partial dentures won’t replace the complete set of missing teeth, so you must have some healthy teeth left in either of the two parts of your mouth before you think of partial dentures.

When do you need partial dentures? There might be certain instances when you end up losing one or more of your teeth. Thus, it is under these circumstances that partial dentures are needed. Some of such instances are:  Tooth extraction  Injury  Tooth decay

What are the benefits of partial dentures? Partial dentures are not just cosmetic devices because these not only enhance the aesthetics but also improve the chewing and speaking ability of the person. In addition to this, partial dentures prevent any kind of shift in the movement of teeth which is the result of the gaps left due to missing teeth.

What are some of the key areas to be understood before opting for partial dentures? For a better understanding of partial dentures, go through the following checkpoints:  Location: The anterior and posterior parts of your mouth can be easily replaced by wearing partial dentures which will enhance biting power and speaking/ chewing ability.  Durability: After tooth extraction, gums need time to heal and thus partial dentures are a good choice.  The number of teeth: If you have three or more than three teeth missing, partial dentures are the ultimate pick. Dr. Shivesh Ruparelia at Woolwich Dental Group in Guelph will guide you on the subject.

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