Differentiation Between A Root Canal and Tooth Extraction

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• Multiple visits are required to make the root canal treatment process successful • Depending upon the recovery achieved, the dentist will prescribe visiting sessions • Tooth extraction treatment involves multiple aftercare processes that must be followed as prescribed to avoid facing unwanted consequences.

The treatment process differences: • The root canal treatment involves numbing the respective area and then opening up the affected tooth to remove the dead or diseased pulp • In the tooth extraction method, the dentist shall make use of a lever kind of appliance to loosen up the tooth from its respective socket. Later on, forceps shall be used to extract the tooth.

Discomfort: • No type of pressure can be felt during the root canal treatment process as the area shall be numbed by the dentist. • Some kind of pressure can be felt while removing the tooth through the extraction method, causing a level of discomfort. Recovery: • After undergoing the root canal procedure, it’s quite normal to experience pain for a week or two. • After undergoing the tooth extraction procedure, light bleeding and swelling shall happen, which can be controlled by using ice packs and other medications as prescribed by the dentist.

Contact Us Woolwich Dental Group has a team of experienced dentists who will discuss the treatment procedure and the kind of aftercare you need to follow in both tooth extraction and root canal treatment `methods. Under their guidance, you can wisely recover quickly regardless of the method you chose in the first place.

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