6 Signs Your Dental Filling may need to be Replaced

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 Though dental fillings are intended to last for a long time, they might require replacement eventually.  A broken filling might cause dental pain, serious gum infection, further tooth loss and tooth decay.  You need to visit your dental expert as soon as possible to get a replacement.  To help guard your teeth, gums and smile, here are 6 signs your dental filling might require a replacement.

1) Your filling is broken • Deterioration can cause the filling to break eventually and though this takes years to occur, it can happen sooner if you have the habit of often grinding your teeth.

2) The tooth hurts • Do you experience throbbing pain in the filling section? This might be due to the wear and tear of the filling and the development of a deep cavity. • It can become infected and need extensive treatment like extraction or root canal if it is not treated soon.

3) You experience sensitivity • •

If the tooth is sensitive to cold, hot or sugary drinks or foods, then there is a possibility of a crack around or in the dental filling. The crack lets bacteria attack the space thereby exposing the inner pulp and creates sensitivity and discomfort.

4) The filling loses its colour • •

Did you get composite resin dental fillings? These fillings might become darker or look a little yellow, overtime. Replacing your filling will revive the appearance of your teeth and offer you a beautiful and brighter smile.

5) You got injured • •

If you were in an accident that involves injury to your mouth, you might be having a tooth fracture. Your restorations like dental fillings could become loosened, chipped or dislodged.

6) The filling is old • •

Dental fillings last around for 7 to 15 years, depending on the material type used [composite resin or amalgam]. If your dental filling is old and is starting to display some deterioration signs, it is essential to visit your dentist and get it replaced as soon as possible.

Contact Us  The staff here at Woolwich Dental Group are a group of dedicated and professional people who are warm and caring and work towards easing your worries and make you feel comfortable. Their experienced dentists can help you with your dental filling replacement.  Contact Dr. Shivesh Ruparelia at Woolwich Dental Group and get the treatment that best meets your needs.

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