3 Self-Care Tips For A Quicker Recovery After Root Canal Therapy

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Root canal treatment is the ultimate solution to relieve a patient of an ailing toothache that has refused other medications. What is root canal treatment? It is the procedure in which the dentist removes the pulp, cleans and reshapes the root canal, then fills the gap with a sealant if there is inflammation or infection in the roots of the tooth. This treatment helps to save the tooth and also prevents the infection from spreading. What are the signs of a root canal? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pain chewing A chipped or cracked tooth Sensitivity Swollen gums Darkening or decaying gums

What is the post root canal treatment care? While the treatment itself is a matter of a few sittings, you need to understand the intricacies of the self-care post root canal treatment for a quick recovery: 1. Efficient management: Careful planning of your daily routine regarding what you eat, how much you exercise, the amount of rest you take, and the way you sleep can help in better and quicker recovery. 2. Ignorance is not an option: Don’t ignore swelling, rashes, hives, and other warning signals after a root canal treatment. If need be, visit the dentist and get medications revised accordingly. 3. Watch the crown: If the temporary crown is making you uncomfortable, don’t wait to go to the dentist.

What should be the diet after root canal treatment? • • • • • •

Soft and mushy foods Yogurt Eggs Fish Soups Smoothies

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• Get an appointment at Woolwich Dental Group for a smooth root canal treatment.

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