13 best tips to prevent and avoid bad breath

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WHAT IS BAD BREATH? Bad breath is also known as Halitosis. Bad breath results from the production of sulfur compounds which originates from the breakdown of food particles by bacteria present in the mouth. It is estimated that bad breath affects 25 percent of people in the world. Poor oral hygiene is the number one factor responsible for bad breath.

TIPS TO PREVENT BAD BREATH Brush your teeth twice a day and properly for 2-3 minutes.

Floss your teeth at least once a day. Rinse your mouth with anti-bacterial mouthwash. Use toothpaste rich in fluoride content.

TIPS TO PREVENT BAD BREATH Invest in a tongue scraper to effectively clean your tongue. Drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated. Avoid smoking and tobacco-related products.

Limit intake of sugary foods, onions, garlic and spicy foods

TIPS TO PREVENT BAD BREATH Reduce coffee and alcohol consumption. Chew sugarless gums which help in stimulating saliva production. Change your diet, eat fresh fruits rich in fiber and vitamin c such as guava, lime, orange, apple etc. Keep your gums healthy. Gum disease can cause Bad breath. And the most important one- Visit your Dentist regularly for thorough oral check-ups.

CONTACT US Still worried about your bad breath? Visit Woolwich Dental Clinic in Guelph to get rid of bad breath completely.

Address 271 Woolwich St. Guelph, ON N1H 3V8

Take a look at our varied dental services for all your dental needs. (519) 824-8830 http://woolwichdental.com

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