13 Secrets to a Beautiful White Smile

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13 Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth


INTRODUCTION  Everyone desires a white and beautiful smile that can brighten anyone's day. A beautiful and white smile can make you look younger, boost your confidence and help you make a lasting impression on others.  As we age, enamel starts to wear away, exposing yellow-coloured dentin underneath. Protect tooth enamel by practicing good dental habits and regularly visiting your dentist.

 Teeth get stained due to various factors such as age, genetics, poor oral health, poor diet, drinking coffee, red wine, etc.  There are many ways to achieve a beautiful and fresh looking smile. Follow the tips in the next slide to achieve a whiter smile.

Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth  Increase intake of crunchy foods and vegetables such as celery, apples, pears, carrots, etc. These foods trigger saliva production, which washes away food debris from your teeth and also neutralizes the acids that cause tooth decay.  Avoid teeth whitening if you had any dental work done such as veneers, bonding, crowns, bridges, etc. Bleaching will not have any effect on manufactured teeth. Consider having new dental work done to get a white and beautiful smile.  Avoid foods and drinks that cause staining on teeth such as coffee, tea, ketchup, red wine, etc. Rinse your mouth with water after every meal and drink.

 Avoid smoking and consumption of tobacco-based products. Not only these are harmful to your health but also causes teeth staining.

Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth  Avoid sports drink, carbonated beverages or other sweetened drinks. Long-term use of such drinks can erode your tooth enamel and discolour your teeth.

 Maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and floss once a day to prevent the build-up of plaque and bacteria.  Set up an appointment with a cosmetic dentist to whiten your teeth professionally in a shorter time period. Other cosmetic dental procedures such as bonding, veneers, and crowns can also help you achieve a whiter smile.  Certain medications such as antihistamines, antipsychotics and antihypertensive drugs cause teeth discoloration. Check your medications and consult your dentist or doctor about it.

 Eat foods that whiten your teeth naturally such as cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. Eat strawberries, malic acid present in it naturally whitens your teeth.

Best-Kept Secrets for Whiter Teeth  Switch to an electric toothbrush. Various research has shown that an electric toothbrush is more effective in removing tooth stains than a standard toothbrush.  If you are a coffee lover, then you need to limit your intake. Excessive coffee intake can stain your teeth in a very shorter period. Avoid sipping and try to drink it with a straw.

 Visit your dentist regularly to prevent or treat dental problems such as cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis that can ruin your beautiful smile.  Avoid home remedies which claim to whiten your teeth at all costs. Many popular home remedies available online can erode your tooth enamel and pose a serious threat to your oral health. Instead, opt for teeth whitening procedures offered by reputable dental clinics.

Contact Us Address : If you are self-conscious about your smile because of yellow stained teeth, then visit Woolwich Dental Group.

271 Woolwich St Guelph, ON N1H 3V8

Contact : (519) 824-8830

Our Guelph dentists offer a complete selection of teeth whitening treatment options in a very enjoyable, convenient and safe atmosphere.

Email : info.woolwichdentalgroup@gmail.com

Website : www.woolwichdental.com

Schedule your appointment today!

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