What to Keep in Mind When Buying a Child’s Toy Chest

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What To Keep In Mind When Buying A Child’s Toy Chest

Parents and caretakers approach toy storage in their own ways. The absence of a toy storage system can lead to clutter which in turn can lead to frustration of both children as well as the adults. Every parent goes through the experience at some point in time or the other of thinking of buying a toy chest. Out of the various means of storing toys, a toy chest is perhaps the most popular. Toy chests come in all kinds of finishes. Some of them may be a simple wooden box. Others may be beautifully decorated pieces of furniture that adds value to the home décor. Below we discuss few tips that we need to keep in mind when buying a toy chest for a child. Location Before we buy a toy chest, we have to ask ourselves where we are going to keep it. More often than not, it is kept in the child’s playroom or bedroom. When buying a toy chest, one has to keep in mind to buy the item that best fits with the theme of the kid’s interests. So, if a boy favors a fire truck theme, the toy chest should reflect the boy’s interests. If a girl prefers the theme of a princess, the toy chest should reflect that. Toy chests should also preferably match the décor of the room in which they will be kept. For example, if the room in which the toy chest will be kept contains cherry finish furniture, the toy chest should also have a cherry finish to fit in well with the rest of the décor. Safety and structure Traditionally, wooden toy chests have the strongest structure. They are also an excellent way to teach toddlers a sense of discipline and responsibility. After playing with their toys, kids are taught to put them back into the toy box neatly so that they can easily find them again the next time they want to play. This instills in them a sense of being organized and methodical. Over and above being strong and instilling a sense of discipline, a wooden toy chest also has to be safe. Some of the best safety practices are a gap between the sides

of the box and the lid so that the little fingers of the toddlers do not get caught and a slow closing hinge. One should actively avoid buying chests that lock so that the child accidentally does not get trapped inside. Furthermore, one should also take care to buy a toy chest that is sturdy. This is because strong toy chests are less likely to topple over causing any untoward incident.

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