Woodstock Independent 2020 Primary Election Voters Guide

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Local Polling Places

Polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 17 Dorr 10 First United Methodist Church 201 W. South St., Woodstock

Greenwood 4 McHenry County Admin Bldg. 667 Ware Road, Woodstock

Dorr 2 Free Methodist Church 934 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock

Dorr 11 Ridgefield Presbyterian Church 8505 Church St., Ridgefield

Greenwood 5 Wonder Lake Community Bldg. 4444 Thompson Road, Wonder Lake

Dorr 3 McHenry County Fairgrounds, Bldg. D 11900 Country Club Road, Woodstock

Dorr 12 Woodstock Country Club 10310 Country Club Road, Woodstock

Greenwood 6 McHenry County Admin Bldg. 667 Ware Road, Woodstock

Dorr 4 McHenry County Fairgrounds, Bldg. D 11900 Country Club Road, Woodstock

Dorr 13 Dorr Township Building 1039 Lake Ave., Woodstock

Greenwood 7 McHenry County Admin Bldg. 667 Ware Road, Woodstock

Dorr 5 McHenry County Fairgrounds, Bldg. D 11900 Country Club Road, Woodstock

Dorr 14 Woodstock Country Club 10310 Country Club Road, Woodstock

Hartland 1 Valley Hi Nursing Home 2406 Hartland Road, Woodstock

Dorr 6 Free Methodist Church 934 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock

Greenwood 1 Greenwood Twp. Municipal Bldg. 5211 Miller Road, Wonder Lake

Hartland 2 Hartland Township Garage 15813 Nelson Road, Woodstock

Dorr 7 Redeemer Lutheran Church 1320 Dean St., Woodstock

Greenwood 2 McHenry County Admin Bldg. 667 Ware Road, Woodstock

Seneca 1 Seneca Township Highway Garage 16506 Garden Valley Road, Woodstock

Dorr 8 First United Methodist Church 201 W. South St., Woodstock

Greenwood 3 Highland Shores Comm. Bldg. 9015 Woody Trail, Wonder Lake

Seneca 2 Seneca Township Highway Garage 16506 Garden Valley Road, Woodstock

Dorr 9 Redeemer Lutheran Church 1320 Dean St., Woodstock


Seven Republicans seek the nominaton to challenge incumbent Democrat Lauren Underwood on Nov. 3; vote for one

Sue Rezin

Age: 57 Vocation: Illinois state senator for

nine years; four years in the 1990s as a school board member Public/political experience: Illinois state senator nine years; four years in 1990s as a school board member.

Q: What three steps must the U.S. Congress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14? A: There are five priorities. 1. Implement a permanent ban on discrimination against people with preexisting health conditions for getting health coverage. 2. Reduce the price of prescription drugs.

3. Continue to nurture economic growth with continued rolling back of regulation and taxes to keep our economy strong. 4. Sue Increase borRezin der control by building a wall to help border control agents prevent illegal crossings. 5. Rebuild our aging roads and bridges with a federal infrastructure plan that President Trump strongly supports.

Q: What makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the

residents of the 14th District?

A: As a state senator, I have a record of accomplishment on behalf of those I serve, especially on the issues of healthcare, education, veterans, energy, ethics, elder abuse, and flood prevention and mitigation. On each of these issues that I have been passionate about I can now be more effective by serving in Congress. Among all the candidates in this Republican primary election for Congress, I am best suited as the nominee because I have won all five of my elections – and three of them were “Tier One” state legislative races and among the most competitive in the state. I defeated an incumbent female Democrat state representative in my

first legislative election. The Madigan and Cullerton Chicago political machines have spent millions trying to defeat me, and yet I’ve won every time. My primary opponents either have terrible records of losing elections or have never run for office before and thus have never been tested in battle or vetted by opposition campaigns. Going against the Madigan and Cullerton political machines as I have done repeatedly is the nearest thing to what the Republican nominee for Congress will face next fall as we run to defeat incumbent Democratic Lauren Underwood. Please see U.S. House Page 16


Dorr 1 McHenry County Fairgrounds, Bldg. D 11900 Country Club Road, Woodstock

March 11-17, 2020

The Woodstock Independent emailed short questionnaires to candidates in contested local races to solicit information that might help voters. Candidates who responded have their replies and photos printed in this voters guide. Candidates were asked to limit their responses to 200 words for each question. Some responses have been edited for length. Responses are printed in the order in which the candidates appear on the ballot.




March 11-17, 2020



U.S.HOUSE Continued from page 15

Catalina Lauf

Age: 26 Vocation: Consultant, Body Worn


Public/political experience:

Appointed by President Trump in 2018 to serve as a special adviser to U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington D.C.

Q: What three

steps must the U.S. Congress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14?

Catalina Lauf

A: Champion Your Constituents, Not Play Party Lines: We must demand that our representative be servant leaders, listen to all their constituents, and champion kitchen table issues at home, not cater to their party leaders in Washington. In 2016, the constituents of IL 14 voted for President Trump, yet Lauren Underwood voted in favor of impeachment. Democrats’ dislike for the president and his administration outweighs their duty and ability to work across the aisle. Furthermore, the politicizing of issues such as immigration keeps both sides from having productive conversations and achieving reform. 2. Lead by Example: The rhetoric put out by Congresswoman Lauren Underwood, including when she called all Republicans racist and sexist, is offensive. That’s not how we talk to each other here in IL 14. Great people from both sides of the aisle make up our community. We need to focus on what unites us, not divides us. 3. Cut Spending, Lower Taxes: Illinoisans do not feel heard. We are overtaxed at our State and local levels. Congress should work to provide economic relief federally by fighting for legislation that cuts taxes, deregulates and fosters an economic environment in which all Americans have the opportunity to thrive. Q: What makes you the candidate best

suited to represent the interests of the residents of the 14th District?

A: I was born and raised in this

district. My mother came her legally from Guatemala in search of a better life. My father is a small business

owner. Together, they built their American Dream in Woodstock. I’m the direct product of their hard work and sacrifice. Today, I see that American Dream under attack by the young progressive far leftists in Congress that think more government is the answer. They push for things like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and other socialist policies, all at the expense of our freedoms and our pocketbooks. It’s time Republicans focus on the future. After spending five years in the private sector, I was appointed by President Trump to serve in his administration. I am an advocate for the America First agenda, a strong proponent of our constitutional rights, and most importantly, I am the changing face and fresh perspective for our party. Our districts are changing, and in order for our party to evolve and stay competitive, we must have new ideas and new people to carry the torch forward. As the left goes further left, it is time we focus on the future to preserve Freedom and the incredible ideals our country was founded up.

Jerry Evans

Age: 36 Vocation: Owner and founder of Jerry

Evans School of Music

Public/political experience: None

Q: What three steps must the U.S. Con-

gress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14?

A: On my website, www.jerryevansforcongress, I’ve actually published the top five issues I plan to address for the 14th District. If I were to pick three, they would be lower taxes, healthJerry Evans care reform, and protecting the unborn. Taxes on the middle class and small businesses can and must be lowered. Healthcare costs are not affordable, which is why my plan focuses on free market solutions to lower costs. Lastly, an unborn child is a person, and I will fight to protect it’s right to life. Check out my website for more details! Q: What makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of the 14th District? A: It is absolutely essential to

take back the 14th District, support President Trump in Congress, and accurately represent the values and beliefs of the 14th District. Our current representative does not fit the values of the district. I believe I am best suited for this task because I am a true political outsider, a small businessman, and a millennial candidate with a strong record of accomplishment. In addition, I believe we need more honesty and transparency in politics, which is why since day one of my campaign I’ve had my values on display, and I’m the only candidate who has published lengthy solutions to key issues. Check them out at jerryforcongress.com. I’m pro-life, I’m a Christian, and I’m a man of God who truly believes in service.

Jim Oberweis

Age: 73 Vocation: Chairman, Oberweis Dairy Public/political experience: Cur-

rently serving as state senator in the 25th District

Q: What three steps must the U.S. Con-

gress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14?

A: The most important steps the next congressman from the 14th District can take to make government work better are to advocate for the values of the people of this district, to be willing to work in a bipartisan way to solve the big Jim picture problems Oberweis facing the nation, and to fight for real reforms such as term limits. I am most equipped to represent the values of this district because I have lived here. I have raised a family here, and I have built successful businesses here. I know the people of the 14th District, and they know I will be an effective and tireless advocate for them. In addition, I will be willing to work with Democrats to solve problems. The partisanship we see from Rep. Underwood is not productive. As Ronald Reagan said, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.” We could solve a lot of problems if more lawmakers adopted Reagan’s philosophy. Finally, I will fight for the kind of transformative reforms we need, such as a Balanced Budget

Amendment and term limits to reduce federal government intrusions in our daily lives.

Q: What makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of the 14th District? A: I am the only elected official who lives in the 14th Congressional District. I have extensive experience in the private sector, and I have a proven track record of creating thousands of jobs. Under my leadership, Oberweis Dairy has grown from a small home-delivery company with one ice cream store and 50 employees to 43 ice cream stores and restaurants with more than 1,200 employees. I also started Oberweis Asset Management and built it to nearly $1 billion in assets under management before turning it over to my son. In addition, I bring to the table real experience in public policy by serving in the Illinois State Senate since 2013. I have worked with Democrats and Republicans on major policy issues at the state level. I currently serve as the minority whip. I know how to work across the aisle to get things done just like I did with the legislation to increase the speed limit on interstate highways from 65 mph to 70 mph. The experience of serving in the Illinois Senate will be invaluable while serving in Congress.

James T. ‘Jim’ Marter

Age: 57 Vocation: Software consultant /entre-

preneur and business owner with 34 years’ experience in information technology, project management, and business process implementation Public/political experience: Kendall County Republican Party chairman; Illinois Conservatives Union-Executive Committee and the Illinois Center Right Coalition, Steering Committee; 2016 Republican primary U.S. Senate candidate; Kendall County coordinator of Jeanne Ives for Governor James T. ‘Jim’ campaign Marter

Q: What three steps must the U.S. Con-

gress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14?

A: 1) Cut taxes, programs and unnecessary bureaucracies; 2) Eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse; 3)

Please see U.S. House Page 17

Continued from page 16

A: I’m a leader you can trust, with

global experience in international business and manufacturing. I am an entrepreneur and small-business owner who meets with workers on the factory line, in warehouses, labs, and meets with executives in the boardroom. I love America and treasure our freedoms, Constitution, and our republican form of government

Age: 55 Vocation: Businessman Public/political experience: Zero. I

am a political outsider.

Q: What three steps must the U.S. Con-

gress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14?

A: First, we

need term limits to get rid of career politicians in both parties. We need more political outTed siders with real Gradel world experience that will get things done in Washington, D.C. Second, we need to support

Q: What makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of the 14th District? A: I haven’t spent a career in Springfield or Washington, D.C. I’m a political outsider, not a politician. I never thought I would run for office before. I’ve spent the past 30 years building a business, raising a family, and coaching youth sports in our community. The residents of the 14th District are looking for someone like President Trump. Someone who’s spent their career in business, not politics. Like Trump, they are looking for an outsider, not a career politician. I’m the only candidate running who is a successful businessman and political outsider who will get things done.

Anthony Catella

Age: 49 Vocation: While I’ve been working

the past three years as a store clerk, I believe my vocation consists of a calling to the Christian ministerial service. I served as a Catholic priest for five years in a diocese; before that I served in the Army MP Corps. I am also qualified by the Army to be an Army chaplain. Public/political experience: Election judge and precinct committeeman;

Q: What three steps must the U.S. Con-

gress be willing to take to make the federal government work better for the residents of U.S. House District 14?

A: 1) balance the federal budget; 2) allow the president to veto only the parts of a revenue bill that would be too wasteful of government funds; and 3) give to private enterprise the freedom to use wealth Anthony to create more Catella wealth; this will provide the stimulus to the economy and give us the prosperity we need in this country to be all we can be.

Q: What makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of the 14th District? A: I have served as a soldier and a priest, and there are few callings in life as high as these with the possible exception of an elected office, because that is one to which a man or woman of the people is called by the people to serve the people. As a soldier I’ve served the people of the United States, and as a priest I’ve served a portion of God’s people. I can now be a soldier for the 14th district fighting your battles in Congress, and I can bring a pastor’s care to the very real concerns of our people here. As I see it, my task is to keep our liberty and freedom as strong and vital as it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed and we became 13, and now 50, powerful United States of America! The task I desire to perform is not to make government do the work but to allow us to exercise what we have from God: the dignity and the duty and the right to determine our own destiny.


Two Democats seek the nomination to challenge Republican incumbent Steven Reick; vote for one

Brian Sager

Age: 67 Vocation: Retired college administator Public/political experience:

Woodstock City Council member for all but two years from 1989 to 2005, when I was elected mayor. I will complete my fourth term as mayor in 2021; pastpresident of McHenry County Council of Governments; currently McHenry County representative to the Regional

Transportation Authority.

Q: What three steps must the General

Assembly be willing to take to put Illinois on a path toward fiscal responsibility?

A: First, the General Assembly should take a united stand to support passage of the statewide referendum for a fair or graduated income tax. It would tax those earning lower

incomes at appropriately lower rates and those earning higher incomes at appropriately higher rates and increase state tax revenues. Further, it would do so on a marginal basis. The income tax is a stable, foundational, primary source of state revenue and, fairly applied, will allow us to address the priority needs of educational funding and pension obligations and reduce the current,

extremely high reliance on property taxes. Second, the General Assembly should reconsider the State Prompt Payment Act, which has the best of intentions, but the financial impact through required interest payments is adding significantly to our debt obligations. Those diverted dollars Please see House 63 Page 18


Q: What makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of the 14th District?

Ted Gradel

President Trump’s agenda. We need to make the Trump tax cuts permanent and end taxpayer-funded benefits for criminal illegal aliens. Finally, we need to break up the Madigan-Pritzker machine that’s crippling our state with tax hikes and corruption. I will oppose the Madigan-Pritzker tax hike that would destroy jobs in our state and will fight to freeze property taxes here in Illinois. President Trump’s tax cuts have made America competitive again, which is why I will advocate to make those permanent. We need to create the same competitive environment here in Illinois and end the destructive, job-killing policies pushed by Springfield politicians.

March 11-17, 2020

Balanced budget process and Constitutional Amendment Unleash the economy by eliminating regulations, lower taxes on individuals and businesses by implementing a 10 percent flat tax on both. Repeal the unconstitutional and unAffordable Care Act, thereby repealing the largest tax increase in American history. End both unnecessary and unconstitutional bureaucracies and functions of government, end the vast majority of foreign aid, cut the size and scope of the federal government, pass a real balanced budget and a BBA. Eliminate the regressive tax code and nearly all of the income tax regulations and most of the IRS, significantly reduce the size and scope and its authority. I will be relentless in the pursuit of cutting the size and scope of spending and “big” government in Washington, eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse from government and cutting government bureaucracy and agencies, which are neither necessary at the federal level nor constitutional. Stop giving our treasury to foreign countries, crony capitalists, and end the “corporate welfare.” I applaud President Trump and rolling back regulations, at an astonishing rate, thereby unleashing the economy.

which must be defended by every generation. I will join the House Freedom Caucus, like Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan; support President Trump; put America first; stand and fight for your Second Amendment rights; respect our flag, defend our Constitution; fight for conservative pro-life and pro-family values; and support term limits. I will secure the border, support immigration limits, block immigrants from terrorist states, eliminate sanctuary cities. Life, religious liberty, faith in God, fellowship, and family are the most important things to me. My beautiful wife, Jill, and I have been married 34 years, we are blessed with our four children and our first granddaughter! I’ve served my communities more than 25 years as a Scout Leader, an age-group swimming coach, and a youth basketball coach. I’ve served as a precinct committeeman and Republican Party chairman of Kendall County, working hard for many Republicans.



active in politics since 2016


March 11-17, 2020




Continued from page 17

should be dedicated to our priority obligations. Third, the General Assembly should prioritize economic growth and development. One of the best ways to re-invigorate the economy is to invest in industries with potential Brian for job creation. Sager The General Assembly, through bipartisan effort and consensus, should pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act and support high-speed internet infrastructure improvements, both of which would create jobs and investment in the state.

Q: What in your personal, professional and political experience makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of House District 63? A: I am running for the General

Assembly because I believe we need honest, ethical individuals representing us at all levels of government. I also believe we need elected officials willing to step away from extreme partisanship and work together to address the needs of our state

and country in a kinder, mutually respectful, collaborative manner. We have successfully done that in Woodstock, and I want to boldly carry that message to Springfield as representative of the 63rd District. Throughout my tenure in McHenry County, I have become acquainted with the residents, businesses, agencies and organizations of the district; have become well-versed in the needs, interests and issues of the district; and have worked with the community-at-large to derive consensus and resolution on how to approach priorities. Collectively, we must reenforce our commitment to state funding of education at the K-12, college and university levels and reduce the heavy reliance on local property taxes; meet the state’s obligation to fund pension systems; support agriculture as the state’s largest industry; prioritize mental health care and addiction services; and invest in clean energy, infrastructure and high-speed internet, all with potential to create jobs and increase investment in our state and local communities.

Peter Janko

Age: 67 Vocation: Telecommunications design

and engineering/architectural preservation and restoration Public/political experience: State Democratic Central Committeeman for 14th Congressional District; Board of Directors, Preservation Trades Network; former commissioner, McHenry

County Historic Preservation Commission; co-founder, Medicare for All Northern Illinois


Q: What three steps must the General

Assembly be willing to take to put Illinois on a path toward fiscal responsibility?

Q: What in your personal, professional and political experience makes you the candidate best suited to represent the interests of the residents of House District 63?

A: We need to adopt a progressive income tax. It is much more fair than what we have now. 97 percent of McHenry Country residents will see their taxes reduced Peter or stay about the same. We are one of Janko only a handful of states that do not have a progressive income tax. b) We need to change the tax structure to be much friendlier to small, family-owned businesses. Currently, big businesses are getting big tax breaks while at same time trying to eliminate thousands of jobs through off-shoring and automation. Small businesses, the real job creators, get buried by paperwork and spend a disproportionate percentage of income in taxes and providing benefits for their employees. c) We need to curtail wasting money on sweetheart deals and pork-barrel projects. I see too many projects of questionable benefit being advanced for political reasons and/or indirect financial gain for the politicians pushing those projects rather than true need by

A: I have been an activist for five decades, continuously working toward government that works to improve the lives of its people – from the civil rights movement, to labor, to environmentalism. The desire to work for the benefit of the common man and woman hasn’t faded. We need to break up the “old boys” network that makes meaningful reform nearly impossible. We must stop electing career politicians who only care about their own selfinterests and elect people who are from working families, that understand our needs, to be our voice in Springfield, I am not a career politician. My first run for office was in 2018, when I decided to run for Democratic State Central Committeeman to give me more of a voice in Springfield to advocate for local issues. Since being elected, I have used my influence as our elected State Central committeeman to good use. My advocacy played a key role in securing $275 million dollars in state funding to establish Chicago-to-Rockford Amtrak passenger service, which will bring good-paying jobs to McHenry as well as pave the way for Metra service to Huntley and Marengo.


Three Republicans seek two nominations; vote for two. Democrats Nancy Glissman and Larry Spath are uncontested

Dan Bertrand

Age: 63 Vocation: Retired superintendent of

Marengo Community High School District 154 Public/political experience: None

Q: What are the

three most important actions the County Board can take to make McHenry County a better place to live and do business?

Dan Bertrand

A: Control taxes and fees, incentives to attract more businesses and industry to our county, eliminate partisan politics at the county level, and focus on what is best for our citizens.

Q: What in your personal, professional, and political experience makes you someone voters can trust to make the right decisions for McHenry County?

Q: What are the three most important actions the County Board can take to make McHenry County a better place to live and do business?

A: I am a non-partisan, professional, open-minded individual who is highly educated with a doctoral degree. I have no further political aspirations. I am running for the County Board as a means to continue my interest in being a public servant and to serve and represent the interests of the residents of District 6.

A: McHenry County must continue to seek ways to control spending. Reducing spending and lowering the tax levy will enable business owners Tracie and residents the Von Bergen means to stay in McHenry County. It is critical for the McHenry County Board to encourage responsible economic growth. By doing so, it can help ease the tax burden on current business owners and residents, increase jobs and income throughout the entire county.

Tracie Von Bergen

Age: 46 Vocation: Self-employed farmer, Von

Bergen’s Country Market

Public/political experience:

Hebron Township assessor since 1999

I believe it is important for the the County Board to work together. Understanding that each district faces its own set of challenges, each board member should educate themselves with those diverse challenges. I will work to understand and find solutions facing the entire county.

Q: What in your personal, professional, and political experience makes you someone voters can trust to make the right decisions for McHenry County? A: My experience as a farmer, smallbusiness owner and long-time resident of McHenry County makes me a candidate who will work hard to ensure voters will be heard. I have many years of community involvement and leadership experience that presently includes treasurer of the Woodstock Farmers Market. Currently serving Please see District 6 Page 19

Continued from page 18

as the Hebron Township assessor, I maintain an open, transparent office that works with taxpayers to ensure they are treated fairly. I believe McHenry County is a wonderful place to live and visit and will do my best to find solutions to the many issues facing our county.

Age: 58 Vocation: Owner of Nutri Life Pet


Public/political experience: Grafton Township supervisor 2013-2017; McHenry County Board member District 6, 2016-present

A: We must continue to reduce property James A. taxes while creKearns ating a sustainable level of service for the residents of McHenry County. We should promote economic business growth by continuing to improve the I.T. broadband, county road and bridge infrastructure along Route 23, Randall Road, and throughout all of McHenry County. The county must help to alleviate home and property flooding by working with organizations such as the Farm Bureau, conservation district, and municipalities to help reactivate drainage districts to eliminate drainage problems by clearing clogged waterways thus improving our land values and increasing agriculture

A: I am running for re-election for McHenry County Board member in District 6. A lifelong resident of Huntley, my wife of 34 years (Dacia) and I raised three children. ... My wife and I founded and run a successful pet food company within McHenry County with distribution to 30 states. In 2015 we created Lovey’s Foundation in memory of our daughter, Jennifer, to provide help to various pet rescues and shelters. In 2013 I was elected Grafton Township supervisor, and along with the newly elected Board of Trustees, I led the township to cut duplicated services and cost and eliminated a $500,000 debt left by the previous administration. In 2017 I left Grafton Township with $700,000 surplus and we cut the tax levy by 10 percent. I am proud of the legacy left behind, and Grafton Township has continued to cut the tax levy by 10 percent each year. Since December 2016 to present, I have been a District 6 member of the McHenry County Board. It is documented in the board minutes that I have always insisted that we permanently cut the tax levy in a sustainable manner and not abate taxes. I am an independent thinker who places the priorities of the people over my own.


Three Republicans seek the nomination; vote for one

Angela Marie Byrnes

Age: 38 Vocation: I am a registered nurse and

currently serve as a vice president at the largest nonprofit hospice organization in Illinois. Public/political experience: This is my first time running for an elected office.

Q: In November, voters will decide whether to make the McHenry County coroner an appointee of the County Board

rather than an elected position. Which do you prefer, and why?

A: It is important for the coroner’s office to remain an elected Angela Marie position. The Byrnes coroner should remain free of undue influence and answer to voters, not to politicians, in

Please see Coroner Page 20


Q: What are the three most important actions the County Board can take to make McHenry County a better place to live and do business?

Q: What in your personal, professional, and political experience makes you someone voters can trust to make the right decisions for McHenry County?

March 11-17, 2020

James A. Kearns

production. McHenry County must support the mental health organizations to lower the opioid crises and to support the increasing senior population. The County Board has promised to add a memory care unit to Valley High by adding a 25-bed unit to the existing facility. I would like to see the project begin soon.





March 11-17, 2020



McHenry County Board Candidate District 6

Jim Kearns Please Vote Vote for for Jim Jim Kearns Kearns on in the Please the March March 17th 17th Republican Republican Primary Primary I am a lifelong resident I am a lifelong residentofofMcHenry McHenryCounty. County. II and and My My wife (Dacia) of 34 years, have raised three children and wife (Dacia) of 34 years, have raised three children and are proud Grandparents of two Grandchildren (soon to be are proud Grandparents of two Grandchildren (soon to be three), all residing in McHenry County. My children and I three), all residing within McHenry County. MyBeef children were county 4-H members and proudly showed and and I were County 4-H members and proudly showed Swine at the McHenry County Fair for many years. Beef My and at theand McHenry Fair for years. My wifeSwine and I own operateCounty a successful petmany food company wife andMcHenry I own andCounty operatewith a successful pet food company within distribution in 30 States. In 2015, to memorialize our distribution late daughter, within McHenry County with in Jennifer, 30 States.we In created Foundation provide Jennifer, help to various pet 2015, to Lovey’s memorialize our latetodaughter, we created rescues Foundation and shelters.toMcHenry County is a great to Lovey’s provide help to various petplace rescues live, work, and raise a family. and shelters. McHenry County is a great place to live, work,

I amraise an independent thinker who places the priorities and a family. of the people over my I currently holdthe the priorities position I am an independentown. thinker who places of Chairman of the McHenry County Transportation of the people over my own. I currently hold the position Committee and Chairman of the Storm Water of Chairman of the McHenry County Transportation Commission of McHenry County. I am not afraid to stand for what is good for the Committee and Chairman thebow Storm Water Commission McHenry County Residents and willofnot to threats and pressureofplaced uponCounty. CountyI am not afraid to stand for what is good for the County Residents and will not bow to Board members by self-serving politicians. threats and pressure placed upon County Board members by self-serving politicians. As a county board member, I will continue to lead with honesty and integrity by As a county board member, I will continue to lead with honesty and integrity by working in a transparent manner with all government bodies to increase business/ working in a transparent manner with all government bodies to increase business/ economic growth and develop infrastructure with attention to lowering taxes. economic infrastructure with attention to lowering taxes. McHenry McHenrygrowth Countyand must alleviate property flooding. My efforts will includeCounty jointly must alleviate flooding. will include jointly working with the Farm working withproperty the Farm Bureau,My theefforts Conservation District, and Municipalities to reactivate drainage districts eliminate drainageto problems clearing clogged Bureau; Conservation District,toand Municipalities reactivate by drainage districts to waterwaysdrainage thus improving home values andwaterways increasingthus agriculture production. eliminate problemsour by clearing clogged improving our home McHenry County agriculture must support all Mental Health organizations, the values and increase production. McHenry County must supportreduce all Mental opioid crisis and focus on current mental health issues. I always have, and always Health organizations while addressing the needs of our growing Senior population will, support our Senior Citizens by addressing their concerns while fighting to and also continue to lower the opioid crisis and focus on other mental health issues. permanently lower the tax levy. I find great satisfaction in working on behalf of the citizens of McHenry County I find great satisfaction in working on behalf of the citizens of McHenry County and and in creating an effective, cost efficient form of government that serves the people in creating an effective, cost efficient form of government that serves the people while aiming to permantly lower the County Tax Levy. This is why I am running for while aiming to Permanently Lower the County Tax Levy. This is why I am running re-election to McHenry County Board district 6. 6. for re-election to McHenry County Board District

I ask for your vote in the March 17th Republican Primary.

CORONER Continued from page 19

order to maintain the integrity of the justice system. Voters should have a better understanding of the plan presented by [County Chairman] Mr. Franks to create a medical examiner system in our county as well as the role of the coroner. First, one of the most important responsibilities of the coroner is to run the internal operations of their office. Most physicians do not run the operations of their office, but rather hire leadership to do so. I ask why Mr. Franks feels the county should hire a costly “medical examiner” to perform operations for the office. ... Per state statute, a coroner cannot perform autopsies in the county they are appointed in, therefore, the county would still need to continue to contract a medical examiner to perform autopsies on an as needed basis. In Illinois, a coroner is more operational, therefore negating the need for the coroner to be a forensic pathologist, or medical examiner. As stated, appointing a medical examiner would be costly. For example, the medical examiners in Cook County make $220k to $296k per year.

care for patients and their families going through one of the most difficult times of their life. ... Finally, I also have training specific to death investigation. ... It is extremely important that the coroner understands how to appropriately care for the deceased and survivors, as well as how to appropriately work a possible crime scene.

Michael R. Rein

Age: 55 Vocation: Doctor of Chiropractic Public/political experience: Bach-

elor of Science in human biology, Associate of Sciences; medicolegal and forensic death investigation certifications; former McHenry County Board member; Republican precinct committeeman; board member, Woodstock Chamber of ComMichael R. merce; Moose Rein International member; former president, McHenry County Alumni Association.

Q: State law provides no professional qualifications for a coroner. What in your personal, professional, and political experience makes you the best candidate to be McHenry County coroner?

Q: In November, voters will decide whether to make the McHenry County coroner an appointee of the County Board rather than an elected position. Which do you prefer, and why?

A: I have the training and experience necessary to address the issues that have been reported to be deficient in the coroner’s office. I have been working in healthcare for 20 years and am going on my 12th year as a registered nurse. I have worked in emergency room nursing, forensic nursing, hospice, and nursing leadership. The emergency room taught me how to work in high-stress situations and navigate emotionally challenging situations with patients and families, while exposing me to caring for patients with everything from lacerations to cardiac arrest and trauma. My training and experience as a forensic nurse taught me the importance of comprehensive evidence collection, crime scene preservation, objective reporting, and effective communication during traumatic events. Forensic nursing allowed me to care for victims, of all ages, who were sexually assaulted and abused and taught me the importance of thoroughly collecting both internal and external evidence from victims while maintaining professionalism, compassion, and empathy. As a hospice nurse, I am honored to

A: I believe that the coroner’s position should stay as an elected position and the best way for our citizens to decide who should represent them as McHenry County coroner. The coroner’s office is a separation of powers from the state’s attorney, and the sheriff or law enforcement. Just like we have the three branches of government, we have the three levels of separation in regards to a death. In the event of a natural, unnatural or suspicious death, the coroner has the responsibility to determine, independent of the other offices, the cause and manner of death. They must remain impartial with no pressure from any outside influences. Each elected office has their own specific duties during all causes of death. Bureau County, in Illinois, did appoint their coroner for 24 years but realized that this was not the best system and went back to an elected coroner in 2012. The Illinois Coroner and Medical Examiners Association, which is a bipartisan organization, gave their opinion stating that the best way to keep separation of powers during death investigation is to have a coroner’s office

Please see Coroner Page 21

Continued from page 20

elected by the citizens, and I agree with them.

Q: State law provides no professional qualifications for a coroner. What in your personal, professional, and political experience makes you the best candidate to be McHenry County coroner?

likelihood, that the coroner’s office will become unduly influenced by politics. In brief, a pitfall exists that the coroner could become a patronage position. Given the very serious, sensitive and sometimes emotionally disturbing matters the coroner must face, it is critically important that Mark Justen a non-partisan, highly qualified professional hold the position. Clearly, our democratic system works best when candidates present themselves and their credentials to the voters. That is, as distinct from important decisions being made by a small group of partisan individuals. The collective wisdom of the voters and taxpayers in our community has proven to be the tried and true method for selecting the most highly qualified individual to hold the independent and critically important position of McHenry County coroner. Our preference is that the coroner’s office remain an elected position.

Q: In November, voters will decide whether to make the McHenry County coroner an appointee of the County Board rather than an elected position. Which do you prefer, and why? A: In simple terms, it is undesirable to create the possibility, if not the

Polls open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 17

Age: 66 Vocation: Funeral director/business


Public/political experience:

Numerous civic, service, and faithbased organizations; have been active as a firefighter, part of the Illinois Disaster Management Group, Emergency Medical Technician. Never held political office, a benefit to bring objective, professional management to the coroner’s office.


Q: State law provides no professional qualifications for a coroner. What in your personal, professional, and political experience makes you the best candidate to be McHenry County coroner? A: The challenges of being both a businessman, as well as a Death Care Professional, requires an unusually high level of emotional stamina. My direct experience, under sometimes challenging and often demanding circumstances where lives have been lost, has strengthened my resolve to serve others. At this point in my career I am prepared and well equipped to take on the responsibility of establishing organizational stability and bringing our coroner’s office up to professional standards. After almost four decades operating a successful multi-location enterprise I humbly suggest that I am the candidate most qualified to upgrade coroner’s office outdated systems and procedures. My experience dealing with the loss of life, in combination with my practical business acumen along with my experience working with law enforcement, medical professionals, governmental officials and private citizens from all walks of life, will support me in the work I will be doing on behalf of the citizens of McHenry County.

Mark Justen

March 11-17, 2020

A: I am the only candidate that holds 2 Medicolegal and Forensics Death Investigation Certifications that are held by coroners and medical examiners. A Bachelor in Human Biology and Doctor of Chiropractic, I have over 6000 hours of academic and clinical training. This is including but not limited to Human Anatomy/Diseases/ Pathologies, to properly diagnose and give successful treatment outcomes. I have studied thousands of X-rays/ MRIs over my medical career. Having almost 20 years of experience in the medical field, I passed multiple national boards to become licensed in the state of Illinois. Under the Medical Practice Act of Illinois, I am held to the same standards as an MD and a DO. With the increased use of opioids, fentanyl, heroin and now vaping, we must try to curb these senseless deaths in our community. While serving on the County Board, I worked with the McHenry County drug coordinator on numerous occasions to find trends in drug-related deaths. Suicides continue to increase among children under 18 and among veterans. Having worked with our McHenry County Mental Health coordinator, I believe in finding those general causes and helping find the resources they need that are impacting people with mental health issues.








March 11-17, 2020




McHenry County County Regional Superintendent of Schools Advisory proposition regarding the office of McHenry County Regional Superintendent of Schools: “Should the McHenry County Board pursue a new structure of the office of McHenry County Regional Superintendent of Schools, or enter into an agreement with another Regional Office of Education to share its services?” ___ Yes ___ No

Wonder Lake Fire Protection District Proposition to create a new tax rate for emergency and rescue fund purposes: Shall the Wonder Lake Fire Protection District, McHenry County, Illinois, be authorized to levy a new tax for emergency and rescue crews and equipment purposes and have an additional tax of .10% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein extended for such purposes? (1) The approximate amount of taxes extendable at the most recently extended limiting rate is $963,994, and the approximate amount of taxes extendable if the proposition is approved is $1,152,054. (2) For the 2020 levy year, the approximate amount of the additional tax extendable against property containing a single-family residence and having a fair market value at the time of the referendum of $100,000 is estimated to be $33.33. ___ Yes ___ No



Democratic Amy J. Klobuchar Deval Patrick Bernie Sanders Joseph R. Biden Michael R. Bloomberg Elizabeth Warren Pete Buttigieg Tom Steyer Andrew Yang Michael Bennet John K. Delaney Tulsi Gabbard Cory Booker Republican Donald J. Trump Roque “Rocky” De La Duente

U.S. Senate

Democratic Richard J. Durbin Republican Mark C. Curran Tom Tarter Casey Chlebek Peggy Hubbard Robert Marshall

Congress, District 6 Democratic Sean Casten Republican Jeanne Ives Gordon J. Kinzler

Congress, District 14 Democratic Lauren Underwood Republican Sue Rezin Catalina Lauf Jerry Evans Jim Oberweis James T. “Jim” Marter Ted Gradel Anthony Catella

Illinois House District 63 Democratic Brian Sager Peter Janko Republican Steven Reick

Illinois House District 64 Democratic Leslie Armstrong-McLeod Republican Tom Weber

Illinois House District 66 Democratic Jim Malone Suzanne M. Ness Republican Carolyn Schofield Allen Skillicorn

Circuit Clerk

Democratic Renée M. Overlee Republican Katherine M. Keefe

State’s Attorney Democratic No candidate Republican Patrick Kenneally

County Coroner

Democratic No candidate Republican Angela Marie Byrnes Michael R. Rein Mark Justen

County Auditor

Democratic No candidate Republican Shannon L. Teresi

County Board Chairman Democratic Jack D. Franks Republican Mark Buehler

County Board, District 5 Democratic (vote for 2) Paula Yensen Lynn M. Gray Republican (vote for 2) Michael Skala

County Board District 6 Democratic (vote for 2) Nancy Glissman Larry Spaeth Republican (vote for 2) Dan Bertrand Tracie Von Bergen James A. Kearns

Campaign signs line the drive off Ware Road where early voters can’t miss them on their way to vote early at the McHenry County Administration Building. Early voting will continue through Monday, with voting hours set for Saturday and Sunday.

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