Infocus News (25 - 29 April 2022)

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InfocusNews 25 - 29 April 2022

Trade Fair Edition

Civil Registry commits to cover gaps created by COVID-19 induced lockdown


HE CIVIL registry is still committed to ensuring that every Zimbabwean has access to national registration documents by the end of this year to cover gaps created by 2-year-long breaks induced by COVID-19.

Registrar General Henry Machiri shared these sentiments adding that despite challenges in different centres, all efforts were being made to ensure that these documents are availed to everyone in need. In an interview at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) Registry stand where they are currently offering their services, Machiri said people should be patient and make use of the blitz set |

to end in September.

“We have teams all over the country going round communities to ensure that everyone has access to identity documents. We are aware of the disruptions caused by COVID-19 and we doing everything in our power so that come year end we have no one without these important documents,” said Machiri. “The services are for free countrywide and we have received concerns that issuance is slow in some areas. We would, however, like to reassure members of the public that we are committed to availing these documents to everyone by the time this blitz ends,” added Machiri.

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In a statement last week, Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe said Cabinet had approved the scrapping of fees that were initially required to collect the identity particulars to ensure everyone access the critical documents. “To ensure that no one and no place is left behind during this National Civil Registry Blitz, the Ministry is glad to announce that Cabinet has approved waiver of fees for all civil registration documents that is birth certificates, death certificates, national identity documents and livestock brand certificates are now issued at no costs during this mobile registration period. In addition to waiver of fees, Cabinet has also approved relaxation of

InfocusNews registration requirements and this is with immediate effect. Provincial and District Civil Registry together with team leaders have been

instructed to attend to every person and ensure that they are offered the services they require,” he said. He advised everyone to take advan-

tage of the opportunity to ensure they were registered. There is a target of reaching at least 2 million people. management, budgeting, planning your wealth, investments opportunities. The classes that are currently ongoing are being held between 9 am to 12 noon and at 2 pm – 4 pm. Lectures rolled out as from Wednesday, 27 April 2022 and are still ongoing until the 29th of April 2022. The financial literacy sessions are being held at the CABS Centre along Jason Moyo Street Between 9th and 10th Avenue.

Trade fair champions financial literacy sessions


espite the important role played by women in economic development, the financial inclusion gender gap between men and women has remained at 9% for developing economies since 2011. According to the 2012 FinScope MSME Survey, 57% of the business owners in Zimbabwe were women and only 14% of MSMEs had bank accounts.

concurrently with the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) to help women, young women and men with varied lessons on various topics of interest for entrepreneurs.

Financial skills strengthening assists entrepreneurs by building their capacities to improve in ways they handle their finances in line with their entrepreneurial journey.

The Big Five technique represents the characteristics that better explain how one can use and save their finances. The major steps to financial management and savings are what are being covered through the financial literacy sessions.

To ensure the inclusion of all start ups and entrepreneurs, Old Mutual is undertaking financial literacy classes that are being held |

Speaking to one of the representatives at the ZITF exhibition stand, these classes are meant to build capacities of entrepreneurs through skills training using the Big Five technique.

The topics that are being covered include: money management, debt

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“To ensure the inclusion of all start ups and entrepreneurs, Old Mutual is undertaking financial literacy classes...”


Polar orbiting satellites to predict weather patterns


eostationary satellites stay over the same location on Earth high above the surface taking images of the entire Earth as frequently as every 30 seconds. Deep space satellites face the sun to monitor powerful solar storms and space weather.

the end of the year.

On the other hand, polar orbiting satellites can monitor the entire Earth’s atmosphere, clouds and oceans at high resolution. By watching these global weather patterns, polar orbiting satellites can help meteorologists accurately predict long-term forecasts up to 7 days in the future.

Infocus News caught up with one of the representatives at the exhibition stand who said the small satellite is for earth observation such as monitoring the weather, land use and disaster management.

The talk around satellite innovations may sound foreign but these scientific developments are fast catching up with Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe National Geospatial and Space Agency during the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) highlighted hopes of launching a satellite to orbit before |

A replica small satellite at the exhibition stand was meant to help exhibitors to understand what the soon to be launched satellite looked like. The soon to be launched satellite will be the first of its kind in Zimbabwe.

The satellite is significant as it will aid predict the unpredictable weather patterns that exist as a result of climate change. It is designs of such a nature that will ensure disaster management is maintained. Together with the Meteorological Department, the National Geospatial Space Agency will be placed at a much elevated position to detect the weather patterns.

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“The satellite is significant as it will aid predict the unpredictable weather patterns that exist as a result of climate change...”

Early detection of disasters will be of value to communities as they will be given early warnings that will afford them time to vacate their residency well in advance to avoid the loss of lives. Satellite sensors are continually evolving to provide ever greater imaging capabilities, and researchers continue to develop advanced techniques to identify hazards in satellite imagery. However, barriers can prevent experimental products from reaching forecasters in the operational environment.

InfocusNews “We have 300 Sasso chickens, and we harvest over 30 buckets of tomatoes from our one-acre field. However, we are constantly faced with transport challenges especially when we want to sell our produce to people or outlets that are in Bulawayo as we are located in Ntabazinduna. This is why we now just sell to nearby areas,” she said.

First time exhibitors share their experience at ZITF


xhibiting during the 62nd Edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair was a dream come true for a rural woman like me.

This was a summary of the national fair according to Rebecca Nyoni who is one of the 71 first time exhibitors. Besides the colorful stands displaying different types of products, the event brought in so many activities and opportunities especially for women. In seperate interviews during ZITF women said the experience has afforded them a chance to know more about economic opportunities available. Nyoni said she had decided to form a group with 47 other women farmers from Ntabazinduna which sells produce collectively to make ends meet. “As a first timer, the experience has been awesome and am grateful that my dream to be an exhibitor finally came true. Besides the interaction |

I have with clients explaining how our business works, I also took time to visit other stands to have an appreciation of what other organisations are doing for women, ” said Nyoni. “We are yet to benefit from the banks in our communities but we are happy that at least we now have information on how we can access the funds for economic independence.” In an interview with Rebecca Nkomo a representative from Phakamani Simukai, she highlighted that being a first-time exhibitor has opened opportunities for the cooperative which consists of 74 women who grow vegetables, rear chickens, and produce detergents. The cooperative is an initiative by the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services. “We are glad to be participating at the ZITF, we have seen ideas from other exhibitors and this will challenge us to grow. The co-operative has been helping us as women to empower one another and secure funds for our children’s school fees.

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Esnath Hove from Hwange said exhibiting for the first time was challenging but worth it. “I have learnt so much within these past three days. Firstly, we got here with our detergents with no business cards and it was quite embarrassing to explain why and how that happened. I have also learnt the importance of social media presence in business, most people were asking if they could follow us on different platforms, ” said Hove. “I also got a chance to visit the Zimbabwe Gender Commission because I feel their work is not visible in our communities back home. Now that I understand their operations, I will gladly share the information with other women after this event.” Local activist and community development officer Dominica Muringi said ZITF kept improving in terms of giving women a chance to grow their business and gain knowledge on programs currently being done to foster development. There was a great improvement even amongst exhibitors and we hope that ZITF will open doors for them so that they make profit and grow their businesses,” said Muringi.


Sixty percent of cancer related deaths caused by HIV – NAC


he country continues to experience a rise in cancer related deaths, 60 percent of which are HIV related, a representative from the National Aids Council has said. In an interview with Infocus News, Communications Director for NAC, Medelina Dube also highlighted that of the 1,3 million HIV population, 20 percent consists of discorded couples. She noted that people living with HIV have a higher risk of developing cancer. “Research shows that at least 60 percent of cancer related deaths are attributed to people living with HIV, with women experiencing deaths as a result of cervical and |

breast cancer while men experience deaths as a result of prostate and skin cancer,” she said. Dube cited that the country is on track to achieving the 95–95–95 testing and treatment targets. This means by 2025, at least 95% of people living with HIV should be knowing their HIV status; 95% of people who know their status on will be on treatment; and 95% of people on treatment will have suppressed viral loads. “At least 99 percent of the population is aware of HIV and people know their status however, translating of knowledge into action is a concern which is why we still continue to educate the population

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on prevention measures,” she said. Dube highlighted that HIV prevalence is higher among women than men, between the ages of 15-49 years. She also noted that Matabeleland South, Matabeleland North and Bulawayo Provinces have a higher HIV prevalence. “During the ZITF, we are conducting live webinars, interviews, discussions, radio programmes, free HIV testing services, cervical cancer screening, TB screening, COVID-19 vaccination in order to share information to the general public. We also have KidzCan at our stand so that they raise awareness on children’s cancer,” she said.

Electoral Information Blitz

Stakeholders have, however, embarked on campaigns to encourage citizens to register as statistics show that the three Matabeleland Provinces are set to lose out on Constituencies. Speaking after registering at ZITF, Elina Ncube said ZEC should consider another National Blitz before the 2023 Harmonised Elections to accommodate those who are yet to get a chance.

ZEC wraps up Phase 2 Mobile BVR Blitz


N just one day, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission phase two of the mobile Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) Blitz will come to an end with reports that uptake remains lower than expected.

The first phase saw a handful of eligible voters registering to vote, a development which may affect some Provinces during the Delimitation Exercise. Bulawayo, Matabeleland North and South Provinces had one of the least registered votes meaning a number of Constituencies may be lost as the country gears for the 2023 Harmonised Elections. Speaking during the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF), Bulawayo Provincial Elections Officer, Innocent Ncube said he was however happy with numbers that have been recorded during phase two of the Blitz. |

“We continue to register members of the public in our mobile centres, static sites and even in our ZITF stand hoping they take advantage of the remaining few days. We are not even sure if there will ever be a mop up exercise at this point that will afford them another chance to register as voters hence the need to make the most of this second phase,” said Ncube. “We have noted with gratitude a chance however in uptake during the second phase as there was a significant increase in number who went to register in all our centres. That is a good sign and I am sure that by the first of May we would have availed proper figures as they keep changing because our teams are working flat out to register every willing member of the public.” During phase one, about 80 000 new voters were registered and ZEC is targeting to register election 500 000 voters in the second phase.

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She said some people still do not have identity cards despite the ongoing registry programme. “I managed to register during ZITF and was happy to note that ZEC hasn’t stopped assisting those willing to vote next year. However, we have scores of people in communities yet to register and they should be considered as well so that we do not lose constituencies as a Province. I come from Filabusi and I know that our Province and Bulawayo have few people who have registered to vote,” said Ncube.

“I managed to register during ZITF and was happy to note that ZEC hasn’t stopped assisting those willing to vote next year...”

Electoral Information Blitz After being asked if ZEC limits the number of potential registrants in a day, Mrs Khupe stated that the electoral body does not limit the number of people that register to vote within a specific day.

Ekhaya Vote 2023 raise awareness on BVR Blitz


khaya Vote 2023 conducted a radio program as an encouragement for residents to prioritise registering to vote during the ongoing mobile biometric voter registration Blitz which will end on the 30th of April 2022. Speaking during the radio program that was aired on Skyz Metro FM, Mrs Sithembiso Khupe, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) District Elections Officer, urged communities to desist from a culture of registering twice as they will be removed from the voters’ roll.

She stated that during phase one of the mobile BVR Blitz and two there were 14 tents and another tent has been set up at the Trade fair in hall number one, voter registration points have been set up. Another BVR tent has been set up at the Gifford High School gate. |

“In 2017, we were targeting 400000 people and we only got 257000. But the first phase did not get many people and we realized that people registering were low, so we decided to go to shopping centres instead of schools. This is what was done for phase two,” added Mrs Khupe. According to Mrs Khupe, phase two seems to be having a much better turnout as opposed to phase one of the mobile BVR Blitz. From the BVR tents, the following areas have been having a great turnout: Egodini 5th avenue, Pick and Pay and Sokusile (ENkulumane). Figures of registered voters during phase two will be shared when the blitz is done. Transference of Registration points and voter registration can be done anywhere in any of the voter registration centres.

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Mrs Khupe also highlighted the importance of being knowledgeable about the soon to be held Delimitation Exercise. Constituencies are made up from the number of registered voters and this means if more citizens register to vote, there will be more constituencies and more representatives in parliament and this means more resources will go where there are more constituencies. The ongoing National Civil Registry Blitz has increased the number of registered voters and maybe this is why there now is an improvement in the number of registered voters. Speaking on the possibility of having online voter registration, Mrs Khupe cited that it is an avenue that the Electoral body wishes to explore and further encouraged youths to go in their numbers and register to vote.

“In 2017, we were targeting 400000 people and we only got 257000...”

Electoral Information Blitz

#SaveContituenciesCampaign 29 April 2022

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The National Civil Registry Blitz, which has run for 29 days now, has seen scores of people waking up at the early hours of the morning to queue for the much needed documents. In today’s observation, we noted a lot of concerns emanating mostly from women who have been on the negative side of access to services during the Civil Registry Blitz. Areas visited today included: • Matshayisikhova Primary School • Ngwenyama Primary School. Click on the pictures to follow the story |

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Electoral Information Blitz |

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Electoral Information Blitz |

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