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How has your filmmaker's glance evolved from the beginning? It has evolved in a technical aspect, of greater perfection and professionalism. But in essence, at the level of narrative concerns, it has not changed. I have always wanted to put in value the "forgotten" of the world of cinema. How do you write for male characters? In the documentary field and the video creation, which I dedicate, I have put my eyes on both male and female characters, with the same interest and enthusiasm, because what moved me was to tell their story, special and particular in each case. What do you miss in the world of the short film? More risk and experimentation. Your cinema in which film stream is encompassed? In none. What are your references as a filmmaker? José Luis Guerín, Iván Zulueta, Agnès Varda, Pipilotti Rist, Win Wenders, Basilio Martín Patino, Isaki Lacuesta, Luis Buñuel, Carlos Saura, David Lynch, Kieslowski.

Equality, Fraternity, Democracy

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