WomenCinemakers, Special Edition

Page 156

Women Cinemakers meets

May Kesler Lives and works in Chevy Chase Maryland, Washington DC area

Dancing outdoors and in specific spaces is not something taught or learned. Dance learned in the studio is essential but the visceral feeling we are searching to release is so much more accessible in unique spaces.One's surroundings dictate the movement more than any planned choreography can. I've been dancing my whole life, on stage, in studios, but use those lessons most significantly in the spontaneity of dancing. I was inspired by the time that had passed in this centuries old structure, the music, the stories both real and imagined that happened there, my dress that made the red of blood and life stand out so starkly against the gray stone, and the whipping biting wind. Filmed at Blackness Castle, Scotland, Into Blackness is influence by Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon. Blackness Castle was used as Fort William in the Outlander Starz TV show. Tortuous events of flogging, kidnapping, men in chains, and one gallant Highlander who saves his lady at serious risk of his own life. I didn't try to tell the story; I wanted to dance how it felt to be in this place. I saw the open door at the top of the stairs and had to go there. Later I found out that area was named the Witches Hole. The effects on the video were conceptual; once I saw them I was fascinated with the depth of the story that they told.


capable of drawing the spectatorship to such an heightened and multilayered visual experience. We are particularly pleased to introduce our readers to this gorgeous work of art and to Kesler's artistic production.

Into Blackness is a captivating dance short film by choreographer, dancer and therapist May Kesler: inspired by Outlander book series by Diana Gabaldon: the film takes place in Blackness Castle, Scotland, and it's a successful attempt to create a brilliant allegory of human condition,

Hello May and welcome to : we would invite our readers to visit in order to get a wider idea about your artistic production and we would like to introduce you to our readers with a couple of questions

An interview by Francis L. Quettier and Dora S. Tennant

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