WomenCinemakers // Special Edition, September 2018

Page 119

Women Cinemakers its releationship with your current life in Berlin direct the trajectory of your artistic research? Hello and thank you very much for including me and my short film in this issue of . Yes, I do have a solid dance background, but my curiosity has opened many other artistic doors and I am glad to consider myself as an artist, beyond specification or specialization only in the dance field. Throughout my education years I studied History of Art and History of Music. This way my horizons were expanded and my mind was given the ingredients it needed to create images that did not necessarily focus only on dance. Later on, I started working with various artists, directors and choreographers who have diverse backgrounds, which contributed to my knowledge and added to my palette of inspiration. Using stage lights, experimenting with colors or simply choosing music for my works has become more of a natural habit rather than an effort. I have so many different references and the more I work as an artist, the more I care about details and the meaning behind them. The core of my interdisciplinary work. Being born in Athens, a city with such enormous cultural heritage, has definitely sculpted my aesthetics. Moreover, my father Petros Athanasiou who is also an artist, introduced me to Greek mythology and history, two of his favorite inspirational themes. So, I was exposed to them from an early age and I still recognize this influence in my visions. Moving to Berlin was and still is an eye-opening experience, I swim in a sea full of

mixed cultures and I am lucky to meet so many other artists. Contemporary art and other modern influences, cultures and artistic movements have each given me an element to be inspired by. I guess the Athenian spirit is the base and everything else fell on top of it to create this interesting mixture that is living in me and forms my creativity. For this special edition of we have selected , an extremely interesting dance short film that our readers have already started to get to know in the introductory pages of this article. What has at once captured our attention of your insightful inquiry into is the way it hightlights , to invite the viewers to a captivating and multilayered visual experience: when walking our readers through the genesis of , would you tell us how did you develop the initial idea? The original idea of came to me after participating in a Japanese Shibary Bondage workshop in Berlin. In the beginning it wasn't shaped completely, but this experience was very intense, clearly something in me was shook. Weeks after, I slowly started unraveling this puzzled feeling. There was a great contrast between the feeling of freedom I noticed and the fact that I was completely immobilized by the Shibari ropes. It intrigued my imagination and made me question my personal behaviors. I started thinking

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