Women Cinemakers, Special Edition

Page 214

Women Cinemakers meets

Isabell Bullerschen & Felicia Eisenring Live and work in Zurich, Switzerland

We have been working together since 2015 and this work is based on three basicassumptions.+ The system of language is a calming one: the illusion ofa shared reality by means of an implicit code is keeping hu-mans alive. Yet unconsciously they are suffering by the rea-lisation of separation and longing for unity. And even thisassumption stays hypothetical. ++ The construction of reality is based on a mathematicaland scientific paradigm that leads to the image of one cal-culable and rational definable world. Science and humanitiesare describing a truth that is based on empirical evidences(observation / measurement) and theory (argumentation / ra-tionality). +++ This rational knowledge system has an antagonist: asensuous form of knowledge. (But as the notion of sensuousknowledge implies, this way of thinking is based on percep-tion and experience through your senses. And as the rationalknowledge system insists on the possibility that senses canfool you, the sensuous cognition still owns the character ofa lower form of knowledge.) What connects us is the way of seeing everyday life not as everyday life andthe shock of realising the isolation of the human consciousness. At the sametime we don’t want to accept neither this realisation nor the isolation as defini-te. We are interested in the emergence (origin, development), transmission andexchange of knowledge and information. Everybody is just interested aboutwhat comes out. We wanna know what’s inside and how it entered. The obser-vation of the affiliation of different forms of subjectivization such as animals,objects, humans and ipse together with the fascination for the system of sensu-ous knowledge lets us produce work with an theoretical yet intuitive approachto the material.Working on the obscure, transition and hybrid we are focusing on video worksand installations with several layers dealing with the possibilities and archeolo-gy of the medium. Not asking for a definite identity but generate something thathappens in between. No clear answers but clearly taking a position, confusingyet providing clear structures and hints, is part of the work. Our way of workinginherent is an examination of the effect of surface, montage and narration of thematerial.As a form of knowledge art was visual perception, we see it as form of slicingand dissecting like human reason in philosophy does. Generating and media-ting sensuous knowledge that leads to a sensuous cognition is our contribution to conquer the stupidity of a programmed world.

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