WomenCinemakers, Special Edition

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Women Cinemakers important messages, memories and stories to be listened to, in order to truly and in complete know ourselves and the people we care about. As you have remarked i your director's statement, could be the physical place or state of mind which links reality to imagination: what has at once impressed us of your film is the way it brings the nature of relationship between the body and the surroundings to a new level of significance, unveiling the ubiquitous bond between the individual and outside reality. How do you consider the relationship between reality and imagination? In particular, do you draw inspiration from your everyday life's experience? I believe we can be in many places at once, the outside reality is one of the various. Our brain does not work to give us the most accurate explanation of that world either, it spins and twists the data and information to a mix it thinks is the most useful. On top of that our sensorial experience of the material world is already partly personalized (for example smells are perceived differently for everyone). Our minds, with its imagination, subconscious and ability to often get tricked, makes an objective reality quite hard to define, especially when we are inside of it all; with the brain emphasizing certain things, ignoring others and repressing some, making up memories and the way our past tends to change, getting new forms, nuances and definitions, as time moves forward.

Time plays a big part of the bond between the outside and inside reality. In everyday life we experience time moving so differently as if it was something unarguably flexible, and perhaps not even linear (to the extend we can grasp it). When we forget about time or time is all we can focus on, when we are hyper present or hyper distant, time can both disappear in front of us but also spread out and fill the distances between two seconds with extra thick and gluey material, holding time back. Like when we are dreaming and waking up with the sensation we just went through several days long experiences; or when thinking intensively, so deep in our thoughts that we are everywhere at once - jumping between places, stories and actions practically simultaneously, going through emotions on another level, until we pop back to the outside world, not being able to tell for sure how much time passed, a minute or an hour. Sometimes I have the feeling I get lost in the billions of pathways working parallelly in my brain. It’s the same feeling as if I was physically lost, or lost something I can’t remember what it was. I wanted to let this sensation hover at some points in the film, let us hover in it, without having to comment nor put words on it. It’s like with dancing, as another kind of language of our body and mind it’s hard to translate it and fit it in perfectly into the alphabet. Maybe when getting lost in ourselves we get closer to something else, just as when we are moving we let other parts of us speak? With a tremendous amount of information, possibilities, data, dreams, options, goals, impressions, must’s, should’s through different means of communication and

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