March 2017: Hope Rises

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pring is here! Spring is here! I love springtime! Spring, the season when seemingly dry twigs begin to bud. When out of the dry ground comes forth tulips, daffodils, and lilies that have wintered under the earth. Beauty bursting forth everywhere seems to give rise to hope in our hearts. This is God’s way of reminding us that the cycle of life continues, that his covenant with us as human beings continues.

Genesis 8:22 says: “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” That covenant gives us hope that no matter what circumstances we face, one season will give way to another; that our winter will give way to a spring. Spring is planting season. Gardeners take great care of their seeds, putting them in just enough soil to cover and protect them from the birds, so as to allow them time to grow. They spend time watering and tending to them, all the while expecting a harvest, according to the seed that was planted. No gardener will plant tomato seeds and expect peppers to come from those seeds, because a seed will bring forth fruit of its own kind (Genesis 1:11). But how often are we conscious of the kinds of spiritual seeds we’re planting? Are we planting seeds of faith or doubt in the lives of our children and/or grandchildren, spouses, relatives or friends? Are we planting seeds of love or hate through our relationships with others? What kinds of seeds are you planting? I ask this same question of myself, because the seeds we plant will yield a harvest. I have become more conscious of seeds, in relation to legacy, since the passing of my mother. It is not because I want to be remembered for something, but because I want my life to make a difference for someone. My mother sowed the seed of prayer into my life. The Psalms were a huge part of her prayer life. As a young child I remember her praying Psalm 23 and I learned it by rote then. In later years, I came to understand it as a declaration of faith and power. Praying that psalm has been a great comfort to me in times of trials. I have been trying to sow the seed of prayer in the lives of my children, family, and friends because I have found it invaluable. This spring, I encourage you to make a concerted effort to be mindful of the spiritual seeds you are sowing into the lives of those people in your sphere of influence. Think about the harvest-- whether the seeds will bring forth good fruit or bad, then sow towards it.

- Michelle Granado


in this issue Devotional Springing to Life in Christ by Wendy Templeton-Stone

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Creative Writing Worry Warts Unite! by Donna L Barr


3HUVRQDO 5HŴHFWLRQ Peace in His Presence by Abby Alderton


&UHDWLYH 5HŴHFWLRQ A Letter From a Father to His ‘Not Good Enough’ Daughter by Kaylin Kosloski


Inspired by Scripture Are you a Mary or a Martha? by Michelle Granado


A Woman’s Heart and Soul Magazine Pro31Media LLC Designer: Danya Granado Copyright © 2017 by Pro31Media All rights to articles reserved by the author of the article. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


Morning Song By Danya Granado

Sleeper: Wake up early. Early enough to see God’s hand peel back the blanket of night and release the daylight. See the clouds fluffing like latte foam across the welkin. Watch Dawn stretch, yawn, and greet her Maker with bloodshot eye. The sky will blossom and bloom for you from gloom to maroon to a bouquet of blue. Tiptoe to the window to smell the Morning’s breath. That death--the dead of night rises to new life. Wake up early. When the streetlight’s still lit, Sit in the stillness and listen to it. Say “Good morning” to America, beat Roker to the weather report and tell him what the weather looks like in his neck of the woods. Scare those Florida oranges awake and make them juice themselves, then watch the angels sneeze the morning dew across the grass. And you can wonder if that’s how the dew really gets there, or rise early and write a poem counting the ways that I’m wrong. I wake up early I doze off and long for the morning. And while I sleep I’m mourning not the loss of another day, but how long I’ll have to wait before I can see the next one start. Wake up early. The “wee hours”? What a misnomer. This time is made of the stuff that haunts the dreams of astronauts. This is God-breathed beauty It’s our God-given duty to see the moon meet the sun, and watch them exchange pleasantries and wave goodbye while the stars twinkle and wink. To hear our Creator whisper, and drink in His words. Look in the mirror, rehearse this. Say: “You, too were made with purpose.” Then go out and face the day.


Worry Warts Unite! BY DONNA L. BARR “Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!” This line from the little orphan girl in Annie resonates in our minds sometimes, doesn’t it? Life can overwhelm us causing us to pace back and forth, wringing our hands in fear of the what ifs and feeling ill-prepared to cope. As a fourth generation worry wart, I’ve had years of experience! I could have introduced myself by saying, “Hello. My name is Donna and I’m a worryaholic,” but I prefer “recovering worryaholic”, for yes, my friends, there is hope! The phrase “worry wart” stems from a 1956 comic strip, “Out Our Way” by cartoonist J.R. Williams where a character named Worry Wart ironically caused others to worry. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a worrywart is “a person who is inclined to worry unduly” or “who worries about unimportant things.” Unimportant things! I’ve worried about

A Women’s Heart and Soul

plenty of important things! (Must be a man that came up with that definition.) Did you know that the Greek word for anxiety in the Bible, merimnao´, actually means “ato be pulled apart?” That’s serious, Nervous Nellies! But Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing” and nothing means we are to worry about no thing. “But there’s so much sin in the world, things go wrong, tragedies happen, the news is full of . . .” Deep breath . . . and another . . . exhale.

Sisters, let’s unite with these truths that can set us free: 1) DO control your thoughts! The devil knows our weaknesses and “he walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Peter 5:8) The antidote for worry is right in Philippians 4:8 which says to think about things that are “true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.”

DON’T create a vacuum! Taking out worrisome thoughts leaves a

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” - Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV)


void that needs to be filled lest troublesome thoughts creep back in. Worry needs to be replaced, our mind filled with the true, lovely, and good. Reading God’s Word is best, but I needed more. Crime dramas affected me negatively so I replaced them with positive classic TV, Hallmark and HGTV shows. When my mother-in-law died, I wanted to fill her empty house with something to keep me company while I worked and packed. I fell in love with a big band, swing radio station that played 1930s-1940s songs and now enjoy that happy music at my own house an hour away! 2) DO confidently pray! Take your worries “boldly before the throne of grace so that you can obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). “In everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7) His guarding peace is the byproduct of prayer and of surrendering our will to His perfection for us.

DON’T keep your needs or burdens to yourself. Share your struggles with your trustworthy support system. Isolation was not meant to be part of the believer’s life. 3) DO admit worry is sin! Sin is anything we say, do or think that does not please God. How can worry please God when it shows a lack of trust in Him, seeks to control and stems from fear? “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Obedient living shows we love Him!

DON’T forget who God is! Yes,

we live in a sin-cursed world and heartache affects us, but we are not powerless! “In this world you will have trouble, but be cheerful, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Jesus’ power has not diminished! He is “the same yesterday, today, and forever”. (Hebrews 13:8). The God who parted the Red Sea has the same mighty power to help us through every difficulty. Sleep sweetly in peace, precious sisters! “He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber.” (Psalm 121:3).

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Springing to Life in Christ BY WENDY TEMPLETON-STONE


love walking up to our church in the summer. One of our pastors enjoys gardening and is gifted in design and landscaping so the front walk-way is bursting with color and life during the summer months. I was walking past the flower beds last Sunday and noticed some green starting to sprout up, but it was amidst a bunch of dead, ugly, brown stems and leaves that needed to be cut away. I wondered if the sprouting green was going to make it, because often, in Colorado at least, that first, spring green sprouts up only to be covered with frost and snow turning it to mush. Our Christian lives can often look like that too. Many times we come to Christ out of a sense of death and hopelessness. We receive Christ and for a period there IS Life (with a capital L) and peace and joy and love and patience, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. But then life (with a little l) happens and a blanket of death falls on our little green sprouts of spiritual fruit. We turn to mush and have a hard time producing any fruit. If we are

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able, in self-effort, to push out any kind of fruit at all, it might look good on the outside, but if one were to bite into it, it would taste nasty because it’s fake fruit. We need to understand that when we receive Christ, we receive all that we need for life and godliness - all that we need to produce good-tasting, beautiful, real fruit. In oder for us to bear that fruit, however, we may need to cut away some of the ugly, brown dead stuff. We need to cut away the lies under which we’ve been living. Lies like “I’m not good enough,” “I have to be strong,” “I’m unlovable,” “I’m not wanted,” or “I don’t need anyone,” “I’m better than everyone else,” I don’t need God,” “I have to be in control,” etc. As we cut away all that brown, ugly stuff (the lies), the living, green truth can be exposed. Truths like “...His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness...” and we are “...partakers of the divine nature...” (2 Peter 1:3-4). I can do nothing apart from Christ (John 15:5), ...”When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10), “I can do all things through

Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13), I am loved (John 3:16, 15:9). When we choose to believe these truths and so many more that are found in the scriptures, His life in us begins to burst forth and no matter what life (with a small l) throws at us, NOTHING can kill or take away The Life, Christ’s Life (with a capital L) that dwells within us. We may need to continue to cut away more ugly brown leaves so that His life can be exposed, but be assured His Life will always be there. As we depend on Him to be our Life, He produces luscious, delicious and beautiful fruit. We are simply His fruit bearers offering others to partake of His fruit of love, joy peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, wisdom, righteousness, and holiness being displayed in us and through us. When we choose to live in dependence on Him, not even the frosty cold of this dark life can turn our true Life to mush. When we live in dependence on Christ, and see ourselves for who we truly are in Him, His Life (with a capital L) will continue to spring forth.

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Peace In His Presence ABBY ALDERTON “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.’ But you were unwilling.” - Isaiah 30:15 “But you were unwilling.” How very often I am unwilling to find our rest in Him. This verse has touched a place deep in my heart for years. I know in my head that if I just stop, breathe deep, and really rest in Him, that I will find peace. But so often I strive to find peace on my own. Sometimes I don’t even want peace! I just want to fill my schedule, stay busy, live a Red Bull lifestyle. Busyness can be harmful. The “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mindset can sap the peace right out of life. Over the past six months I have been really contemplating rest and peace. What I’ve come to realize is that there is no peace aside from God. There is no rest if you are not abiding in Christ. His presence is peace. I want to share with you some verses that have encouraged me to seek Him for peace:

“Peace I leave with you; my

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peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” - John 14:27 “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” - Psalm 16:11 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” - Psalm 46:10 “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” - Exodus 14:14 “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” - Exodus 33:14 “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling.” - Psalm 46:1-3

When the storms of life rage on, our only safety, our only security is His presence. There is no rest, no joy, no peace apart from Him. Charles Spurgeon said it well in the book, Beside Still Waters:

“God’s presence and God’s rest is a ring of finest gold set with the choicest pearl. This blessing is worthy of God, and only His boundless love could proclaim it. Think these promises over. Chew on them as food for your soul. Let the Holy Spirit speak these words with power and your innermost soul will be satisfied with the best of heaven’s food... “Oh to be able to feel God everywhere, in the little as well as the great, in our rising up and our sitting down, in our going out and our coming in. I cannot imagine a life more blessed or a spirit more related to the spirit of the glorified than the mind and the heart of the person who lives in God, who knows and feels that God is ever-present. If you are


in personal danger, or in the midst of a storm, or facing illness, and if you hear a voice saying, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place,’ you will be perfectly at rest. The anxious air grows pure if He is there.” Charles Spurgeon If you are looking for rest, if you are looking for peace, you have only to look to Christ. He is with you. Always. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. You don’t have to strive after the wind, after earthly solutions; only strive toward Christ. Remember God’s promises. Remember these verses, these quotes, meditate on them. Say to your fear, to your anxiety: “I don’t need to listen to you, because The God of Peace says that I am safe in Him.” Preach these truths to yourself, write them on your mirror, believe them. Take time to quietly remind your soul that God will give you His peace that surpasses understanding.

Enough, my gracious Lord, Let faith triumphant cry; My heart can on this promise live, Can on this promise die. -Charles Spurgeon

Be Still and Know... God’s















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You can read more from Abby in our next issue or on her personal blog:


A Letter From a Father to His ‘Not Good Enough’ Daughter

From the moment the thought of you entered my mind, I have been wrapped around your little finger. I have loved you as only a father can love his little girl. I can still see that bright eyed look in your eyes the day you were born—taking in the light and sound and excitement of this big world. The light in your eyes only grew as you did. You got into everything, asked every question, and fearlessly explored every new adventure you encountered. You were my little bundle of energy and love.

But now that light has left your eyes. That spirit that I saw so clearly, and which lit up every room you entered, has faded. Now instead of holding life, your eyes hold tears. Instead of holding out your heart to any person that you meet, you keep it safely locked inside. Instead of boldly exploring life, you observe it from afar and analyze each and every word and action—afraid of ever being wrong. And instead of unabashedly being yourself, you try to change yourself to fit this year’s model of ‘you.’ If I ask, you will tell me that you are fine; and perhaps you truly believe that. But I have known that light in your eyes and I have experienced that spirit that is within you—and I have watched both diminish under the pressures of this world. Perhaps it has been immature boys in your life that have hurt you and broken your heart. Or perhaps your friends have turned their backs on you when you most needed them.Or maybe the mirror has betrayed you and your thoughts have run away with you—never letting you forget a single flaw. Maybe it is even yourself that is your own oppressor. Or perhaps you feel that you have done too much, dug too deep, made too many mistakes, to ever escape from the pain that you are in.

A Woman’s Heart and Soul


Whatever it is—it is wounding you deeply. It is piercing the heart you are trying so desperately to hide and it is becoming the constant whisper inside of you that says, “You are not good enough; and you never will be.” And so these lies keep you isolated. They keep you in internal angst and yet unwilling to seek help and expose the mess you feel you have become. But you see, my daughter, when I look at you and I see your pain, only one feeling consumes me. It is not a feeling of judgement, it is not a feeling of shock or horror, and it is not a feeling of anger, except towards those who have unjustly wounded you. The overwhelming feeling within me when I look into your hurting eyes is the great desire to remove the hurt that is keeping you from me. I long to remove the walls, mend the scars, and restore the light to those beautiful eyes of yours. I yearn to remove the doubt you have harbored inside about yourself for so long and restore the spirit imprisoned within you.

I just want my daughter back. You see, through the years, through all the pain, doubt, insecurities, and grasping at being ‘good enough’ that you have been doing—you never ceased to be that little girl I have always loved with the entirety of my heart. The one who was, and is, a perfect bundle of life and love in this world is she allows herself to be. Every hair, every quirk, every talent, every dream all of these aspects of you are what make you the daughter whom I began loving long ago and whom I have loved ever since without exception.

Please, come back to me. Let me wipe your eyes and help heal your wounds and remind you of the beautiful woman that you are and the treasured place that you hold in my heart. You could never fall too far. You are my daughter—you need merely cry ‘Father’ as you did when you were young and I will come to pick you up. And I will always come.

by KAYLIN KOSLOSKY Founder, Restore Your Crown

Kaylin Koslosky is finishing up her degree at Colorado State University where she is majoring in natural sciences and secondary education and minoring in microbiology. During her time at CSU she was a member of Chi

Omega, a FOCUS student missionary, and a Bible study and retreat leader for RamCatholic. Kaylin loves hiking and being outdoors and is passionate about sharing the beauty of Christ and this world with others.


are you a mary or a martha? BY MICHELLE GRANADO


n the scripture story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), Martha has invited Jesus into her home, prepared a feast for Him and is busy serving. At some point she notices Mary sitting at Jesuas’ feet, while she is run off of her own feet.

wrong with Jesus — He was simply emphasizing what was needful, better, necessary. When the ‘Messiah’, the ‘One who is to come’, is in your home — you ought to be seeking to know

Jesus’ reply must have been surprising to Martha, just as it has been to some of us when we have read it.

We may think surely Martha was not doing anything wrong, people needed to be served, cooking needed to be done. But it was never a case of right or

A Women’s Heart and Soul

We are called to love others and to serve others, but we are called to love God and serve Him first. No one professing love for someone will neglect to spend time with the one they love. Springtime ushers in Easter, a time when we focus on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. So we too in this season are preparing for the entrance of the Lord into our spiritual house. We ought to make time to be at His feet, hearing His words, listening to Him speak and learning from Him like Mary.

So Martha goes to Jesus to ask for some support – surely He knew that Mary needed to be doing something else, surely He knew that she, Martha, needed help serving: “Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.” (Luke 10:40)

“Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things but one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her.”


what He knows, listening to what He has to say or having conversation with Him about questions you have. It is not enough for us to invite Jesus into our home, we have to be determined about the time we spend with Him when He is there. Martha had become distracted by all of the preparations and was unable to spend time with the One for whom she had

If you have been more of a Martha — it may be your time to sit at his feet. Spend time at the feet of Jesus, through the reading of the Word and meditation upon the scriptures — that can be done through devotional led reading, or listening to praise and worship music or old hymns, as long as that music resonates the truths of God’s Word. If you have previously felt more comfortable “doing”, it may be an opportunity for you to “be”. It is your faith that pleases God, because your faith enables you to trust Him and to surrender your life to Him. Your “works” only enhance your self-suffi-

ciency and your self- reliance. Don’t get me wrong— there is always opportunity for works. James 2:26 says “faith without works is dead”— but it is not your work that draws you closer to God. It is your desire to be His, to draw close to Him in prayer, in the reading of His Word, in meditating on His truth. If you have been more of a Mary — maybe your cup is full— maybe you’ve been receiving so much grace, truth, and love sitting at the feet of our Lord that you’re unable to hold any more. This may be an opportunity to pour out of that full cup. What is needed by those around you may be the peace you have received in your time spent with God, or the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and love. Someone around you may have an ‘empty cup’, share with them how you have been blessed by the Lord and how He has changed your life. Someone else may be in turmoil right now, and they need you to share God’s peace that seems to radiate from you through conversation.

Whether Mary or Martha— this season of spring presents you with an opportunity to walk out your faith with the enabling grace of the Holy Spirit’s presence and power, through prayer and service to God and others.

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