1 minute read

It's all in the planning

As part of our 21st Century Council programme we’ve upgraded the planning service on our website, allowing you to do far more online.

There are now two new mapping facilities on there – one for planning applications and the other for constraints such as flood risk or listed buildings. This means you can search for history or constraints without needing to talk to a Planning Officer. And you can even run a constraints check by simply drawing a line around the site you’re interested in.


The new online form for pre-application requests makes it easier to submit, and helps you check what we’ll need before you do.

The planning application search page now gives you more choices when searching for an application. If you submit a comment about an application it will now appear on the website much faster, and you can also check if any comments have been made about your own.

Because of these technological changes helping you do far more, Planning Officers are now freed up to focus on processing planning applications.

If you still need to contact us about a planning matter you can do this during office hours over the phone or have a web-chat with one of our Customer Delivery Officers.

More information: www.wokingham.gov.uk (search ‘planning applications’)