WO’GOA something is always brewing… January 2016 Issue

Page 141

Al be rt A d r ià What do you call a world renowned chef whose favourite cook on Earth is his mother? Whose brother at one time owned the numero-uno hottest restaurant in all of Spain, Europe, and the international culinary field, the now legendary “El Bulli”? And whose said brother was also rated as, “the greatest chef on the planet”, Ferran Adrià? You call him Ferran’s younger brother, world renowned Chef Albert Adrià.


in the world. So, although his brother was the über talented brain of the now fabled restaurant, Albert was there playing his part at the forefront in food plating modernization as the behind-the-scenes pastry genius...his desserts became as celebrated as the other menu choices.

In 1997 Albert left El Bulli to dedicate himself full time to his first solo book, “Los Postres de El Bulli”, “The El Bulli Desserts” and then in 2009 Albert Albert Adrià was once pegged as “the greatest published his second book, “Natura.” Taking his unknown cook in the world” by Joel Robuchon, inspiration from nature itself, Adrià created ground a man who himself carried the label of “greatest breaking and intricately plated desserts. With big, chef of the century” and who named Ferran “the splashy photos of unique sweets, it created quite a buzz and he received widespread acclaim for this greatest chef on the planet.” best seller. So, who exactly is Albert Adrías? Almost everyone knows he is Ferran’s irmanito or, little brother. Albert missed the splendour of working with his Luckily for him, his career ties in closely with that brother and he continually wanted to grow. So he of his elder. Raised in the outskirts of Barcelona, made it happen… Along with his brother again, Albert left school at the young age of 15 and began Albert collaborated and opened a hotel-bar in

tomates en ceviche de remolacha y naranja sanguinea - PAKTA

working under his brother’s tutelage through every station of the kitchen, starting as a dishwasher. He soon discovered that pastry was his passion and he earned his stripes in the gastronomic field as a pastry virtuoso. Just ask any chef around the world and they will tell you that Albert was the wizard behind Ferran’s empire and was the co-conjurer of El Bulli’s avant-garde cuisine. It was Ferran who passed-on his passion for cooking to his sibling when he had Albert join the El Bulli team long before El Bulli was to become the most famously influential restaurant

Barcelona called “Tickets.” The two well-defined areas at the hotel are - “41°” a cocktail bar a taparia “La Vida Tapa”, both critically acclaimed and wildly popular. They then went on to open other tapas bars and restaurants, a project they call “5.0”, a culinary “amusement park,” with 5 culinary concepts, 5 restaurants, 5 partners and one creative chef, all in one area. Together, these five hot-spot attractions are a must-visit restaurants in the heart of Barcelona for food lovers and especially for those with El Bulli nostalgia. WO’GOA January 2016 -


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