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Hints and Tips Be careful not to exaggerate with the number of keywords you insert in the Tag Title otherwise you run the risk of having too many keywords that become less and less valuable as well as incurring in a ban that will not allow you to appear in the search results.

Some people may claim that it is best to have a 160 character-long title, but for our purposes it is best to limit the length of the title and keep it between 50 and 80 characters, which includes spaces.

The keyword that you want to position will be inserted as the first word. Generally speaking keywords that are placed at the beginning of the title obtain a better ranking. If the keyword combinations that we have chosen are included at the beginning of the page, these will be reinforced further.

What are Meta Tags and how do I use them?

Meta Tags (or Meta Data) are Tags that we insert in the <head> of a document. These will be invisible to users who visit the website. There has been much talk about the importance of Meta Tags and of how they are taken into consideration by various search engines for ranking purposes. However, times ago, Google announced 24 that it will not consider, for ranking purposes, the Meta Tag “Keywords�, as this has been overused by those who were trying to obtain a higher ranking through the addition of hundreds of words inside a Meta Tag.

The main Meta Tags that are used in the optimizing phase are Meta Tag Keywords (which contain a list of keywords or a combination of these) and the Meta Tag Description (which contains a brief description of the contents of a page. This is generally what is shown, as part of a search result, right under the title of a given page).


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