WMRSA July 2019

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Presidential Address


Shared Goals Different Paths


Africa Water Show

09 World Merit South Africa represented at the Young Leaders Estoril Conference 2018, Portugal

10 Fadzai Manyeza Profile


World Merit South Africa represented at the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, Switzerland

12 World Merit Clean up


WMRSA and HYPE UK Host Vibrant Parks For Young Peop;e at the Greenpoint park, Cape Town


Pretoria High School Career Talk


67 Minutes with Leamogetswe Safety Home

Special Thanks to: Ndyebo Mapekula: Graphic design and visual communication BaJabulile Editorial Services: Proof Reading and Copyditing.



Greetings Champions.


he first half of the year is officially behind us. For most people, particularly those that went into 2019 with great hopes and expectations with goals and visions for themselves and their lives ? it is now a wonderful time to not only reflect on the time that has passed but also on where to from here. So really, where to from here? For us at the presidential office and the organization at large, it is ensuring that we continue to bring the greatest opportunities of change and an overall better tomorrow for us all.

down to the career workshops that are held on a monthly basis in local townships. It is also in light of this, that we are so happy to announce that our formerly quarterly magazine, will now be a monthly issue of mirroring what we have done and what we are looking forward to sharing with you.

It has been an enthralling time of growth and turning points. Where to from here, with the help of not only all meriters around the world but each individual in every corner of the world, can only be a destination The organization has grown so handsomely, we are where there’s a greater shared interest in not the connow far more capable to execute our goals and plans versations but the implementation of all the SDG with greater focus and intention. We are also looking goals, where the youth is given a true authentic voice forward to the incredible projects that have unfolded with great representation, and truly impacting beyond under the guidance of our Co-Founder and President any and every border. Onwards and upwards. who has represented using various national as well as international settings; from our Global Ambassador being a panellist at the Shared Goals Different Paths 2019 event with UNASA UP (in partnership with theEmbassy of theKingdom of the Netherlands), right

“ It has been an enthralling time of growth and turning points.

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Shared Goals Different Paths 2019 by UNASA UP in partnership with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Fadzai Manyeza

On the 27th of May 2019 UNASA University of Pretoria, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) hosted a dialogue debating on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security. The UNSCR 1325 drafted in the year 2000 speaks on increasing the participation of women in peace negotiations, post conflict reconstruction and to protect girls and women from gender and sexual based violence.

It has been 19 years since this resolution was drafted and to date, girls and women are still victimised which then leaves us questioning whether this resolution is a success and the heat of the debate was centred on how to measure the success of this document. As long as the solutions listed in this resolution do not trickle down to women and girls who are being affected by gender based violence and sexual violence it is not a success. It is important to have such debates and to come up with possible solutions on how to ensure its effectiveness.

One of the other topics was peace and delegates proposed increasing women in the military component in peace building. We cannot achieve peace by increasing and equipping more women to go to war but rather in peace negations to avoid war and bloodshed at all costs. That’s the only way peace can be achieved. The last topic was security which was rather sensitive. This focused on how there is a failure to prosecute perpetrators and an international tribunal must be set to prosecute these cases. Most parties were for this motion as individual courts of laws have failed the victims. Overall this debate was really eye opening and a good platform for young people to express their views, comments and concerns about this resolution and to brainstorm on solutions to ensure that girls and women are protected from sexual and gender based violence.



Oregolole Gomolemo Imagine a world where women did not have to live in a world where women, whether in a war-ridden country or not, did not have to look back over their shoulder in fear of being used as tools for power and advancing disruptive motives. A world where women are not subjected to hegemonic masculinity. And a world where the conversation is no longer just a conversation; but women are placed in positions where they are given the authority to discuss and implement ways that peace can be implemented and maintained, to the benefit of all persons in society.

“The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 was adopted in October 2000. It fights for the rights of women, to safety, security, and of course equality.” This resolution, which stands on four pillars (the participation of women at all levels of decision making, the protection of women from gender-based violence, the prevention of women against all violence of any nature, as well as the relief and recovery measures that can be implemented particularly for women and children in refugee camps and other settlements), is now adopted by 60 countries worldwide – with African countries including Burkina Faso, Rwanda, and Ghana. On this particular evening, we were invited by our partner and ally (UNASA UP Chapter) to be a part of

the various discussions surrounding this resolution. On it 19th year celebration, has this agenda been a success? What are the yardsticks that we have thus far that we can use to measure its success? Our very own National Council member, Mr. Unoshamisa Chiradza (World Merit Global Ambassador) formed part of the panel in the various debates held at the very fitting Constitutional Hill. The evening was also filled with general conversations of what we have to show, on a national and international scale, for this resolution in terms of women being in power. A Q&A session was held, with audience members probing the minds of speakers such as Professor Rashida Manjoo, moderators such as Ottilia Maunganidze, and judges such as Honorable Justice Richard J. Goldstone. And finally, we were treated to an amazing networking session in the presence of the wonderful Ambassador Han Peters. To say that this was a truly necessary and impactful event, that shed so much light on women and their position in society – as well as how that is shifting – would be an understatement. Today, we all go back to our daily lives carrying a new load of information that helps alter the way we value women and children in societies and also helps us make better decisions regarding their rights as powerful human beings.


The Africa Water Week (AWW) is convened by the African Ministers Council on W ater (AMCOW ) in conjunction with the African Union Commission and organized with other development partners. It represents a political commitment at the highest level with over 1000 participants from governments, regional institutions, inter-


national partners, the private sector, the scientific community, civil society, and the media from all over the world, and in particular Africa, meeting to discuss and collectively seek solutions to Africa? Water r esources, and sanitation challenges. Gabon hosted the 2018 AWW in October where Mr Mtembu Odwa Ntsika attended the conference

through Water Youth Network under the sponsorship of Global Water Partnerships.At the conference,Mr Mtembu workedwith other members fromWater Youth Network, RECOJAC, UNESCO and more to ensure youth are engaged, recognised, well represented and have an impact. During the conference, organised byRECOJAC, the youth visited aschool to empower and engagewith the learners on water related issues, opportunities and sharing the experiences from each delegate throughout their academic and career path.


2019 AFRICA WATER SHOW By Tshepang Kgositau

The 12th annual Africa Water Show 2019 that was formerly known as The Africa Water Congress before its re-birth in 2015 was held at the Sandton Convention center, Johannesburg. It was attended by a number of people across all sectors in the water industry and seemed to have been a great success yet again. The Africa Water Show is a leading conference and exhibition for water professionals and seeks to showcase the latest services and innovations to improve the delivery of water infrastructure and efficiency in the supply service sectors. This conference seeks to attract water boards, utilities, process controllers, government, major end-users and investors who gather at the event and share knowledge on the latest technology and innovations that can assist in improving water supply and management in Africa.

Africa some of whom are Global leaders who are constantly shaping and improving the way we deliver our water to suit the ever increasing demand. The Water Show also allows all attendees an opportunity to network with anyone they so wish to meet; in fact the show has created an APP in which attendees can set up meetings with other attendants prior to the show. The show has improved its networking platform over the years that they?ve created different platforms such as the roundtable, speed networking even an after party to allow for all those who wish to interact and make meaningful connections happen.

Overall The Africa Water Show is a great platform not only to keep yourself up to date with the latest innovations, trends, developments, projects and business Our firsthand experience at the conference allowed opportunities in the water service sector but also a us to see some of the latest gadgets, tools and instru- great way to allow a mix of different age groups, enerments showcased by different companies that can be gies, backgrounds of people with a common purpose. used commercially and for home use. We also got I encourage all the young scientists and engineers to to move around and attend some presentations and attend this conference and perhaps draw some inspiexhibitions which were very informative. The Africa ration from all that the event has to offer. Water Show had many great speakers from all over



World Merit South Africa represented at the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Geneva, Switzerland.

Sendai Framework - from managing disasters to managing disaster risk. It is now acknowledged that reducing disaster risk is a shared responsibility which concerns everyone – from citizens to high-level political leaders, government The outcomes of the Global Plat- institutions, private sector, civil form inform the deliberations of society and scientific and technical the High-Level Political Forum on institutions. Sustainable Development and the UN 2019 Climate Summit from a disaster risk reduction perspective. These efforts contribute towards the successful achievement of a risk-informed 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) is a biennial multi-stakeholder forum established by the UN General Assembly to review progress, share knowledge and discuss the latest developments and trends in reducing disaster risk. GPDRR is a critical component of the monitoring and implementation process of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). World Merit South Africa was invited to attend the conference represented by Mr Odwa Ntsika Mtembu (Founder and President) with full support and part of the African Union Youth Advisory Board and African Regional office of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction from 1317 May 2019. Above: Odwa Ntsika Mtembu at the Global Platform for Disaster Reduction in Switzerland.


Above: Odwa Ntsika Mtembu with other delegates at the Global Platform for Disaster Reduction in Switzerland

Some of the different stakeholders engaged with at the conference are: The UN Envoy on Youth in preparation for the upcoming 2019 Action-orientated SG Climate summit, UN Major Group for Children and Youth DRR team during varThe participation of representatives ious youth sessions such as young from a wide range of sectors of gov- scientists in DRR, UNICEF during ernments and stakeholder groups the consultation of the youth voice reflects the shift – enshrined in the on DRR issues for the upcoming


World Merit South Africa represented at the Young Leaders Estoril Conference 2018, Portugal.


orld Merit attended the conference at Estoril where 11 World Meriters from different parts of the world represented our community. These Meriters were from Egypt, Latvia, Canada, South Africa (represented by Mr Mtembu), St Lucia, Zimbabwe, Lithuania, Yemen, India, Mexico and the Netherlands.

The team gave presentations on the work their doing in their countries and globally to tackle SDG 1, SDG 2, SDG 3, SDG 4 and SDG 8. Mr Mtembu presented on the work World Merit South Africa is doing to tackle these SDGs; the Merit Career Workshop programme and ects (and other projects we have eiMerit Dress Up Your Peer project ther launched or yet to launch) and were some of the projects run by us see how you can help us, send an Mr Mtembu presented. email to south.africa@worldmerit. org and we will gladly engage with you and share more details. These Meriters are part of the Global Merit Council which aims at building a world of merit beyond borders, magnify our merit impact and promote partnership and collaboration to build our communities. To learn more about World Merit and be updated on the work of the Global Merit Council, visit www.worldmerit.org or send us an email. To find out more about these proj-



Fadzai Manyeza’s Profile. My name is Fadzai Manyeza and I am 19 years old from Zimbabwe, residing in South Africa. I am driven to achieve academic excellence and I have succeeded that throughout my high school career.

In 2015 I was one of the top academic achievers selected to travel on the academic achievers tour to the United States of America where we attended private lectures at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale, Columbia University and had guided tours at Harvard University and visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York City where we were privileged to witness the prestigious summit and engaged with ambassadors and councils.

Throughout high school I held many leadership roles.I was elected into the Student Council as a


prefect, an executive in the Leader- suring that the girl child does not ship in Action Committee and the miss a day of school as a result of chairperson of the public speaking lack of sanitary pads. In 2016 and rhetoric committee. I was selected among 75 students I am extremely passionate about to represent the youth of South sustainable development and en- Africa at the South African In-

stitute of International Affairs (SAIIA) Young Leaders Conference and tackle social issues

that are affecting our generation. We drafted a resolution in which we handed over to the presidential office at the union buildings in the Presidential Cabinet Room and pledged to take action in which I pledged to help underprivileged girls with sanitary pads. It is said that more than 7 million girls in South Africa miss days of school during their menstrual cycle because they cannot afford pads. As I had pledged to help underprivileged school girls with san-

WMRSA FACES itary pads, I started my drive called Dignity for Our Girls. I started this drive because at a stage in my life I could not afford sanitary pads and it was extremely difficult for me. The aim for this drive is to ensure that the girls’ education is not jeopardized by their financial situation. I started by donating disposable pads but realized it is not a sustainable solution. I then discovered washable pads which last up to 5 years, bringing about sustainability as the girls will not miss a day of school throughout their high school career. Margaret Hirsch assisted us with the drive by matching each pack. I have donated 600 pads so far and continue to grow my drive.

In 2017 I wrote a proposal to my ex principal requesting for Interact/ Community service to be introduced as an extracurricular activity and after several meetings trying to convince him he eventually agreed and I was elected as the president of the Interact committee. We held many charitable drives such as the “167 books for Mandela Day” which was aimed at ensuring that orphans are also given access to educational material and the literacy rate increases. We also had many food drives throughout the year.

I was selected to represent Namibia and South Africa at the Asia Youth International Model United Nations which was held in Bangkok, Thailand from the 4th-6th Novem- of the selected delegates. This modber 2018. Out of 5000 applicants, el United Nations brought many 1000 were selected and I was part like-minded young leaders from around the globe to tackle global issues such as gender inequality, negative impacts of automation, Below: Fadzai Manyeza standing alongside a fellow delegate at the Aisia Youth International lack of education only to mention Model United Nations which took place in Bangkok, Thailand. a few. I was awarded the “Verbal Commendation” award during the closing ceremony which has been my biggest achievement thus far. Being an award winner on such a global platform is really prestigious. I am currently working at Hamleys World Toy Store in Sandton City. I aspire to study clinical psychology working closely with underprivileged women and children around Africa and expanding globally as well. I believe that your age doesn’t matter. Anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it, not even the sky’s the limit.




The 4th of May 2019 marked the World Merit clean up day which took place in the Randburg CBD. It was an environmentally engaging experience where ordinary citizens felt inspired by the work we were doing, and they appreciated the efforts the world Meriters took on that day. Our clean up was mostly based at the taxi rank where we knew its usually the filthiest. As M eriters the clean-up action that we engaged in

was also an act of setting an example to people staying in that area and beyond, informing them that global climate change is real and its effects should not be taken for granted. Environmental sustainable development is a global issue that everyone should be aware of and be able to engage in, therefore the aim of the national environmental division of World Merit South Africa is to inform and raise awareness to those in most vulnerable states that are at high risk of being affected by climate change, such people are those who are mostly living in informal settlements and rural areas. We believe that if majority of the population is aware of climate change and its effect they can engage in different activities of sustainable development As the national World merit South Africa we appreciate the opportunity offered to us by the Randburg taxi rank management for using their space for raising awareness. We still have more upcoming environmental sustainable development programs and they will publish as soon as they are confirmed.



WORLD MERIT SOUTH AFRICA & HYPE- UK HOST VIBRANT PARKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AT GREEN POINTPARK,CAPETOWN On the 27th of October 2018, HYPE- UK; in partnership with World Merit South Africa hosted a Vibrant Parks Project in Green Point Park, Cape Town. The vision for the International Vibrant Parks Programme is to attract young people to get involved in the activities of the programme and inspire participants to start similar initiatives in green spaces in their local communities. The main aim of the event was to engage volunteers, particularly between the ages 16-30; young people to say, to assist delivering the Vibrant Parks Programmes; In this regard, World Merit Council Members and by-passers in the park become involved in the Nature Quiz and Bug Search in the par – involving other young people in the game as well. World Merit was particularly instrumental in providing guidance and leadership for assisting young people to understand the 17 UN SDGs and how the SDGs can be incorporated into International Vibrant Park Programme.

people were engaged on issues concerning the environment, water resources and well-being of humans through creative activities such as the Nature quiz which addresses two SDGs, namely; Life on Land (SDGs 15) and Quality Education (SDG 4). In Mitchells Plain and Muizenberg, HYPE hosted a soccer skills coaching programme for young people. The programme enabled the youth to come together for the passion for football. Football is considered a universal language across the world through which young people may express their talent and culture whilst developing some sort of bond through sportsmanship.

A Dance Workshop was also carried out during the week-long visit as part of the HYPE activities and this placed focus on SDG 3 Good Health and Well Being. The President stated that access to intervention initiatives such as Vibrant Parks could generate and catalyse change in the communities of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Furthermore, there is an opportunity for HYPE and World Merit South Africa to expand the Vibrant Parks event in Green Point Park to include local media and organisation in creating local platforms of entrepreneurship development, reclaiming public spaces and promotion of gender equality.

HYPE uses Football to accomplish the United Nations Sustainable Goals through the facilitation of soccer coaching, particularly SD3 (Good Health) and SDG 4 (QualDuring the Nature Quiz and Bug ity Education). Search at Green Point Park, young



PRETORIA WEST HIGH SCHOOL CAREER TALK One of SDG4’s targets is to increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. In South Africa Youth Unemployment rate sits at 55% which could be attributed to lack of formal education. Many institutions require formal education, and in skills demanding fields, tertiary is even more important, when considering individuals for employment. A large number of South African youth are unable to acquire tertiary education due to a number of issues, one of them being access to information – Information pertaining to study choices and various funding options.

tertiary level. Access to funding opportunities such as bursaries and scholarships can help address this problem and thus World Merit South Africa took it upon them to provide high school learners with information. Adding to the lack of access to funding, many young individuals make uninformed career choices and end up studying degrees and diplomas that only not fulfill them, but also not provide them with employment following graduation.

WMRSA gave a career talk to Grade 11 and 12 learners at Pretoria High School. The aim of the talk was to provide learners with information on engineering and science careers in the water sector; expose them According to Statistics South Africa, 51% of youth to the real world as we experience it as engineering aged between 18 and 24 years, claimed that they did and science professionals; as well as present on fundnot have the financial means to pay for their tuition at ing opportunities provided by the Department of Water and Sanitation. A presentation which outlined what engineers, scientists and quantity surveyors at the Department of Water and Sanitation do on an average day was shown to learners. A question and answer session ran concurrently with the presentation as the goal was to create an interactive session to maximize our impact.



67 Minutes with Leamogetswe Safety Home Home On the 20th of July 2019, World Merit celebrated Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy by spending the day with children at Leamogetswe Safety Home in Atteridgeville. Lemogetswe houses 107 children between the ages of 0 and 21 who are in orphaned or in need of a safe home. The Home was founded in 1994 by Ms Matlakala Makhubela. Members of the council and their supporters played games with the children and read books for them. They also assisted with

cleaning and preparation of lunch and snacks. In addition to that, World Merit South Africa donated sanitary pads and clothes for the children living at Leamogetswe.




Environmental Commemorative Days 2 February

World Wetlands Day

3 March

World Wildlife Day

22 March

World Water Day

23 March

World Meteorological Day

30 March

Earth Hour

22 April

Earth Day

22 May

Internatiomal Biodiversity Day

23 May to 3 June

CITESCOP18 - Sri Lanka

5 June

World Environment Day

8 June

World Oceans Day

17 June

World Day to Combat Desertification

18 July

Nelson Mandela Day

31 July

World Ranger Day

1 Sept em nber

Nat ional Abour Day

15 September

International Coastal Clean-up Day

16 September

World Ozone Day

18 - 22 September

National Parks Week

22 September

World Rhino Day

3 October

World Habitat Day

8 - 12 October

National Marine Week

21 November

World Fisheries Day



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