Town Topics Newspaper January 10, 2018

Page 10


was begun

Gracious Living Gracious Living in the the Heart in in the the Heart in of of Princeton... of Princeton... of Gracious Living Gracious GraciousLiving Living Gracious Living in the thethe Heart in the Heart in Heart in Heart

Behind every nurturing touch …

Princeton... Princeton... Princeton... Princeton...

of of of of

is the care within.

Glen See the the Acorn Acorn Glen See See the Acorn Glen See the Acorn Glen difference for yourself, difference for yourself, difference for yourself, call 609.430.4003 call today: today: 609.430.4003 difference for yourself, call today: 609.430.4003 call today: 609.430.4003

It’s the warmth of a personal touch.

The grace of a genuine smile.

The compassion of a helping hand. It’s the care within and

it’s found within each of us

at Greenwood House.


775 NJNJ 08540 775Mt. Mt.Lucas LucasRoad Road• Princeton, • Princeton, 08540

775 Mt. Lucas Road • Princeton, NJ 08540 ww w. a co r nng gle n. c om w ww.a cor 775 Mt.decisions LucasaRoad • Princeton, NJ 0854 ww ng decisions are arerdifficult. difficult. But Acorn Acorn Glen Glen makes makes those those decisions little easier. easier. ome decisions But a little wAAww. a c o r n g l e n . c om recordof ofhigh-quality high-qualityattentive attentivecare. care.....spacious spaciousand andattractive attractivesurroundings surroundings...... record Acorn Glen Glen sets the an unsurpassed unsurpassed level of activities activities and services. services. It’sthose howdecisions Acorn sets the an level of and It’s how ome decisions are are difficult. But Acorn Acorn Glen makes little easier. ome decisions difficult. But Glen makes those decisions aa little easier. standard for assistedliving living ingracious gracious style. and attractive surroundings . . . standard for assisted in style. A record of high-quality attentive care. . . spacious A record of high-quality attentive care. . . spacious and attractive surroundings . . . Acorn Glen Glen sets sets the the an unsurpassed unsurpassed level level of of activities activities and and services. services. It’s It’s how how Acorn an Nestled on onfor 10assisted woodedliving acresin ingracious serene Princeton Princeton neighborhood, neighborhood, Acorn Acorn Glen Glen Nestled wooded acres aa serene standard style. standard for10assisted living iningracious style. provides a broad range of services that enable residents to be as active and provides a broad range of services that enable residents to be as active and independent aswooded theychoose. choose. independent they Nestled on 10 10as acres inin aa serene serene Princeton Princeton neighborhood, neighborhood, Acorn Acorn Glen Glen Nestled on wooded acres provides aa broad broad range range of of services services that that enable enable residents residents to to be be as as active active and and provides independent asthey they choose. CALL ALL US TODAY TODAY TO TO SCHEDULE SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TO TO SEE SEE THE THE client’s independent and AN modifications to the midnight trips asto thechoose. bathroom. C US APPOINTMENT

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“Aging in Place” Is the Choice for Many Who Are Remaining in Their Own Homes

he numbers tell the story. living space. There are more older folks Or a grab bar in the shower. More CORNG GLEN LEN DIFFERENCEFOR FORYOURSELF YOURSELF 609.430.4000. AACORN DIFFERENCE ,,609.430.4000. in the U.S. than ever beextensive and expensive modificaC ALL US TODAY TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TO to SEE THE THE “Our mission TO is provide the CALL US TODAY TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT SEE www. acor ngllen. com www. acor ng fore, and their numbers are raptions might be converting steps to full spectrum of universal design A CORN G LEN DIFFERENCE FOR YOURSELF , 609.430.4000. ACORN GLEN DIFFERENCE FOR YOURSELF, 609.430.4000. idly increasing. ramps outside, or adding a stair services775 —Mt. from consultation and 775 Mt. Lucas Road Road Princeton, NJ NJ 08540 08540 Lucas • • Princeton, www. acorng ngllevaluation com to design and construcglide when one can’t navigate www. acor en. According to the U.S. Census stairs. tion — so that your homeNJworks Bureau, 35 million persons 65 775 Mt. Mt. Lucas Lucas Road Road • • Princeton, Princeton, NJ 08540 775 08540 beautifully for all ages and abiliyears or older were living in the “It is important to use a Certities. We are committed to develU.S. in 2000. These numbers are fied Aging in Place specialist, as oping innovative approaches for expected to increase to 73 million they are trained to evaluate your our clients’ unique needs in a in 2030. In addition, the number home for potential danger and to compassionate and responsive of individuals 85 or older will provide appropriate solutions,” manner,” explains Tobias. increase to nearly 8.9 million in she continues. “No one want a 2030, from the 4.2 million statisgrab-bar to come off the wall “The Lifetime Home process tic in 2000. when you grab it! I’ve seen too starts with a complimentary inmany people using towel rods as home evaluation,” she points out. Indeed, every day 10,000 baby grab bars.” “Once we are retained, we create boomers turn 65, and members a full evaluation and proposal usof this population are known to In addition, Hoskins points out ing the expertise of each membe active, engaged, and indethe importance of making one’s ber of our team. Our client can pendent. They pursue continuhome safe for older visitors. “One To learn more and to schedule then make informed decisions on ing education, exercise, are inthing to consider is that even if a visit, call (609) 917-7064 what to include out of necessity volved in sports, and serve as you are still quite physically fit, or budget. volunteers in their community. your friends may not be. These or visit Baby boomers and those older, by modifications can help you contin“The next step is design. Both large numbers, wish to remain in ue to host friends in your home, Linda, through her company, their own homes as they grow and social interaction is a core Madani Interiors, and I, through older. AARP (American Associaelement of healthy aging. my company Tobias Design, will tion of Retired Persons) reports use our collective design experi“This was brought home to that more than 90 percent of seence and expertise to help our clime recently when I wanted to inniors want to stay in their existing ent design their interior spaces. clude a friend with MS who has a houses. The last step is where Jim and his daughter with cerebral palsy. My crew, through his company Baxter home is not equipped for power New Opportunities Construction, come in to execute chairs.” The ramifications of these staevery step of the design.” tistics are significant for society Safe and Independent Biggest Hazards as a whole, and specifically offer Lisa Tobias, owner of Tobias new opportunities for interior de“Some of the biggest hazards Design LLC, and two partners signers, architects, and builders. that land seniors in the hospital recently opened Lifetime Home Reconfiguring the house to fit are in the home — such as slipping LLC which is dedicated to helpthe needs of aging occupants is on rugs, poor lighting, inability to ing older individuals be safer and AKIN CARE a growing business. maneuver stairs, or obstructions, independent in their homes. all of which can lead to falls. We Susan W. Hoskins, LCSW, exec174 Nassau Street #379 “There are three partners: LinLet us show you how we can help, can help with all of these,” said utive director of the Princeton Seda Madani of Madani Interiors, Princeton, NJ 08542 Tobias. nior Resource Center (PSRC), is Jim Baxter of Baxter Construcfrom a one time few-hour care to closely involved in the needs and “We will come to a person’s tion, and myself,” explains Lisa regular Our weekly orMila, daily desires of the older population. home and evaluate places in the Tobias. “We are all co-owners daughter, withassistance. her Grandmother, Olga She reports that staying in their house that should be modified who specialize in different areas: Mila, with herAGrandmother, ownprovider home is a major concern for family ownedOlga and operated, Princeton based of in-home care interior based on their needs,” she condesign, construction, and most of these seniors, and that tinues. “Some needs might be kitchen and bath design respecwhere ever you call home they .need to consider ways in for limited mobility; for others, it tively. I am a Certified Living in which this can be accomplished. might be limited sight or hearing. Place Professional (CLIPP), and . The recommendations could be as “I think everyone who wants Jim is a Certified Aging in Place simple as installing better lightto age in place needs to conSpecialist (CAPS).” 145 Witherspoon Street Princeton sider ing, placing furniture differently, some home modifications. Headquartered in Hopewell, the and removing tripping hazards There are always changes as we firm specializes in evaluation, delike rugs to more extensive recage. Some solutions might be as sign, and installation of changes Let us show you how we can help, from a ommendations such as building simple as adding night lighting for

ThankThank You! You!

Akin Care Senior Services was Services begun was begun Akin Care Senior with one purpose with one purpose Provide Very Best Care To Provide theToVery BesttheCare Wetoarebeprivileged to be acknowledged We are privileged acknowledged as a Reader's Choice as a Reader's Choice

wned and operated, Princeton based provider of in-home care whereCARE ever youSenior call home AKIN Services 609 450-8877

CARE Senior Services

609 450-8877

herspoon Street Princeton one time few-hour care to regular or daily assistance. us about weekly our Holiday

Call Call us about Holiday Preoparation and Preparation andour Respite Care Respite Care specials! specials!

Thank You!

Akin Care Senior Services was 609-450-8877 Akinpurpose Care Senior Services was begun begun with one with one purpose To Provide the Very Best Care To Provide the Very Best Care

Mention this card when you call to schedule your

We are privileged to be acknowledged We are privileged to be acknowledged as a Reader's Choice

as a Reacher’s Choice

Our daughter, Mila, with her Grandmother, Olga

A family owned and operated, Princeton based provider of in-home care where ever you call home.

AKIN CARE Senior Services 609 450-8877

145 Witherspoon Street Princeton

Merwick is different


Schedule a Merwick tour today and enjoy a complimentary lunch in our Garden Bistro

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