Imbolc - February 2019

Page 63


eltic Tree Lore Rowan - Luis The Rowan Celtic Moon

January 21st - February 17th Latin: Sorbus acuparia The rowan, or mountain ash is like the apple and hawthorn and is often referred to as the enchantress of the woods or the quicken tree. Rowans can live up to two hundred years. Like birch, is connected to the sun and is sacred to the Celtic goddess Brigid. Lore reveals that she “had arrows made from Rowan� (Forest, Danu). Rowan is strong and flexible and often makes for a popular wood in tool creation. Known by the Celts as Luis (pronounced loush), the Rowan is associated with astral travel, personal power, and success. Magickal Properties: Healing, protection, connections, power, balance, boundaries. Magickal Workings: Rowan is often used as a charm to protect the wearer from harm. Symbolism: Protection, courage, and wisdom.

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