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Letter from Scott

Dear Friends of Make-A-Wish Colorado,

It’s been another year of unknowns, with a return to normal that has been anything but normal. However, throughout this unique time, we have continued to create wishes safely, and are proud to have been able to share the power of a wish® with 178 wish kids and their families throughout Colorado. We look forward to the day we can safely grant all the wishes that have been postponed, the wishes that are still waiting and every wish that has yet to be granted. And in the meantime, we will continue to create hope.


Hope, as we know, is essential. The pandemic taught us the true power of hope. We no longer take for granted what it means to have something to look forward to - we learned that the moment tangible joy is on the horizon, everything changes. For our wish kids, hope is essential when battling a critical illness. These children are isolated and vulnerable, whether there is a pandemic or not, and they deserve the power of hope that a wish come true can bring.

We know a wish can help improve a child’s quality of life and can be part of the healing process.

New research has shown us that a wish can give children with critical illnesses the physical and emotional strength they need to face medical challenges with more resilience than they ever thought possible. Because of supporters like you, we can offer that kind of healing to hundreds of children and their families every year.

We will continue to provide the power of a wish for each and every eligible child, through this pandemic and beyond. Thank you for your support as we continue to fulfill our mission of creating life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.

Best wishes,

Scott Dishong President & CEO Make-A-Wish® Colorado