WDN - November 2013

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Wisconsin District neWs November 2013

Wisconsin District News WDN EDITOR Craig Lundt PO Box 688 Beloit, WI 53512 wdn@wisconsinupci.org WDN SECTIONAL REPS Section 1: Loretta Lundt Section 2: Carole Keller Section 3: Simon Chappell Section 4: April Peckham Section 5: Kathy Fry WDN Proofreader: Dede Sharp DISTRICT OFFICERS Superintendent: Rev. John E. Putnam Secretary-Treasurer: Rev. E.A. Kaske Honorary Board Member: Rev. John Grant PRESBYTERS Section 1: Rev. Charles Welch Section 2: Rev. James Booker Section 3: Rev. Ed Herman Section 4: Rev. Rufus Parker Section 5: Rev. Paul Bennett DEPARTMENTS Foreign Missions: Rev. M.W. Rogers Home Missions: Rev. Rick Keilley Deaf Ministry: Renee Strand Ladies Ministries: Sis. Barb Hilderbrand Sunday School: Rev. Dale Pace Youth Ministries: Rev. Tim Vik Revival Commission: Rev. Michael Hook Multimedia Ministry: Rev. Scott Jacobs Men’s Ministry: Rev. Steve Rogers Music Ministry: Sis. Darlene Boyte Purpose Institute: Rev. J.D. Putnam Prayer Force: Rev. Don Rogers FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINE The basic and fundamental doctrine of this organization shall be the Bible standard of full salvation, which is repentance, baptism in water by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial sign of speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. We shall endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit until we all come into the unity of the faith, at the same time admonishing all brethren that they shall not contend for their different views to the disunity of the body.


November 2013


WI District Superintendent

1THESSALONIANS 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. The Word of God instructs us that we should not just be hearers of the Word, but we are to be “doers!” God calls us to obedient action, in putting what we hear from God’s Word into living practice. There are several scriptures that include the phrase “the will of God” and then are followed by some sort of required action. When our Lord taught His disciples to pray, He taught them to express in their prayers...”Our Father which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name...thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven...” God wants you and I to “do” His will! His commands are not optional, they are required if we are going to please Him! The apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that... In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. JESUS CHRIST is serious about us being “thankful” people! In our willingness to do God’s will, we need to have and express an attitude of thankfulness. Our everyday witness needs to express this simple, but powerful, word of “THANKS!” I have observed individuals that exhibit an attitude of “give me, give me, give me...take...take...take,” who walk away from people that have gone far and

above their duty to help them, without one word of thanks! This kind of unthankfulness should NEVER be the witness of a born again child of God! The Word states...IN EVERYTHING GIVE THANKS! Everything? Yes...everything! As a human being, I am amazed at how many things that I take for granted. I believe most of us take for granted the “freedoms” that we enjoy here in the United States, as well as the abundant blessings of food, shelter, and clothing that also have been made available to us. Yet, how many times have I heard people gripe and complain about their living environment. They bemoan what they don’t have instead of appreciating and being thankful for what they do have. They are continually dissatisfied and they project their attitude in an unthankful way! November is the month that our national government recognizes a special day of “Thanksgiving.” Now, stop and think how you will embrace this holiday. Will it really be a day of “thanksgiving,” or will it be just another day of negative comments, about the food, the drive, and the people you had to endure being with during the day? Or can it be a positive uplifting day of being grateful and abundantly thankful for what God has once again provided for you and those that you will have the privilege to fellowship with? God, help us to DO YOUR WILL EVERY DAY, by showing and exhibiting a thankful spirit in everything that we do! I’m thankful for all of you, and may you all have a blessed day of Thanksgiving and every other day of your life!

Bro. Manuel Rogers, Global Missions WDN: Tell us about yourself and your family. BRO. ROGERS: I grew up in Bossier City, LA and the church, pastored now by Jerry Dean, started in our living room. My father was the pastor until the church was large enough to support a pastor full time. I received the Holy Ghost as a child on June 11, 1949. I graduated from high school in 1953, and went to St. Paul, MN to attend the Apostolic Bible Institute, which I graduated from in 1956. There I met Mary Newstrand. Mary received the Holy Ghost in 1946 at the age of 10. She became my wife Oct. 6, 1956, and we are happily married to this day. We have been pastoring in Wisconsin for a total of 50 years. I am now the senior pastor of Elim Tabernacle, and Steve Rogers, our son, is the Pastor. We have three children and seven grandchildren. WDN: How long have you been director of Wisconsin Global Missions? BRO. ROGERS: I have been the director of Wisconsin Global Missions for over 30 years. WDN: What do you like most about being director? Bro Manuel Rogers: I have enjoyed being the director, for it has made it possible to become acquainted with most all of our pastors and most of our missionaries.

BRO. ROGERS: Global Missions representatives are: Section 1: Scott Stevens, 2: Steve Rogers, 3: Glen Rossing, 4: Derrald Hilderbrand, and 5: Don Grant. They help by scheduling the missionaries that deputize in our district with important services, as they need to raise their support. These men have a great burden for missions around the world and do a fabulous job in fulfilling their burden to reach lost people of our world. WDN: What is your vision for the Wisconsin Global Missions? BRO. ROGERS: My vision for Global Missions in Wisconsin is to provide our pastors the privilege of becoming acquainted with some of UPCI’s great heroes. I desire to someday have 100% of our churches supporting Partners in Missions, by supporting at least one missionary family. I also desire to see our district surpass the one million dollar contribution to Global Missions each year. WDN: What can the local church do to help facilitate this vision? BRO. ROGERS: For the local churches to help facilitate this vision, schedule

four missionary services a year; that is one a quarter. All of our churches have at least one missionary service a year. I say this, for I realize home missionary churches may not be able to have four a year, but I feel every church can have at least one service. Some already schedule more than four a year. All churches help a missionary raise funds for their needed projects in their field of labor. Also, each church could have someone with a deep burden for missions have special prayer for our missionaries. Everyone can pray for missionaries. WDN: Everyone has at least one “go-to” verse to encourage them. What is your “go-to” verse? BRO. ROGERS: My go-to verse for me and others is Philippians 4:6-8, v. 8 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

WDN: What does the Wisconsin Global Missions offer the Wisconsin District? BRO. ROGERS: Global Missions offers our pastors the opportunity to help fulfill the Great Commission Jesus gave us in Matt. 28:19, to go into the whole world with the whole Gospel. WDN: Who are the sectional representatives and what is their role in the department? November 2013


BY COREY BOYTE On September 7th, 2013, approximately forty-five leaders from Wisconsin District Section 1 merged on to the campus of Apostolic Truth Church in Appleton for the first Section 1 New Generation Leader Conference. Many walks of life were represented, from mechanic to engineer, maintenance man to doctor, worship leader to pastor. When it comes to ministry, no matter the occupation, age, social status or gender, the desire for ministry and advancing the kingdom of God results in every individual finding common ground: a desire to serve. The vision of the New Generation Leader program is to ensure that every aspiring leader in the Wisconsin District will receive affirmation, foundational ministry training, and ministerial fellowship on a local, regional, and district level. Under the direction of Reverend Aaron Soto, NGL serves to create a culture of trust and transparency with the emerging generation of leaders in the Wisconsin District. Through the efforts of this program, future leaders of the church are answering the call


November 2013

of ministry, being trained and equipped for ministry, and being released into the ministry. The conference consisted of several sessions taught by Reverend Soto, including topics covering how to develop and maintain Christian character, overcoming the temptations leaders face, and becoming disciplined leaders. These sessions were followed by small group discussions, where leaders became vulnerable and honest with not only those in their group, but with themselves. When the conference was completed, Reverend Soto instructed all small groups to pray for each indi-

vidual in that group. There was such a sense of unity and humility that swept through the room. Many were moved to tears, as they submitted themselves to one another and heard their fellow leaders pray for them. By attending future NGL events and conferences, one can fulfill the admonition set forth in 2 Peter 1:3-10: through radical submission, becoming vulnerable, and remaining diligent and disciplined to their calling. When all of these items are in alignment, Godordained ministries and the vision of the Wisconsin District will be “neither barren nor unfruitful.�

district Calendar of Events November 15-16 – PI - Madison Media Missions - Mission of Hope Offering 28 – Thanksgiving

BY KEVIN VAN GHEEM Arthur Blessitt is credited by Guinness World Records for walking 38,102 miles in his pilgrimage around the world. He has walked on all seven continents, including 321 nations, island groups and territories. What makes Arthur Blessitt’s feat truly remarkable is that he did it while carrying a 12foot wooden cross. In Matthew 16:24, Jesus said to his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Arthur Blessitt followed Jesus’ command by carrying an actual cross, but understanding our own cross is often more difficult. Looking at the cross of Jesus, we can see an example of what carrying our cross should look like. The cross was Jesus’ purpose. John 12:27 states “…but for this cause came I unto this hour.” Jesus performed many miracles and revealed great truths, but all this paled in comparison to His burden for the cross. Nothing would divert Him from this purpose. This is demonstrated in Matthew 16:21-23, where Jesus tells His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem to suffer and be killed by the chief priests and scribes. Peter begins to tell Jesus that this can’t happen and is quickly rebuked for standing against God’s purpose. Jesus wouldn’t allow Peter, one of His closest friends, to stop Him. He didn’t allow Satan, the Pharisees, Pilate, His humanity, a scourging, or a gruesome death to get in the way of His ultimate purpose. Christ’s purpose was displayed through suffering. Jesus didn’t just die on the cross for our sins; He suffered greatly through the whole process. We receive salvation from His death; but we receive additional benefits through His suffering, as stated in Isaiah 53:4-6. This includes healing, peace, and carry-

December 2-4 – District Board Meeting, Elkhart Lake 6-7 – PI Eau Claire 25 – Christmas 26-28 – Winter Youth Convention Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton Dec 31 – AMO final offering

ing of our sorrows. Paul describes another aspect of the cross in Hebrews 12:2, where he states, “…who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.” This speaks of the promised joy Jesus received from the work of the cross. Jesus fulfilled His purpose with suffering in order to repair an intimate relationship with man. Just as Jesus’ cross represented more than dying for man’s sins, our cross represents more than a ministry. Our cross is our purpose. In Matthew 16:24, we are told to take up our cross. This implies an individual cross. The cross I am to carry is mine: not a friend’s, not the Pastor’s, not Jesus’. Our calling, our cross, is unique, and God has given

“The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Continued on page 12

November 2013


BY SIMON CHAPPELL This year, the Wisconsin District’s Men’s Conference was held in Wisconsin Dells at the Chula Vista Resort. The Men’s Ministry department wanted to try something new with both the location and the format. I thought that it worked very well. The facilities were nice and, for those of us who also attended the Prayer Conference, the timing worked out well, with


November 2013

both conferences being back to back. Our special speaker this year was Rev. T.F. Tenney. Bro. Tenney is not one to mince words, so the teaching was direct, but enjoyable, and liberally sprinkled with the one-liners that we have come to expect and appreciate. On Friday night, Bro. Tenney taught on “The Presence,” and then on Saturday morning, he taught “Catch Your Second When.” These messages are available

from Media Missions and are both highly recommended. A couple of my favorite one-liners from Bro. Tenney include: “He’s also Jehovah Sneaky!” “This generation is not committed to commitment.” “God always answers prayers...sometimes He says, ‘Trust me’!” “God can choose from the back of the line.” And “Jesus was a lion and a lamb!”

November 2013


BY SIMON CHAPPELL The Wisconsin District held its first prayer conference at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells on October 10th and 11th. The special guest speaker was Sis. Flo Shaw, part of the World Network of Prayer (WNOP) leadership. The emphasis of the conference was “Plowing Before the Planter.” Plowing before the planter emphasizes the need for prayer over an area before starting to reach out for souls. As we see in the parable of the sower, the primary difference was the condition of the soil that the seeds fell upon. The same high quality seed reached each soil condition, the same sower cast identical seeds, and the same local climate nourished the seeds. Yet the results were greatly different. The soft, carefully plowed soil gave the best increase from the seeds sown. Soul winners want a good harvest when they go out into the fields, so sowing seed into


November 2013

the best prepared soil possible makes a great deal of sense. The best soil is plowed before any planting takes place. Sis. Flow provided materials to assist with local Plowing Before the Planting efforts. A training guide was provided. It covers planning a Plowing Before the Planting event, prayer evangelism do’s and don’ts, guidelines for spiritual warfare, and prayer preparation tools, including Spiritual Mapping. Along with Sis. Shaw, we were addressed by Bro. Don Rogers, the Wis-

consin District Prayer Coordinator, and Bro. John E. Putnam, our District Superintendent. Bro. Putnam shared his heart on how he feels led of the Lord in guiding this district. The whole meeting was powerful and inspiring. And with help like this from our district and WNOP, our church plants will be more successful than ever. More information on the Plowing Before the Planter initiative is available from the World Network of Prayer website (www.wnop.org).

BY SIMON CHAPPELL The fourth annual Section Three Unity Service took place in Beloit on Sunday evening, the 27th of October. Pastor Kaske, once again, kindly opened the doors of the church and invited all of the other sectional churches to join in this time of unity and fellowship. The bilingual service was well attended by over two hundred people, and nearly every congregation in the section was represented. Bro. Booker, Section

Two presbyter, was the featured speaker and he taught a message entitled, “Keep Your Shoes On,� which encouraged us to remember our Apostolic Pentecostal heritage. He also shared his testimony of how his great-grandmother came into the church through the ministry of the Azusa Street Revival and what a powerful heritage that has been in his life. This was a powerful service, with a great presence and move of the Spirit during the altar call.

November 2013


Greetings in Jesus’ name! God is so wonderful! This has been a long time in coming, so here goes. I had 33 great services back in the States, starting in Texas, then Mississippi and Wisconsin. Many were filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus’ name. I also did outreach with nine different churches and saw many people receive the Bible study and come to church for the first time. One of the first outreaches I did was with Pastor Welke in Ladysmith, WI. It snowed the day before, but we still went out talking with many people. The first man we spoke with did not want the Bible study, and he did not want us to pray for him, so I started telling him about all the miracles I have seen God do. Within a few minutes, he was standing outside as we prayed for him. When we


November 2013

finished, all he could say was, “WOW.” Remember, it was only 38 degrees outside that day. Bro. York asked me, “How did you get a man that did not want anything, to receive something?” I just told him, “You have something they need.” Church, we have something this world needs, and it is up to us to share it with them. Matthew 10:7-8: 7) And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8) Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. One of the last outreaches I did was with Pastor Brown of Sun Prairie on May 25. It was a lot warmer than Ladysmith, and about 18 people went out. I was able to go with three young men that morning. At one of the houses we went to, a lady had a migraine headache, and her

son said, “The only thing that will help you is a miracle.” Right after he said that, we knocked on their door. When the lady opened the door, she saw these young men at her door with t-shirts that said, “Do You Need a Miracle?” As her eyes got big and her mouth opened, she just said, “YES,” and the young men were able to pray for her and her son, and share the good things of God. I returned to Antigua on May 29 to find the church in a spirit of prayer that is only getting better. We are still doing outreach on Saturdays, and had three receive the Holy Ghost in their homes in June. Five of us were able to go to the Leeward Island Conference in St. Maarten. We went two days early to do some youth services and go out on the street with the church there. In the youth services, we had one get the Holy Ghost, and the young people passed out flyers in St. Maarten. The first day we went out, a lady at her produce stand received the Holy Ghost as we prayed for God to heal her foot; then we taught her the Bible study. We then taught a man who was selling cars across the street the Bible study and, when we had finished, he told us he was going to bring his family to church and be baptized. Bro. Steve Shirley did a great

job leading the conference, as did Pastor Irish hosting the conference. I would like to thank Pastor Terry Ballard and Pastor Dave Lambert, who came from Mississippi to bless us with the word of God. It was what everyone needed to hear. Thank you again, it blessed all of us that came from Antigua. We got back from the Conference, only to get ready for our third Youth Camp, which started on July 15th through the 20th. Pastor Richard Gillis, from Apostolic Tabernacle in New Jersey, came to preach for us, along with his son, and they did an AWESOME job. Our young people not only grew spiritually, but also are more committed than ever to doing whatever it takes to be a witness in living for JESUS! We also had five people come from the island of Nevis; two of them got the Holy Ghost, and one was baptized. July was also a trying time, as we had to fix three vans, radiators, heads, and coil packs. We did not even get one fixed before we had another one to work on. Thank God, we were able to get everything we needed to fix them all. In August, we had David and Angela Meyer, along with nine others from Living Word Apostolic Church of New Berlin, come for Youth On a Mission. What a BLESSING they were, as we went on outreach on the street. A number of people received the Holy Ghost on the street, as we talked to hundreds of people each

day. Every service someone was blessed, as they shared their life stories with us. I would like to say, THANK YOU ALL for coming and being a blessing to us in all that was done in that week. We have had a number of people get the Holy Ghost on Saturdays as we did outreach. September 1 was an awesome day, as we had three baptized and two filled with the Holy Ghost. We finished September with two more baptized and two more filled with the Holy Ghost from outreach. So far, 29 have been baptized, and 43 filled

with the Holy Ghost in 2013. None of this would have happened if the Wisconsin District did not get behind us in prayer and finances, and sending all those who came down to help build the church. We are here to stay and start many more works in Antigua, Barbuda, along with other Islands, as we raise up Pastors, Preachers, Teachers, Evangelists, and Apostles. We are working together‌ Reaching Together, Praying Together, and Staying Together for HIS GLORY.

www.WNOP.org November 2013


The Longest Walk Continued from page 5

each of us a unique skill set to be able to carry it. We are to make an impact on the church and we are commanded to spread the Gospel message to our section of this dying world. We should follow the example given to us and accept the suffering that comes with carrying our cross. This may require us to put a job, an activity or a relationship on the chopping block. After these priorities are put in place, resistance will still be encountered. This may come from family members who resist your efforts, a manager who tries to silence your witness, or a “great” opportunity, which may arise to distract you from carrying your cross.


November 2013

Suffering is a prerequisite for carrying our cross and necessary in becoming His disciple. This is illustrated in Luke 18, with the rich young man who came to Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life. The young man had followed all of the commandments from his youth, but after Jesus told him to sell all that he had and give the money to the poor, the young man left, sorrowful. The man was not willing to suffer the loss of his riches to follow Jesus. The great works he was called to do were left unaccomplished. Our cross is a heavy burden, but it comes with valuable benefits. We open the door for the “greater works” to occur in our lives. We give God the opportunity to increase our faith, as we trust Him through our journey. Jesus

obtained salvation for all mankind through His sacrifice. By carrying our cross, we direct those observing us to Jesus’ cross, urging them to follow Christ’s example. We also have a promise if we deny ourselves, carry our cross, and follow Him. In John 14, Jesus promises He is going to prepare a place for the disciples. He gives us a promise that is the same as the one He received. We can have a close and personal relationship with God, and the promise of heaven: to be with Jesus forever. We will see our God face to face. We will continue our walk with Jesus without the cross, but on streets of gold. Bro. Kevin Van Gheem - attends Apostolic Truth Church, Appleton.

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