Things To Consider While You Are Laying Sod

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Things To Consider While You Are Laying Sod

Seeding a new lawn instead of maintaining the old one is way better to consider. But before that, there are some essential things that you should consider.

What Is The Best Time To Lay Sod? You can lay sod in the spring, summer, and fall (and even in winter in mild climates). It avoids the problem of a lawn developing a fine crop of weeds when seeding a yard in the spring in areas of the country that favour cool-season grasses, such as the Northeast. And, because warm-season grasses like Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and centipede grass cannot be grown from seed, sod is the most incredible option to cover the yard in any time of year in southern areas. The only way to figure out what type of soil you have is to test it. Your local extension agent will send a soil sample to a lab for examination for a minimal fee; the results will arrive in a week or two and tell you precisely what amendments to add and in what quantity.

Where to Buy Sod?

Then it's time to go out and get some sod. Depending on where you reside, you can get it from a garden centre or straight from a sod farm. It'll usually be a blend of two or three turf grasses chosen for their colour, texture, and hardiness. Sod should be supplied and laid the same day, ideally within 24 hours of being cut. It is essential to measure your yard carefully to order the correct amount, plus 5% extra to account for missing around curves.

Do You Need to Rototill Before Laying Sod? Unless it's a small area, yes, you'll also require additional equipment. Preparing the soil for sod and laying the turf will take two weekends. If your yard has patchy grass, you'll need to get rid of it first. This task is best accomplished with a sod cutter, which chops it off below the roots. It would be best if you also rent a rototiller while you're at it. Depending on your soil analysis, a 2-inch-bladed sod-cutting knife, a spreader, an iron rake, compost, and other soil additions, such as fertilizer and lime, are also required. Two individuals should be able to cover 1,000 square feet in a day; if you plan to lay more than that, you'll need more hands. If you still have any questions, you can contact us by visiting Sod installation downriver Michigan.

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