What Are The Steps To Map Reckon Payroll Items?

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What Are The Steps To Map Reckon Payroll Items? Reckon Software Technical Support Number +64-099509151

It is one of the latest online accounting software used to create unlimited invoice, payroll and other accounting work can easily be done. A user can try this software online as a trial version to create invoice, bank data, projects and payroll. If you are an existing user of this accounting software, then you might be aware of all the benefits of using this software. To map Payroll items, read this blog and follow the instructions guided below. The whole process includes three methods i.e. By Employee, By Customer/Service Item/Class and by Employee Selection. Points to remember: 1. This feature can be used only by administrators or payroll managers. 2. This setup should be made after integrating TSheets and Reckon and prior to explore timesheet data from Tsheets to Reckon. 3. Set up pay items of an employee according to the half/double time and assign them to the attendant pay templates.

By Employee 1. Go to Reckon in Tsheets from top-right corner and select Preferences. 2. Navigate to the Payroll Item Mapping Tool button and then click an employee’s name from Employee Map tab. 3. You will see hour type column, select a payroll item in each column that will be connected with it when hours will be exported from Tsheets to Reckon. Selection will be saved automatically. By Customer/Service Item/Class 4. After following above steps go to Reckon and select Preferences. 5. Select the Payroll Item Mapping Tool button to move further. 6. Click Change Settings link and then select Allow override of Employee Payroll Items by and Customer, Service Item, or Class. 7. Now, from the Customer Map tab, click Select Customer and choose a customer from the list. 8. Thereafter, click one payroll item each under Regular and Overtime option. 9. Finally, select ‘Done with settings’.

Employee Selection 1. First of all, go to Tsheets and select Preferences from the options. 2. Select Payroll Item Mapping Tool button and move ahead to next step. 3. Now, go to Change Settings link and click ‘Let Employees choose Payroll items during time entry’. 4. When done, click ‘Done with settings’. I hope you find this article as useful to fix the issue faced by you. If not, then call us on Reckon Customer Support Phone Number +64-099509151 and get the advice from our experts to solve any error faced in this software. We are sure to provide reliable solution in the short period of time to the customers who reach us. Our support members are always prepared with their techniques to fix the technical error confronted by user. Our team is customer-friendly, so you don’t need to hesitate to discuss your queries related to Reckon. You will be instructed politely to follow the steps, so that you can also learn to fix the issue. Source

Website: https://macpatchers.co.nz/reckon-support-nz.html

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