Vol. 1, Issue 7, October 2014

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Vol. 1, Issue 7 October 2014 Issue


Vol. 1, Issue 7


CANA [KAY-nuh]: A small village in Galilee where Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding. The miraculous but simple gift allowed the community gathered to continue in celebration. We strive to expand our global community by providing clean water to those in need (John 2:1-11). “CANA” is Wine to Water’s digital monthly publication for you to stay up to date with what we are doing and what we hope to do.

Table of Contents Field Update: Philippines Page 3

Read the update on our project in the Philippines from International Project Coordinator, Brad Ponack who just returned from a 6 week stay on the ground.

Event Host Testimonial

Pages 4-6 Wine to Water’s event program allows us to not only raise funds but also spread the good news of clean water around the world. We want to inspire others to support our efforts through their own event.

Staff Highlight

Page 7 This month’s highlight focuses on David Cuthbert, Wine To Water CEO and newest member of the team.

Upcoming Events

Page 8 Want to know what Wine to Water has coming up in the future? Make sure to check out our list of upcoming events to stay up to date.

Wine to Water is a movement dedicated to providing clean water and sanitation to people in need around the world. We are a 501c3 non-profit aid organization -2-

FIELD UPDATE: Philippines How are the Philippines recovering from Typhoon Haiyan? Ponack: "Tindog" means "rise up" in the local dialect of Waray. In Tacloban, Leyte (devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in November 2013) there is the phrase ‘Tindog Tacloban’ meaning ‘Rise Up Tacloban’. This spirit of resilience and determination to stand again makes disaster recovery possible in the Philippines. Seemingly, disaster chaos has given way to a unique ambition of building an innovative and vibrant city again. However, true-recovery will take time. Who are our partners on the ground? Ponack: We are working closely with ‘Volunteers for the Visayans’ in Tacloban City, Leyte. And ‘Children of the Coast Foundation’ in Mandaue City, Cebu. Together these local Non-profits are providing direct assistance with water filtration and safe storage, hygiene programs, children’s education and feeding programs. What kind of projects will Wine to Water be doing in the future? Ponack: Wine to Water will continue to provide water access and filtration planning based on the discretion and advice of our operating partners. We will continue to provide support to children, schools, and displaced families relocated to transitional housing camps. We will continue to actively support the reconstruction efforts in Tacloban and surrounding communities. Our projects include Water Sanitation and Hygeine (WASH) and Household Water and Safe Storage (HWTS). In addition, we will be planning for shallow-well protection, hand-pump well repair, and rainwater harvesting catchment. How long do you anticipate Wine To Water will be working in the Philippines? Ponack: Given the extent of the post typhoon damage and the extension of a resettlement timeline, we can anticipate ongoing relief efforts. What is more, do to the nature of climate change and frequency of severe storms in the Philippines we must plan and prepare for sustainable and long-term support for the Philippines. Will volunteers be working there in the future? Ponack: We will be looking into volunteer programs within specific areas of the Philippines that welcome and support volunteer efforts in 2015. Our current ground partner, Volunteers for the Visayans, currently supports a focused volunteer mission and we hope to coordinate with them in the future.

Given the overwhelming devastation and odds, ‘rising up’ is

leading to recovery. Seemingly, disaster chaos has given way to the ambition of building an innovative and vibrant city for the

future. But everyone knows there is more work to be done and the will to recover is ever present.

Brad Ponack

Int. Project Coordinator


Event Host Testimonial: Jeff Davidson Jeff and Donna organized an event in Del Mar, CA this past March. They raised $1000 through a wine tasting and raffle prizes.

Pas Labbe Fotos


Recent scientific studies suggest that two major contributors to someone being truly happy are gratitude and helping others. Why do I mention this? Because those are the personal dividends I have received in abundance from organizing my small wine tasting fundraisers in support of a wonderful organization, Wine to Water. While channel surfing I landed on the CNN Hero Awards 2009 and there I found a source of inspiration. The founder of Wine to Water, Doc Hendley, gave a very moving speech and, if I may paraphrase here, said one thing that stuck in my heart and in my brain, "While other humanitarian efforts are worthwhile, nothing can be achieved in the advancement of a people unless they first have adequate access to clean, safe drinking water". Yes! That made perfect sense to me,

I have received in abundance from organizing my small wine tasting fundraisers in support of a wonderful organization, Wine To Water. Jeff Davidson, Event Host -4-

that's the first step! This coincided with my personal belief that if we want to advance the human race, we have to do it together. I think the key element to surmounting the challenges of successfully organizing any sized event is finding a cause you truly believe in. Flash forward to Christmas 2013. Wine to Water stayed on my radar and while contemplating a meaningful gift for my young adult niece and nephew, I came up with an idea to make a donation in their name along with a no pressure invitation to assist me in hosting wine tasting fundraisers. This also became a gift I unknowingly gave myself and what transpired was a complete experience filled with highs, lows, frustrations, but most of all an overwhelming sense of immense gratitude towards my family, friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances who rallied with generous hearts to assist the WTW cause. The positive effect of witnessing this and being at the center of it cannot be overstated. From the donations of printed materials to the donations of cool and swanky event spaces to the donations of choice raffle items to the donations of floral arrangements and decorations, but most of all to the donation of people's time, energy and good will inspired a joy in me that I think is not replicable from any other type of venture. So I began by nervously submitting an events proposal to Wine to Water per the instructions on their website. I had no idea how to go about hosting a fundraiser; the task seemed out of my scope only being armed with a desire to contribute somehow to what I believe in. Turns out that a desire to help is the most important thing. If you have an honest desire, set goals and keep moving then step by step everything falls into place. The WTW events coordinator, Whitney Hendley, quickly put me at ease and gave me confidence that with perseverance it can be done. My exchanges with the WTW staff are one of the many highlights for me. Their advice and pointing out possible pitfalls were invaluable. They were careful in making sure that my events would adhere to WTW's essential guidelines, all the while encouraging me to get creative and make the events my own. What an awesome balance! Above it all what I found as being most helpful and inspiring was a simple statement that honestly I'm not sure if Whitney had said or if I read this in the "hosting events" section of their website or


If you have an honest desire, set goals and keep moving then step by step everything falls into place. The WTW events coordinator, Whitney Hendley, quickly put me at ease and gave me confidence that with perseverance it can be done. My exchanges with the WTW staff are one of the many highlights for me. Their advice and pointing out possible pitfalls were invaluable. They were careful in making sure that my events would adhere to WTW's essential guidelines, all the while encouraging me to get creative and make the events my own. Jeff Davidson, Event Host

both. That idea is a simple motto of quality over quantity, that the most important thing is raising awareness about the world's water crisis rather than raising gigantic piles of money. Coming to this mindset changed everything for me. Raising funds to continue important work in the field of course remained the goal, but what became of equal importance was the spreading of awareness. I latched onto this concept and suddenly everything became doable, everything became fun. Do not underestimate the importance of making it fun! I


realized that gaining support from the general populace and opening their hearts to a cause has a lasting benefit that can equal or even outpace the most generous of cash donations. That I can do, that's where a guy like me can make a difference. And in talking with people about the world's water crisis...I find inspiration. If I had to choose only one anecdote to exemplify my fundraising experience it would be this: Late into the first wine tasting event an elegant woman with a foreign accent I didn't recognize approached me and asked, "Are you Jeff, are you the host of this event?". I replied, "Why yes, I am". She looked me straight in the eye and said, "Well then I'd like to personally thank you in the name of all the people you are helping and have no idea what is going on here tonight. You see, as a girl in my native country we faced terrible water scarcity. I barely survived while many in my village, including a sibling, did not. And so I know from personal experience how great the need is and how access to clean water quite literally saves lives". This filled my heart to the brim. She was a living breathing example of what we are working towards in overcoming the world's water crisis. I'm so very grateful that in my own small way I'm helping others and contributing to positive changes. Happiness! I strongly encourage anyone of any means to find a cause they believe in and work toward its benefit. Whether it be organizing a conference with ten thousand attendees, hands on work in a remote village, hosting a wine tasting fundraiser, holding a car wash to benefit a local school, or just taking an hour out of your busy week to mow an elderly neighbor lady's lawn, the rewards are immeasurable and the positive effect on one's life is long lasting. In closing, I'd like to say to each and every one of you reading this something that we who are involved with Wine to Water like to say to one another --- Cheers!



Coming to this mindset changed everything for me. Raising funds to continue important work in the field of course remained the goal, but what became of equal importance was the spreading of awareness. I latched onto this concept and suddenly everything became doable, everything became fun. Do not underestimate the importance of making it fun! Jeff Davidson, Event Host

Cory Dewald Photography

GET TO KNOW US David Cuthbert , _________________________ CEO Meet ____________________________ What’s on your bucket list? Travel Italy, all of it ___________________

Your favorite Wine to Water wine: Cabernet ___________________ Windows or Mac? Mac ___________________

Do you speak any other languages? A little spanish ___________________

First live concert? U2 ___________________

What beer did you drink last? Corona ___________________

What’s the last book you read? The Hard Things About Hard Things ___________________ By Ben Horowitz

First Car? 1982 Ford Mustang LX ___________________ (slowest Mustang ever built)

Where have you traveled?

X Canada

Scotland X Netherlands XX Germany

XAlbania Spain X IraqX XJordan Malta X Bermuda X X X Pakistan Egypt X Mexico Cuba X X Puerto Rico Qatar X X Bahrain Oman Haiti X Nicaragua XX X St. Lucia X Djibouti Costa Rica X Ethiopia Kenya X X Seychelles

With Leslie (my wife) Your favorite place to be: __________________________ -7-

UPCOMING EVENTS Wine To Water Benefit When: Oct. 17, 7-10pm Where: Prairie Street Brewhouse 200 Prairie St. Rockford, IL 61107 About: Tickets are $10 advance/$15 door. You can order them by calling 815.262.7000. They will either be mailed to you or held at the door. Wine tasting, live music, and education on the water crisis and Wine To Water Operation Good Shepherd hosts Neighborhood Game Night to benefit Wine to Water When: Nov. 1 Where: Arlington Lakes Golf Club 1211 S. New Wilke Rd. Arlington, Ill. 60005 About: Contact Whitney Hendley at whitney@winetowater.org for more information on where to buy tickets. State Club Red & White Food and Beverage Festival When: Nov. 4, 6-9 p.m. Where: The State Club 2450 Alumni Dr Raleigh, N.C. 27606 About: Tickets must be purchased in advance and are on sale now at redandwhitefestival2014.eventbrite.com. Special promo code "red" will get you $5 off general admission tickets. Just One Shift- Fall 2014 When: Nov. 24-30 About: Bartenders and servers worldwide are rallying again to reach our goal of $100,000 in 2014. For more information on Just One Shift and how to participate, visit justoneshift.com. High Country Homebuilders Association Playhouse Raffle About: High Country Home Builders Association is raffling off a custom built, one of a kind playhouse to benefit Wine To Water. Raffle tickets are just $5! The winner will be chosen on December 6th at the Project Playhouse Culmination event at the Builders Plaza Banquet Hall. You can purchase your playhouse raffle ticket at highcountryhba.com.

UPCOMING ISSUE The November issue of CANA will highlight our yearly catalog. Learn more about how you can support our clean water efforts around the world. We are reached over 300,000 people with clean water to date. Help us continue to grow the Wine To Water community. Keep an eye out for this issue on Nov. 6th.

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