Windlight Magazine December 2015 Issue

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This issue is dedicated to the innocent victims who lost their lives on November 13, 2015 in Paris, France.


Allons enfants de la patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrivé! Contre nous de la tyrannie L'etendard sanglant est levé! (bis) Entendez-vous dans les campagnes, Mugir ces féroces soldats? Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes! Aux armes, citoyens! Formez vos bataillons! Marchons! Marchons! Qu'un sang impur Abreuve nos sillons! Amour sacré de la patrie, Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs! Liberté, Liberté cherie, Combats avec tes défenseurs! (bis) Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire Accoure à tes mâles accents! Que tes ennemis expirants Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire! Nous entrerons dans la carrière Quand nos aînés n'y seront plus; Nous y trouverons leur poussière Et la trace de leurs vertus. Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre Que de partager leur cercueil, Nous aurons le sublime orgueil De les venger ou de les suivre!








Welcome to the December 2015 issue of Windlight Magazine. 2015 has been a phenomenal year for Windlight and I hope that the greatness will continue into 2016. With this issue we welcome a new contributor in the form of Eleseren Brianna. Eleseren will be our new fashion editor and will report on fashion from an artistic perspective. This issue features Toysoldier Thor, Neox, Kayla Iali, the Seanchai Library and Lanai Jarrico. We also have a look at roleplay, the Dreams sim, and inspirations of architecture. This issue is dedicated to the innocent victims who lost their lives on November 13, 2015. Once more a world tragedy has united all of us and made us think of how precious life is. As we approach the holidays, remember to tell your friends and loved ones how much you love and care about them. Spend the holidays thinking of how fortunate you are to be alive to open presents and to see the happy faces of your loved ones, but most importantly, enjoy and cherish life. A very special thank you to all of our readers, advertisers, supporters, and contributors for a great 2015. Without all of you, Windlight would not be Windlight. Now pull up a chair, pour yourself a glass of wine or cocoa, and enjoy our last issue of 2015!

Johannes1977 Johannes1977, Publisher & Editor In Chief 10

















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Windlight Magazine was able to catch up with real life and Second Life artist Toysoldier Thor for an interview about his artwork and his other numerous projects in Second Life.

have made so many close friends caring supportive friends and have had so many fantastic, fun, inspiring, and even emotional experiences that keeps me craving for the next experience with my dear SL WM: Tell our readers about yourself. friends. How did you first discover SL, what has kept you here for so many years? Then there is the massive foundation of creative tools that SL offers a TOYSOLDIER: It was Jan 23, 2008. In creative-minded person to explore RL, my main "day job" career is in the their imagination with little Information Technology sector as an boundaries. Adding more creative Architect. On that day I attended a fuel to this large blank canvas & chest tele-presence conference in our city of colored pencils that the SL grid where the guest speaker was the provides, is the wide variety and world renowned Scientist from intense concentration of creative IBM - Grady Booch. Surprising, it was communities and people. I have presented to us on a large IMAX always been an extremely creative screen where he was a Second Life and driven person. So when I entered avatar! I never knew anything about SL in 2008, the SL grid was my Second Life prior to then. I was so creative gas and the SL community fascinated by this and Second Life was the lit match. The fires have that when I got home that night I been burning brightly ever since. registered onto SL as... Toysoldier Thor. And my almost 8 year Finally, and related to my creativity, I adventure in Second life began. have established a significant brand and virtual business that I need to What has kept me in SL all these service and grow. Lets just say that year? More reasons than I could write my time in SL has been financially about. It would be a novel by itself. rewarding and has paid for several First has been the countless amazing, computing improvements to my SL creative, interesting, fun, loving experience and funded all my new people I have met right from the first expanding art projects as part of my day. I am a huge people person and I journey as an emerging Artist. love meeting and hearing about peoples stories around the world. I WM: Describe your artwork. What 32

type of genre does it fit in?

constant genre I seem to have... artworks that can convey an emotion to TOYSOLDIER: Eclectic. I love the hugs those that observe my art. It continSL Art Community and have ues to motivate my artworks. witnessed the works and styles of several amazingly talented Artists. WM: What are the inspirations for Several of these Artist I can quickly your artwork? associate their works to their style or genre. But I have been told my many TOYSOLDIER: Ohh... I believe I just - and I would agree - that its hard to answered this question. But to clarify, look at my portfolio of art in my what inspires my art is if I could gallery and see a very cohesive genre create an artwork that can express an or style between my works. And this emotion or tell a story that is so powis not surprising if one knows me very erful it draw stimulates emotions by well. My eclectic range of art is a the observer. The biggest satisfaction result of my personality. I always get from my art is when someone contacts me (often I am self-diagnosed with A.D.D. in strangers) to tell me how one of my that I cant entrench myself in artworks made them cry or brought something I am comfortable in. I al- forward a happiness or sadness or ways CRAVE new experiences and lost long memory. new challenges and new stimulations. Once I have accomplished a goal or More inspirational for me is when one skill, I get bored and look for of my artworks has generated motivasomething new to challenge me. This tion and inspiration in orders just by holds true with my art. I started with seeing my art. Some stories I could SL photo art landscapes. Soon that tell (but I won't because they are too got boring for me so I looked for me. personal to those that told me) have I introduced RL photography. Then made me tear up when they mixing SL and RL photography. Then approached me to tell me what my SL 3D mesh art sculptures. art did for them personally. I also moved from art with little emotions (i.e. just pretty / cool WM: I see that you have a real life photos) to art that could express mesh project. Tell us more about more powerful personal emotions or that. Have you shipped the first tell a story. This is now the most statue yet? 33





TOYSOLDIER: Smiles Yes. Actually, since 2012 I have created several SL Mesh Art Statues of which some have become quite popular. But as cool as it was to see my art statues in SL as a 3D virtual object, I had always imagined... "wouldn't it be REAL COOL to be able to hold one of my virtual sculptures in my hands in RL?". In the summer 2014 an opportunity triggered my drive to make this happen when one of my art customers approached me and offered to 3D print my statue for me in plastic.

casting. What was even more exciting was that after investigation with others in SL, it is believed this is the first time in SL history that an SL mesh art sculpture was ever transformed into a RL bronze cast art statue., I was very honored that Ebbe Altberg was the first to sign on and invest as one of these first 13 owners of Shattered. This further inspired me.

When I held it in my hands I wanted more! I thought... "If I could just create this same RL plastic statue the Bronze that art lovers would really desire, then I might be able to move my art to the next level". Well after a lot of research and another chance encounter in TWITTER, I met up with a metal art foundry owner in China that liked my SHATTERED 3D printed statue and asked if we could collaborate to transform my art into actual traditional hot poured bronze statues. They explained how they have introduced 3D printing to begin the process.

As of this interview I am just completing my second limited and numbered edition of SHATTERED - because of demand. They should be completed by the first week of December. Four of the 20 have already been spoken for. Next I will focus on bronze casting my next SL mesh art that several of my art loving fans have asked me to cast. It will be PRINCESS AND THE GOBLIN.

In May of 2015 I delivered each of the 13 Bronze SHATTERED statues to all their respective owners.

WM: I see that you are also a builder and a live singer. Do you incorporate your talents into your artistic or musical side?

After a lot of discussions with them, I TOYSOLDIER: My building skills were commissioned my first RL bronze the foundations that my art was casting of my SL mesh art allowed to grow from. I established a SHATTERED. It was only a 13 edition 38

very popular sculpted Landscapes Packs store (TornLands packs) that provided me the skills on creating 3D models. I also learned many other SL skills like texturing and scripting etc. Without these skills I could not have successfully enter into my passion as an Artist in SL. I transitioned to my passion as an Artist in the spring of 2010.

sculptures related to music. Another of my deep loves in SL is the artistic stage dance community. If I am not at live music concerts then I am often involved as a fan and even a participant in the dance community. In fact, if there has been a community that has strongly blended in with my art, it has been the dance community. My art has been part of many SL Dance creations and in one event my Art exhibit at Paris Metro Gallery, I LOL Well I think I can safely say my long time passion in SL as a live music coordinated my artworks with dances influenced by my art and using karaoke singer has not been an influence to my art. I like singing in SL amazing music at a premier fashion location like Paris Metro. It was one when I feel like doing it and I am of my highlight projects of art in SL. shocked I don't clear rooms when I do. But I do LOVE the live music community in SL. I will admit it is one WM: Are you presently in any other of my addictions in SL to go listen to virtual worlds? If so which ones? If the countless talented live musicians not have you considered creating on a nightly basis. In fact I love this artwork in other virtual worlds? community so much that in the past year I have attended two RL North TOYSOLDIER: Yes. My artworks are American music jam weekends - in in Inworldz. In fact until recently I had the Twin Cities and Washington DC. a large establish art gallery. Sadly the To hear many of the musicians in RL owner of the outlet mall where my and meet several of my fellow music gallery was located shut down loving SL fans have been great suddenly without any notice. I have experiences. It wont be my last. not re-built yet. My love for the SL Music community has creep into my art as in influence as I have created a few SL Mesh Art 39

WM: Professionally where do you want to be in SL in say three years? What about in real life? TOYSOLDIER: Well my SL life has already been as filled with accomplishments and personal goals met. I would say that I just want to continue to mature my Artistic talents and skills in SL and also continue using my SL creations to be part of my transition of my art from SL to RL - which has already had many successes In my RL, I have had a very rich enjoyable life. I am as busy and diversified in my RL interests as I am in SL. I continue to strive to make my RL Art become as popular as my art has become in the SL community. That is a much harder task but I wont let that stop me until I succeed. WM You can visit Toysoldier Thor’s artwork both online and in Second Life: Second Life Art Gallery: secondlife/Lafew/221/194/81 Official TOYSOLDIERTHOR.COM website:












Featuring works of powerful fantasy, fanciful creatures steeped deeply in hidden messages, Greek mythology sculpted to virtual life. Works that make a statement all of their own that when brought together appear to bring about new meaning and codes that cry to the spirit to be explored and interpreted.

sculpture, and the art of the book have always been focal for me. My current projects in real life, are working with language as a tool, and illustrating hand painted books and manuscripts. I’ve brought some of my RL work to Accentaury. A few of these manuscript pages are displayed on the walls of the library there. Recently, I’ve begun to include film into my Seemingly as mysterious as the portfolio. I teamed up with an artist creations he brings to our virtual eyes friend to create a film here in Second is the man behind the art himself, Life that was shown in an exhibit of Haveit Neox. Windlight is honored to movies at a RL museum. have the opportunity to ask some questions for an inside look at Haveit WM: As I learn more and more about Neox. you, I've found there are many machinima recordings you've WM: Haveit, tell us what inspired you created, and RL recordings as well, to come to Second Life? available for people to access. In fact, you offer up information about HAVEIT: Believe it or not, before I "Accentaury" and "City Inside Out" arrived here in December 2009, I’d freely to all who visit. What do you never heard of a virtual world. My like doing better, building and family told me about Second Life, as a creating, researching and preparing place to do artwork and build. At first, or recording? I didn’t take the bait. But after a little persuasion from them, I took my first Haveit: I love it all. One of the joys of steps into SL and was impressed creating machinima is that it ties deeply right on the spot. There was every aspect of a virtual world lots of exploration in the beginning, together, from the sims and artwork and eventually I found art to particle effects. SL provides the communities, and good friends. tools to build any kind of environment one needs for their storyline. It’s a full WM: Are you an artist in RL as well? bodied way for an artist to display their work. Write the story, build the HAVEIT: Yes. Painting, ceramic set, and you’re off and running. This is 50

what I did with “City Inside Out” for example. The film can be seen at . I’ve been interested in the capture of motion since my youth, when I made simple flip book movies. But I do spend most of my time building. My city, Accentaury (on the ACC Alpha sim) has been developing since early 2010. It’s the sense of history that grabs me. Changes are always occurring there, things are added, things are removed, yet most of the old layout of the city remains. Across the bay from Accentaury lies the island of Sparquerry, which I’ve also built. It is a huge gallery of art, in the air, on the land, and under the sea. The ship sailing above the tree canopy over the jungle is my home, but all are welcome. From its deck and windows, a view gives onto the tall towers of the immense Sparcurious Gallery. The architecture is inspired from South Indian temple towers. These rooms are what remain from part of my 2011 exhibit, Second Libations. Another location where I have a large build is on a parcel right across from Vintage Village on the Verdigris sim. The palace is called Centaurs’ Hall, and was recently captured in Iono Allen’s brilliant film, “The Hidden Truth”, at v=MmuIonkjA7g .

WM: What inspires you most to

create? HAVEIT: Creating environments intrigues me. It always has, since my childhood mud villages, and countries drawn on long scrolls of paper. My cities always fit into the context of a landscape. What supports them is Nature. The approach from virgin land or farmland toward the bustling human hive is what creates the sense of destination. This is easy to plan in a garden setting, though in the virtual world, it is more challenging to achieve on a single sim. My solution is usually to provide parks or interesting land formations so that the city is obedient to its natural foundation. I used to imagine 1 inch high people living in my mud constructions in the yard, and on my paper worlds. No matter the limitations in the 3D world, now that people really do walk inside my environments, a childhood dream has magically unfolded for me. WM: Your build "City Inside Out" is quite insightful, disturbing, seemingly endless, and could perhaps even described as a harsh reality. What was the starting point for this? What allowed your vision for this to develop to what it has become? HAVEIT: The focus of City Inside Out, was to deprive the visitors of interior spaces at the exhibit. Exteriors were 51







turned inside out thereby replacing the interiors, so that there were no proper rooms. Even when someone may have felt they walked inside a building, they would soon realize that they were still outside. There was no place for the comfort of a home. I wanted the build to be attractive to hold the interest of the guests, but at the same time, to create an awkwardness and discomfort that would settle into the visitors the longer they stayed. City Inside Out portrays an aspect of homelessness. I invited the public to send me their stories and observations of the homeless, which I posted in the ‘chapters’ of City Inside Out’s ground level. All of the stories are included in the film I made about the exhibit.

from any group, but from their body. Homeless people are usually very ill and exposed to wartime like dangers nightly. If we are fortunate to gain the right tools, and have support from others, I believe we can belong where we set our lives. Human beings are explorers, but not permanent drifters. We need a place to call home, eventually. Whether this be a physical home, or a community bond, I think that belonging is where we feel secure. Being lost is the work of the mind.

WM: Accentaury (ACC Alpha), I hope I've referred to that correctly, which you've been building since 2010 seems to grow and change, but perhaps it's just because there's so much to take in that I never quite get WM: Everyone wants to belong. This to it all. Are you done building and is one of the messages conveyed in working on Accentaury? Will you evthat build as well. Do you belong? er feel it is "completed"? Are you lost? Do you think anyone ever truly has a place to 'belong'? HAVEIT: I can say joyfully, never! I wouldn’t want it to be finished. HAVEIT: I imagine we all have times Accentaury is my presentation of a when we feel we do not belong. I do city, and cities are not static unless frequently enough, and it can be they are covered in volcanic ash, like painful and prolonged. Of course, Pompeii. It’s the morphing I love so some people have it harder than much about a living metropolis. others. In the case of the homeless, History builds up, layer over layer. In and very ill people, for example, they Accentaury, the dense Medusa Locks have much harsher challenges of neighborhood is built into a cliff and belonging than most of us. A very sick bores deeply into it. You can easily person may feel alienated not only lose sense of direction in the multiple 58

levels and passageways built up over time. When I tunneled through the land to do more building, it was often enormously challenging, because that area has a history I wished to preserve. Old structures remained firmly planted and very much in the way, so I had to dig around, over, and under them. Terraforming was performed by inserting marker red prims around the area to be excavated, so I could see where to stop removing the land. In the end, the increasing number of passageways did not disturb the ancestral prims. The city is built for walking exploration. Camming is good for an overall view, however, finding places is best revealed on foot.

Machinima together. There is a balance struck in each film. We generally work on every part of the film together, from the builds and textures, and stories, to the music and storyboard. Sometimes one of us creates something entirely on our own, such as Lilia writing a poem, or me writing a piece of music for it. But most of the time, we simply blend our ideas into one. I do the actual editing, because I have the software. But Lilia is involved, as I upload drafts of the project onto a private channel for her to watch and give me feedback. WM: Who would you most like to collaborate with in the future?

WM: What is your most favorite spot HAVEIT: Lilia Artis and I have on Accentaury? continuing plans... forever. Not only is she an extremely talented woman in HAVEIT: My favorite spot depends on art, writing, and voice, but she is a joy the mood I’m in, because Accentaury to work with. We also challenge each is a collection of areas built with other, so there is plenty of ground to certain atmospheres in mind. In the grow from. Collaboration with other picks of my profile, I’ve listed several artists would certainly interest me neighborhoods on the sim that visitors too. I could write a long list. For may wish to visit. Each has its own example, Hypatia Pickens’ work flavor. impresses me deeply. She has a wide palette of talents in SL (she is known WM: Who have you collaborated primarily for her beautifully executed with in the past? machinima and poetry, but she is also a fine artist), and she works seriously HAVEIT: Lilia Artis and I have with language as an art form… a collaborated on several art projects, passion I also share. I don’t know if and are currently working on either of us will ever have the time to 59

get together on some kind of a imagine. Once you have your artwork, language project, but the thought of it you can share it with people. Then is stimulating. things begin to happen. There are supportive groups such as the UWA WM: What is your favorite c (University of Western Australia), and collaborative project you have LEA (Linden Endowment for the Arts) created in SL? where artists can show their work with good exposure. Invitations to HAVEIT: That’s a difficult question to exhibit start to come in, and the answer. Collaborations give an artist a bloggers and machinima artists chance to share thoughts with promote the work further. This is the another artist for a freshly generated order it took in building my career. idea that could not have existed The process was very slow in the first independently. I feel the horizon two years, but eventually the pace expand when I participate in such an grew to a point where I am always adventure. There have been several working on fulfilling exhibits. Another times that the opportunity has been strong advantage is the feedback. I afforded to me. It's hard to say which realized that some people really felt was my favorite, but if I am to choose, involved with my creations. In SL, this I would like to come back again to my means that my sites are not only seen exhibit about homelessness, "City from the outside, but at times, Inside Out". Having built the inhabited. installation, I felt it was given a soul, when the stories people wrote for it WM: What is the biggest drawback arrived. Each person had a unique for artists in SL? experience about real life that they contributed. The stories had become HAVEIT: The drawbacks for artists are the very heart of City Inside Out. fairly similar in SL and in RL, such as: gaining visibility, having one’s work WM: What do you feel is the stolen or copied without permission, strongest advantage of creating in and time. Perhaps the major SL? difference however, is the attitude the general public still holds for computer HAVEIT: Second Life’s Edit Window is art. Photography took a long time a jewel box. Those precious prims just before it was accepted as an art need a little faceting and shining up, medium, and it may take just a little then they give you whatever you can while longer before computer 60

graphics is accepted in a like manner. I so possibly by the release of this believe that time is near. article, at the Galerie des Machines, on the Paris Couture Sim. SLURL not WM: What most do you want to have yet available for the exhibit, but the viewers walk away feeling or think- Sim location is here: http:// ing most about your work? Paris%20Couture/90/206/22 HAVEIT: I hope they will enjoy using the space, and remember the place ACC Alpha on the Accentaury Sim: they visited. If a site is stored in one’s memory, then it has some kind of secondlife/ACC%20Alpha/141/244/24 impact. Sometimes my installations have a specific message. In those The Sparquerry Sim: http:// cases, it’s my hope that the visitor may be encouraged to find out more about the subject for themselves. I’m Sparquerry/173/141/21 WM just dropping bread crumbs. WM: If there was one thing in SL that you could bring to RL, what would that be? HAVEIT: To be able to fly. But if that were deemed unrealistic, I’d go for the Edit Window. WM: Thank you so much for your time. HAVEIT: Thank you for inviting me! Haveit’s builds are a source for reflect, peace, fantasy, reality. They are a worthwhile trip for any art enthusiast or even a casual fan. He is currently in process of completing the next project that opens in December, 61










degree in art, I discovered the virtual Kayla Iali is both a real life and Second Life artist. Windlight was able worlds first in Facebook Yoville and to catch up with this talented artist. then Second Life. My first introduction into the art scene was with Samara Barzane aka Kyoko. At the time she was running Park Galleries back in 2010. It was one of the first galleries in SL. From there I was asked to exhibit in Pirats Galleries. KAYLY: Like more artist I've been Then things took off - Center Ground creating art since childhood. In my case it was tearing up a wall paper in a Gallery of Art with Judilynn India, The rented home to create abstract art. As Galleries: East, West, and North with I got older I discovered I was a good at Ernie Farstrider . . . drawing and copying images. I did my WM: What is your source of first "commissioned" work in high inspiration for your pieces of school for a fellow student for $1. It was for a group assignment - a marker artwork? drawing of the white house. From KAYLY: I am inspired by other artists there, I did billboards, murals, furniture ads, and sold illustrations to especially of those of the impressionistic style. Their my teachers and professors. But life situations took over and I was on an brushstrokes are just enough to define, capturing that touch of light to hiatus from art. I did worked as a graphic artist and calligrapher. Later add spark to common ordinary things as my sons grew older I returned back of life. I'm also a great admirer of Japanese style of approach to to college for art degree (second bachelor) thus thrusting me forward minimalism. Again, just enough. into the fine art arena. WM: You are also a real life artist, A few years ago, not sure when, I read has being in Second Life helped your an article about Second Life. Imagine real life showings? another world. But it sounded too complicated for me since I was not KAYLY: Second Life is truly a second computer literate much back then. LIFE. My first exhibition was in SL and After graduating in 2009 with my many more after that. All my setting WM: So tell us about yourself. How long have you been creating art in both Second Life and real life? How did you first discover Second Life?


up for exhibitions in SL had taught me how to hang, how to design a room, how to work with curators, how to advertise, how to interact with viewers . . .All this before my actual first RL exhibit. By then I FELT I had experience in hanging a solo show. That I had done this before. It was amazing!

You can view more of Kayly’s artwork at the following websites: PaintingsbyMarlene Artists/marlene-lee-3458

WM: How do you determine what makes an interesting subject matter? KAYLY: My interpretation of a subject matter is what makes it interesting. When I paint fruits, I grabbed whatever I have at the time. Right now I'm doing a series of fruits studies, sliced up and arranged in a square format and painted from an aerial view. I enjoyed toying with the idea of circular patterns and colors of the fruits and textures as well. It's interesting and brings in challenges like how to make that fruit look juicy without going into detail. WM: Describe your artwork genre. KAYLY: I described myself in my website as an alla prima, impressionistic painter. WM











The SL Enquirer is one of if not the oldest news source in Second Life. The site celebrated it’s 10 year anniversary in May. Windlight was able to sit down with Lanai Jarrico, the founder and owner of The SL Enquirer. WM: Tell us how you got started with Second Life. LANAI: I have been involved in virtual worlds since 2003. I originally came from another virtual world; The Sims Online. My “sim” as avatars were called back then was known as “Lanai”. I had been involved there since 2003 and created my first blog in October of 2004. Amateur Filmmakers from Second life heard about my original news source “The TSO Enquirer” and came into that virtual world to meet me. From there they flew from Paris to my hometown in Pennsylvania to work on a documentary about People involved in Virtual Worlds. While they were here, they asked me to join SL and migrate my news source into this new virtual world. At first, I was hesitant because of what I had heard about Second life from friends. About 6 months later in May of 2005, I decided to create an SL account (Lanai Jarrico) and had a look around. It was just after beta and everything was relatively new still. I immediately saw the potential and 80

decided to convert my news source into The SL Enquirer and get to know the new SL culture. WM: Why did you create The SL Enquirer? LANAI: My intention when I created a blog wasn’t to be a news source. It was simply a blog documenting my virtual world journey. I initially created the blog in 2004 just to documenting my experiences and the funny things I was encountering in The SIMS Online. I shared it with my small circle of friends just for entertainment. They began to share it with their friends and so on. Soon, the RP Mafia community got involved and made it popular because they were using it as a bridge of communication between RP Mafia Families. Their “mafia war” bickering was an amusing kind of drama that seemed to interest people. It continued to grow in readership and went viral. That is when it changed from just a personal entertainment blog to a virtual world media source. I certainly was not expecting that to happen so I had to learn how to manage it as it grew. WM: How have the news and media outlets changed throughout the years in Second Life?

LANAI: In the past 10 years, Virtual

news has grown significantly in popularity but before I get into that, I need to bring you up to date with virtual word news history. I watched media outlets be born and die off through the years. This was after I already had been doing this for a couple years prior to coming into Second Life. I feel proud that my news source was amongst the very first media sources ever to be created for virtual worlds. We helped pave the way for those that are here today. I am not claiming to be the first source because back in the SIMS Online, there was another newspaper, but it covered another city. I am not sure what happened to the Alphaville Herald but I don’t think it exists today. The original TSO Enquirer was however, the first to cover news in Blazing Falls. (one of the cities within The SIMS Online virtual world). Now with that background information, I can move on to answer how I think media has changed.

popular with SL Talk shows, news programs, commercials, music videos. Even Machinima short films started to flood the SLl media industry. Every one of these sources had their specific topics and creativity. Some lasted longer than others but through it all The SL Enquirer remained a constant staple of the community, covering any topic related to SL and not just limited to one thing or a few. Today there are magazines that still provide SL residents with hot topics and special interests. I think it is great. I don’t see other sources as competition because it is important to have a variety of news and magazine sources covering happenings in SL from a variety of perspectives. I welcome cross promoting with media sources who feel the same. WM: What do you think is the key to owning and operating an established media outlet in Second Life?

LANAIR The key to owning and I noticed within the first 2 years of operating a media outlet in Second running The SL Enquirer in Second Life, Life is first and foremost dedication. there was an influx of bloggers Media in and genre is a fast paced covering different topics such as industry. It is not easy especially in a fashion, art and music. Then in world virtual world where the majority of magazines became popular. It seemed people here come for fun and not everyone wanted to blog about really to work. Finding the right team Second Life, other “newspaper” style of people who share your passion is sources started to pop up as well as hard to come by but when you find Machinima. This medium became them it makes things a lot easier. It is 81

also important to be knowledgeable about the virtual world community by getting involved daily as well as making quality friends. I think it is a big mistake for just anyone to create a blog and think it will work without a passion for it or the time it takes to do. So I would say the four key components are dedication, passion, a great team and time. WM: What are some of the challenges that face virtual publishers?

have encountered many challenges both in Second Life and in my own personal life, some I could have done without, especially when it comes to people with personal issues and hidden agendas. Overall, I really don’t have time for drama or unnecessary issues. Publishers have to have thick skin if they are in this position. I know I can’t please everyone or do everything by myself so I accept the things that I can and can’t do and move forward.

WM: What do you attribute the LANAI: I can’t speak for every success of The SL Enquirer to? Why do publisher because we all have you think it has had such staying different circumstances and tolerance power? levels. Judging by the sources I’ve seen come and go, I would assume the LANAI: I think one of the major challenges they faced were too much attributes to success of The SL for some to handle. As for the Enquirer is the fans. Without them, all publishers that are still doing their of my hard work, including the time daily grind and handling their busiand creativity contributed by Team SLE ness, I can only have respect for them throughout the years would have gone since I know what it takes to succeed unnoticed. So, I have to thank Team in this industry. SLE and readers for supporting the SL Enquirer by reading, writing, If there weren’t challenges I think I commenting, advertising and sharing would have gotten bored with virtual articles and information about us with world media. Working through the their friends, social media and in issues can be stressful but at the same world groups. From the very beginning time rewarding when you are able to of my virtual world media journey it overcome obstacles and keep on has been fans that made SLE what it is going. It is much like our real lives. today. I have always had a passion for Experiences teach and give us the writing but my work is a small portion ability to grow. In the past decade I of the content in comparison to the 82

joy it brings me to hear feedback about something they read in SLE that made them laugh, inform them or made their Second Life experiences a little better.

country and having to grow roots all over again. I am so deeply rooted in SL, I wouldn’t feel like I am home. I also wouldn’t want to abandon the very people who helped make SLE what it is today. WM

WM: Any plans to take The SL Enquirer to other virtual worlds? Visit the official links for The SL What about the upcoming Sansar Enquirer: world that is planned by Linden Labs? Website: LANAI: It is fair to say that the future can be very unpredictable so I am not Social Media: trying to look that far ahead. All I Facebook: https:// know is that I love Second Life this is my virtual home. It has become an extension of my real life. I have Twitter: already told myself with the pending LanaiJarrico Sansar project approaching that I would go down with this ship (Second Google+: https:// Life) If it ever came to that. There is a lot of speculation but nobody knows 3122 what will really happen with Sansar. Maybe there might be a great migration due to curiosity but it will take years to establish a community like SL. SL residents have worked and played together for over a decade in Second Life, I think Sansar might hurt that for a bit. My gut feeling is that people will come back “home” after the excitement of Oculus Rift wears out- if that is their major selling point for that new virtual world community. In my opinion, it would be like moving to a foreign 83











The Art of Architecture The convergence of architecture, art and design have historically been intertwined, with architecture taking its place among the recognized categories of art. Nowhere is this fact more readily observed than in the digital world of Second Life, where the roles of designer, builder, and artist meld into exquisitely designed and furnished houses, structures, and full SIMs. Decorating has always been an integral part of Second Life, which is comprised almost entirely by user-made content. Building tools for the manipulation of prims were made available from inception, and in the early days of Second Life when paying users were given a 512 meter parcel to furnish, houses were in high demand. In those very early days of Second Life, prims were currency and textures were king. Consider that when SL opened its doors to the public in 2003, prim size was limited to 10M X 10M X 10M, and flexible prims, sculpted prims, and mesh were not available. It was not until April of 2006 that flexible objects were made available on the main grid. Sculpted prims were available in May 2007, and Mesh in August of 2011 on the main grid. Remarkably, even in those early days, 92








before sculpted prims and mesh, artists, designers and builders were able to construct beautifully immersive SIMs, filled with unique architecture. SIMs like Amsterdam, Lost Gardens of Apollo, Numbakulla: The Pot Healing Adventure, Inspire Space Park, Svarga Svarga, and Midnight City were popular destinations known throughout the virtual world for their unique architecture and design. With the advent of mesh on the main grid in August of 2011, followed by increasing wider adoption through to today, architecture in second life has blossomed. Intricate architectural detailing, which had been prim-cost-prohibitive, is now readily employed on structures, and the benefits can be seen in the breadth and depth of the builds. While there are those who still choose to combine materials (prims, sculpts, and mesh) on structures or on the full design of parcels and SIMs, the results are incredible. WM













I remember the first time I discovered Dreams on August 27, 2012. A friend of mine was running a “speed build” and I was curious to see what he was talking about since, at that time, the thought of building or rezzing a prim scared me to death. So when he said I could come and watch I ran over and learned all about prims and textures and the incredible mission of the Dreams community.

area for teaching, holding discussions, and hold events, and to provide a support base for stroke survivors. Not everyone dreams the same. Some people need a bit of isolation, others need to play off of each other. Dreams is there to provide that variety. Most of all, it is here to provide support, learning, and fun.”

Soj did much to focus attention on support groups and other nonprofit Dreams was created by The Sojourner activities in SL and over the years (Soj) and several friends in 2005. Dreams has expanded their reach to Soj (Karen Gans in RL) was a woman help not only stroke survivors but who had survived multiple strokes and individuals with traumatic brain as she recovered, found that she could injuries, Asperger Syndrome, autism, not hold a RL job, or do many of the and ADD/ADHD. common tasks she had been able to do in the past due to physical limita- Dreams Travelers is the activity base tions. She was also taking care of her for all the support groups; son who had Asperger Shockproof is a group of Syndrome. When she heard about SL stroke-survivors, family members, and she thought it might have some pur- individuals with traumatic brain pose or appeal to her son but decided injuries. This is led by Kelyren Benoir to explore it first to see if it was The Brigadoon Explorers are appropriate. Her first attempts at ex- individuals who have or are interested ploring were frustrating both techno- in Asperger Syndrome or autism. They logically (crashing all the time) and in meet weekly for an informal general trying to find a welcoming and discussion which are not a therapy safe place on the grid. session but a support session. This group is led by Ariel Miranda. Through her own struggles she saw ADD/ADHD Support 2.0 was started there was a need and wanted to by Sophia Krell. They meet weekly for create a place to provide, in her own an informal discussion. Some of the words, “a base for creative interaction members also participate in other among people in SL, to provide an Dreams activities. 110

Sadly, In 2008, The Sojourner passed away and Golda Stein and her daughter Dorrie Bernstein were asked to carry on her work. Dreams is solely supported by donations from visitors and members of the different groups and I know it has been a struggle in recent years to keep the program alive.

You can visit the Dreams Sim at the following slurl in Second Life: secondlife/Dreams/60/59/29

You do not have to be a member of a support group to be part of the Dreams community. This welcoming, accepting, supportive and creative environment is open to everyone. Over the years my interest in Dreams and their work has grown. Not only do I love to participate in their weekly speed builds and monthly competitions, but in RL I was asked to join the board of a local hospital dedicated to helping adults and children with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Seeing how Dreams has bridged the SL and RL worlds to give everyone the opportunity to participate really does make a difference. In December, Dreams will be holding one of their most popular contests, the Winter Holiday Windows and Snowman contests. If you have a chance stop by and see how Dreams can come true. WM












Fantasy is born in us from a young with full, creative imagination. Now age. Pretending, dreaming, escaping the universe is wide open to her! our normal lives, developing into your ultimate dreams! In the world of the Numerous people have told me they internet we have an additional did not know how to role play. I buffer. There is a certain safety built explain that it is as easy as into the screen. No one has to know breathing! We are always role your real identity, where you are from, playing! Think of the roles you have what you do, or what you look like, in your real life for a moment. unless you tell them. You can explore your most deviant thoughts, or just I am a child, a woman, a wife, a live out your beauty queen mother, a grandmother, a nurse, an ambitions. You may choose to try your employee, a volunteer, and many skills in a Roleplay forum or chat other “roles” depending on where I rooms, in Multi-Interactive avenues am, and who I am with. I am the same such as Second Life or even combat person, yet my actions and reactions games like World of Warcraft. This are different in each of these world is wide open to you and situations. I am a patient and loving becoming more socially acceptable. person with my Perhaps you need to develop your imagination a bit, like the child Susan, from “Miracle on 34th Street”. Not permitted to fantasize or practice the skills of make-believe, she grew up only knowing what was practical, what she could actually see. Her first adventure into fantasy? Pretending she was a monkey! Quickly and easily she took on characteristics and habits of something she had observed in the real world, and made it a part of her own world. Was it a perfect monkey? No! Was it a believable monkey? Absolutely! To the delight of the movie spectator, she becomes more of what a child should be. A creature 120

grandchildren - comforting, mildly encouraging, fiercely protective, overcoming fears and tears - who sees all the possibilities in the universe in their faces. If there were a superwoman hero in me it would be as a grandmother! As a nurse, I am expected to know as much as possible about the Fantasy is born in us from a young age. Pretending, dreaming, escaping our normal lives, developing into your ultimate dreams! In the world of the internet we have an additional buffer. There is a certain safety built into the screen. No one has to know your real identity, where you are from, what you do, or what you look like, unless you tell

them. You can explore your most deviant thoughts, or just live out your beauty queen ambitions. You may choose to try your skills in a Roleplay forum or chat rooms, in MultiInteractive avenues such as Second Life or even combat games like World of Warcraft. This world is wide open to you and becoming more socially acceptable. Perhaps you need to develop your imagination a bit, like the child Susan, from “Miracle on 34th Street”. Not permitted to fantasize or practice the skills of make-believe, she grew up only knowing what was practical, what she could actually see. Her first adventure into fantasy? Pretending she was a monkey! Quickly and easily she took on characteristics and habits of something she had observed in the real world, and made it a part of her own world. Was it a perfect monkey? No! Was it a believable monkey? Absolutely! To the delight of the movie spectator, she becomes more of what a child should be. A creature with full, creative imagination. Now the universe is wide open to her! Numerous people have told me they did not know how to role play. I explain that it is as easy as breathing! We are always role playing! Think of the roles you have

in your real life for a moment. I am a child, a woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a nurse, an employee, a volunteer, and many other “roles” depending on where I am, and who I am with. I am the same person, yet my actions and reactions are different in each of these situations. I am a patient and loving person with my grandchildren - comforting, mildly encouraging, fiercely protective, overcoming fears and tears - who sees all the possibilities in the universe in their faces. If there were a superwoman hero in me it would be as a grandmother! As a nurse, I am expected to know as much as possible about the human body and how it works, I am the eyes, ears and touch for the physicians I work with. Alone in a new setting, however, I am quite shy. I would rather observe quietly than open my mouth. Exploring fantasies, however, has allowed me to become even more. I have always been a person who reads avidly and enjoys movies and stories. I have always identified strongly with one character. It is not always the character I thought it would be. I am not always the heroine…*evil little grin. All of these experiences, whether real life or fiction, have allowed me to build the muscle and skin of my current character.


explore, she came upon islands Last month we discussed some basic covered with mist, Avilion. Amazingly, guidelines to help you develop your she discovered a most beautiful and character by answering four stunning land. After leaving no stone questions. To review briefly, they unturned, she has decided to remain were: in these lands and develop a Quendi colony here. (In this one simple paragraph, I have told you who she is,  Who are you? what she wants to be, when she wants  What do you want your character to to live, and where she has come be? from...the bones of the character.)  When does your character want to live? Now a leader of her Quendi (elf)  Where do you come from? community, she takes that position most seriously. She squashes those These create the primitive bones who would use miniscule words to try of your character. Now it is time to add the muscles and flesh! These are to tear down the distinguished standing of the Quendi. She will step the smaller details that make your forth to protect others, however, as a character come to life. lesson learned, may just observe. She has lived thousands of years, as is The easiest way for me to demoncharacteristic of her strate this is to reveal my current people. Mastering whatever skills character. This is my “make-believe” that interest her at the moment, a autobiography: Let me introduce you moment of a Quendi’s life is like 100 to Anisian. Her name means years to a human. When you have dawn-lady. She was born in a different immortality, you have the time to realm, in a land known as learn. Time to perfect. (As a role Teldrasil. She is strong, reliable, player, this details places an extra sensual, funny, pretentious, deadly, burden. Learning and developing skills secretive, quiet at times and for this role is paramount.) The elegant. When she came to the realm muscles give you more background, of the Middle Earth she was telling you how your character would acclimated to the Quendi of move in certain situations. The skin is Lothlórien, befriended and mentored more like the emotional and spiritual by Celebrían, the daughter of Galadriel development. It involves the and Celeborn, wife of Elrond and appearance as one might think, but, mother of Awen. On a mission to 122

also the personality. This area is closest to my real temperament than anything. I find I need to keep my own emotions in check at times. There is a fine line to react how my character would react and not myself. Her experiences are different than mine, she has her own personality. In my research I have learned about their behavior, and characteristics. Based on that, I have added a few of my own characteristics to my elf. This is fantasy, as long as you are within a reasonable thought process, there is freedom. My elf would not ever be a space traveler, nor a strumpet. She does not have magical powers to control the oceans, seasons, or weather. She is a Rogue, more deadly than a warrior, she uses her skills on and off the battlefield. Intimate with the shadows, a spy some may say. A strange ability to find her subject’s deepest covert mysteries, which she stores for later use, or perhaps sells as state secrets. All depends on if you are friend or foe. Loyalty means as much as love to her. Flirting is an art to her, yet she does not betray her true love. An elf never forgets, including that which is done to wrong her. It does not mean she will not act in a polite manner, her barbs are always said in a pleasant tone, an innocent infection as not to cast a

foul feel to the air, yet she will never fully trust those who betray her. She would prefer silence to lowering herself to the antics of others, revels when the fates pay a dose of karma. In her world, she is the only warrior permitted to use poison, soaking her dagger in various concoctions, her fingers move methodically to the hilt when she is suspicious or riled. Elves can communicate in ways of telepathy, an inherited trait to all elves. Deeply spiritual, she believes that all creations were done for the good of all and that in the end good overcomes evil. That does not mean that evil will not win a few battles. The forest and the rivers are home to her and she is able to sense things with the deep connect to the earth. Elves do not blush, nor do they giggle. This is an aspect of life left for the flitting fae. She would never wear the same outfit twice, nor allow her chestnut hair to be disheveled, in public that is. As a leader she is modest, her cloth elegant. She leaves others to show the private parts of their bodies as if displaying badges of courage, which she finds demeaning. She is statuesque, standing at 6 feet, 11 ½ inches. Graceful in her manner whether strolling, or jaunting through the forests. She is aptly curious, always 123

always finding time to discover and examine that which is new to her. Her blue eyes, so trusting, save for the ring of fire near her pupil which flashes when she is angered. This is the only real public display of emotion she permits, and that is very brief. Now that we have set down some guidelines on how she might behave in any given situation, to make the role play believable and effective is to stay true to the character. In future articles, we will discuss some role play mistakes and how to avoid them. WM


“To raise really intelligent children, read them fairy tales� ~* Albert Einstein












A seanchaĂ­ (plural: seanchaithe) pronounced "shawn-a-kee" is a traditional Irish storyteller/historian. The most literal translation for the term is "a bearer of old lore" (seanchas). It's an ancient and time-honored tradition, one which has, through the auspices of Seanchai Library, made the transition in virtual worlds.

also largely devoid of traffic. Derry realized that with all the rich immersive opportunities available within Second Life, people were unlikely to travel in-world to simply sit down and read a story or poem or extract from a novel on a note card or from a web page; reading simply doesn't require a virtual space. For libraries to succeed in virtual worlds, a social element is needed; an interactive element which can give Operating in Second Life, Kitely and InWorldz, Seanchai Library continues literature a voice. It was from this realization that Derry established the tradition of aural storytelling, Seanchai Library: a place where bringing to life novels, story stories, like-minded people could come biographies, myths and tales from around the world, their own writings together and read and listen to stories as established authors and writers, in from around the world and covering all possible genres. a series of weekly events together with a program of special Initially, Seanchai Library focused on presentations throughout the year, gatherings which allowed this to offering a unique way for people happen, establishing a convivial around the world to come and share atmosphere in which tales could be in the storytelling tradition and listen shared. But such is the nature of to favorite tales, or hear stories they Second Life that it became obvious might otherwise not read. that more could be done to present literature as a living statement of the The Library was founded in 2008 by arts; thus Seanchai gave birth to Derry McMahon, a Master of Library Storyfests, which allowed staff and Sciences in the real world. She toured volunteers to organize special literary Second Life visiting all the libraries and events, such as their Bard on the literature centers then in existence in Beach and Halloween inspired Boofest Second Life, and found that while series, without detracting from the most were inspiring builds offering Libraries core aim of brining stories of stories in-world via note cards and every kind to life. links to Internet library resources and It was through Storyfests, which has public domain literature, they were now been folded back into Seanchai's 134

core activities, that the Library has been able to cross the virtual and physical divide in a series of unique and ground-breaking ways to demonstrate the power and versatility of literature and the spoken world. In October 2011, for example, Seanchai Library, under the Storyfest banner, presented a dramatic recreation of Orson Welles' 1938 broadcast of War of the Worlds as a part of his weekly CBS Radio show, Mercury Theatre on Air. The presentation not only recreated Welles' original broadcast, it has the blessings of the estate of script writer Howard Koch. It was a presentation which achieved something very special, serving to spur Seanchai Library on to other endeavors in a similar vein, whist also itself enjoying a return to Second Life in 2013, at the invitation of the Avatar Repertory Theatre.

presenting A Christmas Carol in the run-up to Christmas 2012, held in a special setting which allowed visitors not only to listen to a dramatic presentation of this much-loved Christmas story, but also to learn more about living in Victorian England and about Dickens' life and work whilst visiting several locations from the story.

In December 2013, The Dickens Project allowed Seanchai Library to further bridge the physical / virtual divide, when a special reading of A Christmas Carol as held before audiences both inside Second Life and attending the Knights of Pythias Temple in Tacoma, Washington, USA, where Caledonia Skytower, in the guise of her alter ego of author Judith Cullen, was present as the narrator of the story, which unfolded in Second Life on a big screen in the Temple. Afterwards, the audiences in both Second Life and at the Temple were One of the outcomes of the success of able to interact with one War of the Worlds, was that it another. Now firmly established in encouraged Seanchai Library to the Library's calendar, The Dickens become involved in the global Project returned to Second Life in celebrations which took place 2014, and will again be a focus of throughout 2012 to mark the 200th Seanchai Library's activities leading up anniversary of Charles Dickens' birth. to Christmas 2015. Conceived and directed by Caledonia However, it is in their on-going weekly Skytower (who with Shandon Loring, series of presentations within Second now leads the Library's work in virtual Life, and more recently in the virtual worlds), the Dickens Project featured worlds of Kitely and of Kitely and of an ensemble cast reading and Kitely and InWorldz, that Seanchai 135





retains its beating heart. From Saturday through Thursday each week, the Library presents stories and reading from all genres from children's tales to classics of literature to thrillers, supernatural tales, mythological stories and more, featuring a rich ensemble of storytellers, some of whom focus on particular themes; as with Gyro Muggins and his Monday science-fiction series.

share something he's passionate about."

Nor is such growth limited to virtual endeavors; once again Seanchai has helped some of those involved with it to spread their physical wings. Shandon Loring, another of the Library's central figures, for example, has produced more than 30 audio books, while Caledonia has used her involvement in Seanchai to expand These events have allowed Seanchai her own writing career. Similarly, to establish a community of listeners writers and authors have been able to around itself; around 60-75% of those come to Seanchai and part of their attending readings have been doing so expanded family and read extracts for 6 months or more, often attending from their own stories and novels. several readings a week, a remarkable "That has been one of our priorities figure, given the overall ebb and flow from the beginning," Caldonia says, of interests within Second Life. And "read what excites you, share that nor has it been a one-way street; over passion with the audience. We've crethe years Seanchai's core group of ated a community with our audience, staff and volunteers has consistently and that dynamic and feedback has grown - and the storytellers themencouraged us in our personal selves have experienced growth of endeavors." their own. More recently, Seanchai has grown "I look at Gyro," Caledonia told me as beyond Second Life, entering first we discussed this particular aspect of Kitely and then InWorldz. These have Seanchai's influence. "He has an been bold steps, given the challenges amazing personal collection of Sci Fi of building a community and gathering anthologies, magazines and other an audience sufficient enough to make periodicals, paperbacks which are the effort worthwhile. But both waiting to be shared. And I remember InWorldz and Kitely have offered how tentative he was when he started, unique opportunities not so evident in and look at how confident he is now Second Life. by comparison. Joining Seanchai has given him a creative expression to 140

With InWorldz, for example, Seanchai library has been able to extend their long-term relationship with the Community Virtual Library, a symbiosis that has benefitted both over the years in Second Life. In Kitely, the Library has been able to take advantage of lower costs and open a series of themed, immersive storytelling environments built around their central presence there and also u undertake perhaps their most ambitious project to date.

environment, the project was seen as an important tool in helping TLT in reaching out to the local community, and with their program of presenting significant productions to local schools, so assisting with young people's education.

Explore the Great Gatsby stands as the first in what is hoped will become a semi-regular series run by Seanchai Library entitled Explore the Arts. Building on experiences such as The War of the Worlds, The Dickens In Explore the Great Gatsby, Seanchai Project and Explore the Great Gatsby, Library partnered with Tacoma Little the idea for the series is to offer audiTheatre (TLT) in support of the latter's ences the opportunity to fully presentation of Simon Levy’s stage experience and explore works of adaptation of The Great Gatsby, literature and the times in which they directed by Dale Westgaard. By are set, offering a unique means to establishing a virtual recreation of bring them to life in an interactive, several of the key locations from the social manner. novel, together with resources exploring the life and time of F. Scott And it is that social element which Fitzgerald, Seanchai Library were able remains as much at the heart of to present those attending Seanchai's philosophy today as when presentations of the play at TLT with Derry McMahon was establishing the the opportunity to come in-world to Library in 2008, as Caledonia told me. Kitely and learn more and listen to "There are many ways to be a 'valid' dramatic readings of the novel by library in virtuality," she said. "It's the Library volunteers. same with storytelling. We chose two important things and everything we Promoted by the theatre and featuring do comes back to that: live interaction, a web presence which took people interpersonal relationships. We are through the process of establishing an about the communal act of sharing account with Kitely, understanding and stories and literature which is about installing the viewer and through to the community of listeners as much as entering the Explore The Great Gatsby the community of presenters. This is 141

why we see people come back based on interest, theme, author, reader." It is this sense of community which has allowed Seanchai Library succeed in another way as well: supporting those around the world who face hardship in their lives. Funded entirely in and of itself, Seanchai Library puts all donations it receives towards funding activities and organizations around the globe, such as Habitat for Humanity, Heifer International, Reach Out and Read, and Water for People. "What we raise might be small," Caledonia says. "But gestures don't have to be big to have meaning. At the end of all those stories, someone gets a new sink or a small flock of ducks or a llama, or books or musical instruments are given to children who might not have had access to them otherwise. And that's an amazing thought; I am actually overwhelmed by the impact we can have in reaching our audiences, and they can in turn have through their generosity and support." Today, Seanchai Library stands as one of the longest running virtual world libraries; for seven years it has been bringing stories to life for audiences both within virtual worlds and in the physical world. With 2015 drawing to a close, the Library is busily preparing for their Christmas season as well as 142

looking ahead to 2016, which promises to add yet another illustrious chapter to their history. In the meantime, you can catch up with Seanchai Library's activities through their web site at http://, or by visiting them in-world at the following locations:

 Second Life: http:// Bradley%20University/101/208/27 

 Kitely: http:// 

 InWorldz: https://inworldz/region/ Sendalonde/217/144/28WM









To get in the holiday mood, several Windlight Contributors have decided to share their favorite recipes for the holidays.


Frogmore Stew: Ingredients:

1 1/2 gallons water Juice of one (1) lemon Salt to taste 3 tablespoons Old Bay Seasoning* Redskin new potatoes (depending on size, 3 or more per person) 2 pounds spicy sausage (like andouille or kielbasa, etc.), cut into 1/2-inch slices 10 to 12 ears of shucked corn on the cob, broken into 3-inch pieces 4 pounds uncooked shrimp in shell, preferably jumbo-size shrimp** (other leftovers that match can also be added such as chicken and other veggies etc.) * The general rule is 2 tablespoons crab boil seasoning per gallon water (or more to taste) ** Some people like to substitute fresh crab for the shrimp.

Preparation: In a very large stock pot over medium-high heat, add the water, lemon, salt, and Old Bay Seasoning; bring to a boil. When the seasoned water comes to a boil, add redskin potatoes and boil for 15-20 minutes. When done, the potatoes should be still slightly firm, not mushy. Add sausage and gently boil, uncovered, 5 minutes. Add corn and cook and continue cooking an additional 5 minutes (begin timing immediately, don't wait until water is boiling). Add shrimp and cook and additional 3 to 5 minutes longer. Don't overcook the shrimp. Remove from heat and drain immediately. Serve on a plastic table cloth covered table with plastic place mats on them. Dollop the stew right onto the plastic place mats (no plates or utensils are used) and eat with clean fingers. Have plenty of fresh bread nearby and lops 152

Dollop the stew right onto the plastic place mats (no plates or utensils are used) and eat with clean fingers. Have plenty of fresh bread nearby and dollops of butter for the corn, cocktail sauce for the shrimp, and sour cream or ketchup for the potatoes also right on the plastic. This is a messy dish; you’ll need a whole handful of napkins or paper towels, but super fun for kids. Since kids have been taught never to eat with their fingers they won't even want to eat this, but once they try, it's a ton of fun and everyone has a blast. Yields 8 servings Recipe submitted by Kara Trapdoor


Supie Sammie Bars 2 cans of refrigerated crescent rolls or sheet crescent dough 1 pound of sausage 8 banana peppers seeded and chopped into 1 in pieces 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 - 8oz package of cream cheese Spray an 9X13 pan with cooking spray. Press first can of rolls in the bottom and bake at 350 degrees until lightly brown. Cook sausage until crumbly. Mix walnuts, cream cheese, and sausage together. Spread this mixture over the baked rolls. Sprinkle banana peppers on top and top with 2nd can of rolls pinching the edges together. Bake at 350 until top layer of rolls is golden brown and cooked through. Cut into bars, serve warm or cool. Recipe submitted by Dawnbeam Dreamscape



Vee's Potato Salad - Old family recipe handed down. Boiled, peeled and chopped red potatoes (must be red potatoes). Start with 8 and you may need to increase depending on the number of people you're serving. 3-4 stalks of celery diced 1 large onion chopped 4-6 hard boiled eggs chopped mayonnaise - enough to make the mixture hold together (adjust to your taste) 1 tbs cider vinegar (must be cider not white vinegar) mix it all together and chill for at least an hour. EAT! yummmm Recipe submitted by Vee Tammas










Several Windlight Contributors have decided to share their top 10 list of Second Life for 2015.


KARA’S TOP TEN: (Not in any specific order) 1. MadPea (Fun and games/hunt/ challenge/explore) 2. Whatnext (Furniture/household) 3. Whispering Sands Live Promotions (Live Music) 4. Windlight Magazine (Art and events) 5. Showtime Online Magazine (Theater and events) 6. Truth (Hair) 7. Blueberry (Fashion) 8. Calas Galahdon (Explore sims) 9. Inara Pey (Someone else's blog) 10. Kara's Korner Second Life Adventures (My blog) VEE’S TOP TEN: 1. Marrying and Partnering with Urban 2. Writing for Windlight Magazine 3. Joining Team Diabetes 4. Meeting my new Italian friends 5. Quitting RFL of SL 6. New friends I've made this year 7. Being part of the Phoenix Wave Team Mentors 8. Getting Slink Feet - oooh pretty feet 9. Improving my building skills 10. My work in memory of Sal - I truly tried to make a difference











Welcome to Windlight Magazine’s newest feature: The Edge, by Eleseren. The Edge will cover fashion from an artistic perspective. For our first edition of The Edge, we will interview the lady behind this new series—Eleseren Brianna . We also have a few new fashion looks from your favorite Edge models.






Eleseren Brianna has recently become the new fashion editor at Windlight Magazine and will be bringing you a new column—The Edge. I was able to chat with Eleseren on her new role and about the Second Life modeling industry.

speak frankly, that another ambitious and highly visible modelling organization had just started (Miss SL) and I knew I was going to be under a lot of scrutiny, as comparisons would inevitably be made. I could either give in to the anxiety or dig deep and work hard to prove myself and improve where necessary, and this is what I decided to do.

WM: Take us back to almost a year ago, when you won Miss virtual World 2015. What was going through your mind? WM: How has the SL fashion and modeling worlds changed, since you ELESEREN: I will pass over the initial have been into the fashion and minutes after I won, as surely most modeling scene? people know by now what a shock it was. In the week or so following my ELESEREN: While I only started win, as the reality slowly sank in, I felt training as a model in the Spring of a great mix of emotions, of course 2013, I have been designing in SL since there was happiness and a 'wow!' 2009. In my time as a designer there feeling, and I wore my Miss Virtual have been huge changes in what is World tag all the time at home so that possible technically for designers in SL, I could stare up at it and go 'omg' lol. and this has impacted on creative There was a growing recognition too possibilities too. When I started of just what a huge responsibility and designing, sculpties were rare and year I had just been given. Of course I new. I missed the great creative peak was amazed and grateful for the of sculpty based fashion design as I Judges and BOSL's gifting me of this, had a break from SL, and when I but it wasn't something I had ever returned the mesh era was just anticipated achieving. I wasn't that beginning. I think initially the mesh experienced or that big a model yet, 'revolution' was a bit of a mixed and this was simply enormous to blessing. Most designers at the time comprehend. Six months previously I (myself included) didn't know how to had been struggling to get picked at make mesh, so relied on an initially castings, and now I was Miss Virtual limited amount of full perm mesh World. Yes, the small voice inside me pieces available. This inevitably lead asked if I was really good enough. I to a certain 'sameness' despite was very aware too, now that I can designer's best endeavors. I know it 178

was noticed by customers. I am very heartened to see this year more and more designers now making their own mesh, with their own original vision. For me it feels like we may be beginning to enter another very rich period for SL Fashion, and that is very exciting.

designs they blog through beautiful, stylish and persuasive images. So many bloggers, models among them, are becoming increasingly skilled as photographers, and they need to be.

I don't know what the future is of runway modeling in SL. Its a wonderful art at its finest, and I am As regards modeling, I am sad that I sad to see opportunities lessen year missed what must surely have been on year currently. At present runway the heyday a few years ago. By the shows are dwindling and even the time I trained there was already a bigger agencies are working harder to lessening in the number of models attract designer bookings. The active and training and rising through Fashion weeks enable multi designer the ranks. Shows were beginning to shows, which are certainly more decrease in numbers and economic for brands, but at the opportunities to dwindle a little. I expense of the presentation of a think this was partly down to the long unique vision? Maybe the tide will shadow of the huge RL economic turn again at some point, I hope so. slump affecting profit margins in SL business, fashion included, and partly WM: You are also a clothing design to the seismic impact of the blogging and have your own brand. What are revolution. Blogging is an amazing the plans for your brand? shop window for SL Fashion, and designers have understandably ELESEREN: I have had my own brand embraced this. It is also a great deal for the last few years - Romance cheaper for designers to use bloggers Couture. I have a love affair with the than it is to pay for expensive shows old school glamour and elegance of and events. the classic Hollywood era, but fused with modern haute couture influences Bloggers do not necessarily have to be from the likes of Elie Saab, Chanel, trained models, or even to look like Givenchy and other great real life models, though they do need a sense designers past and present. Though I of style and a good eye, and an ability am a skilled 'old school' builder and to creatively engage with the fashions texture, and love to make the flexi they are presenting. In addition they parts of my designs , as yet I cannot need to be able to showcase the make mesh (its on the 'to-do' list now 179





that I am no longer the reigning designers. I love also the MVW). For my designs I have had to extraordinary vision and creativity use full perm mesh and sculpties. This found in the Fashion world in Second has very definitely caused me some life. That electric meeting place where creative frustrations and I have longed Fashion meets Art is something that to have full control of the creative fires and excites and inspires me. In process and product, as I did when I my articles for Windlight I will be was a Designer Dressmaker in real life exploring various aspects of SL and RL some years ago. When I became Miss Fashion, Styling and Modeling, always Virtual World I put my store on ice for with this creative meeting place in the year so that I had full focus to sup- mind. For me Windlight is a perfect port other designers in SL. That has publication to do this with. I don't been a helpful period, allowing me to have a 'shopping list' of subjects to reflect. Romance Couture will be cover, I want to remain open, closing at the end of this year, giving exploring, thinking and reacting so me a blank creative canvas and leading watch this space! in time I hope to a more limited but much more original design brand. Like WM: Any words of wisdom for other designers in SL I am, and will anyone who wants to get into SL continue to be, influenced by RL fashion or modeling? designers and Collections but I also want to find my own unique artistic ELESEREN: I think there are general design voice. pieces of advice that I would give. If you want to be a model get one or WM: You just recently accepted the preferably several high quality position of Fashion Editor for certified trainings, this will give you Windlight Magazine and we are hap- the broad base of skills you need and py to have you on board! Tell our the certificates are often asked for in readers what they can expect from castings and job opportunities. You you. don't have to be a model to become a blogger, but I would still suggest ELESEREN: This is a very new getting some training to understand direction for me, and I am honored how poses can showcase clothing, and that John and Windlight have felt able to make sure your avatar works (and brave enough!) to give me this aesthetically. Your progress as either a opportunity. I have always loved real model or blogger will be greatly life haute couture fashion, especially helped if you are a creative, bold and the more artistically expressive versatile stylist, so get training in that 184

if you feel you need to. In addition to this, for both models and bloggers nowadays it is necessary to be a skilled photographer and user of social media. Truly nowadays models need to be more multi skilled than ever they have needed to be before, as on top of all the skills I have just listed, ability in customer service, marketing, show management are also worth acquiring, to maximize your chances of work in these tougher times. Don't give up though if you really want to become a hard, gain the best skills you can (and keep working at them), be persistent, polite and professional, develop some inner toughness to deal with rejections (and expect a lot, especially at the beginning). Hold on to what you love about modeling, and what fires you and inspires you. Have faith in yourself and don't give up, your career will grow in time. WM Windlight Magazine is proud and honored to have Eleseren as part of our growing family of contributors! You can view the latest Second Life styles on Eleseren’s Flickr: photos/105540839@N03/




Corset: .::Dead Dollz::. 13. Rococo – Corset – RARE Garter + Sleeves + Shrug: .::Dead Dollz::. 1. Rococo – Pink Common Knickers + Mesh body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara Hair + Bow: Magika [01] Beans Skin: Izzie’s – Willis Skin natural Rollerskates: N-core SKATES “Dark Nude” (Ice&Roller) Home: :HAIKEI: dusky white skybox Decor: 22769 ~ [bauwerk] Brutus Lamp / Apple Fall Design Books / {vespertine- animalia paper prints/mrs.meow} / [Brixley] warm welcome sideboard – RARE / Trompe Loeil – Josette Settee Poses: Vibe – Fade Away + The Movement Poses


MODEL: CHLOEELECTRA Lingerie | Blacklace - Frances [Black]

Headpiece | Astralia - Monarch Butterfly Wings | Astralia - Angelica* Hair | Magika - Wait Eyelashes | Oceane Body Design - "Oh mr Grey" Eyeliner | Oceane Body Design - Intense Nail Polish | Alaskametro - Inversion [Gold] Skin | Elysium - Amalie [Body ONLY!] *Available at the [Fantasy Gacha Carnival] event until December 6, 2015.




MODEL: WICCA MERLIN Outfit, Shoes & Head Piece: [E.V.E] Studio – “Atlantis” NEW @ Fantasy Gacha Carnival Eye Decor: Elysium – “Eye Deco Charcoal” – NEW @ Thez Cosmetic Fair Makeup: Nuuna – “Ninja” & “Litzi” Scales: [Even~Tides] – “Blue Dragon Scales” Hair: Wasabi Pills – “Chibi” Nails: Nailed It! – “The Style Icon Set” 190



Exclusive for The Fantasy Collective from Wicca’s Wardrobe
















Kaijah Chrome, Lala Lightfoot, Bamboo Barnes, Susy Halcali, Honey Bender, tone Rhiano, Van Caerndow, Dawnbeam Dreamscape, & W

Interested in becoming a Windlight Art Fellow? If so visit the fo http://windlightmagazine. 206


, Valium Lavendar, Fernona Resident, Dean Yao, Benivinudo Moskalev, TwoWicca Merlin (Windlight Art Gallery’s Artist in Residence)

ollowing link for more information and the official application: .com/fellowship-program/ 207


This free self service restaurant is part of Windlight restaurant. **The restaurant is not a roleplay restau restaurant where you can bring your date or l Ristorante Ivanna is available for private parties, events, and f 208


t Art Gallery and is in the style of a romantic Italian urant where you have to pay to be served. It is a FREE loved one for a quiet and romantic setting. ** functions. Please contact Emma Portilo for more information 209



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