Description About Ecigs

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Start Vaping-Time to Quit Smoking E-Cigarette or electronic cigarettes is a cigarettes which are just similar to a real cigarettes in taste as well as in shape. It gives you the same sense of feeling of nicotine which you crave in real cigarette. The cigarettes are coming with cartridges with different nicotine strength. The size of the cartridges varies from small to medium to low and zero nicotine. The high strength nicotine could make you feel dizzy so it's better to avoid that. Instead, go for the medium and low filled cartridges.E-Cigarette comes with accessories like rechargeable battery, Battery charger, nicotine strength, USB charger, Choice of flavours, car charger, Personal Charging case, etc.

By using e-cigarette you can easily kick off the side effects of a real cigarette than kicking your smoking habit. The vapours of an ecigs completely differ from the real cigarette vapours. As an ecigarette has sweet flavour this doesn't leave any door after smoking on your breath and fingers. It doesn't turn your teeth's colour yellow either. The smoke of an e-cigarette dissipates into the air instantly. Some Pros and Cons of Electronic Cigarettes What is E-CIGARETTE?   

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The e-cigarette doesn't have tar as compare to the regular cigarettes. The e-cigarette releases water vapour in the atmosphere than the second hand smoke. No use of lighter for lighting the cigarette as e-cigarette uses rechargeable battery to light up. It stimulates every time when you take a puff. This reduces the risk of accidental fires. It doesn't violate smoking bans that restricts indoor smoking. Some of its cons are that its flavour is a bit different from the real cigarette and available in different flavours .It lacks the feeling similar to real cigarette as it is made up of metal and plastic. Keeping an extra battery charged is equally important if you want to take full advantage of an e-cigarette otherwise you have to run out to have real smoke temptation. Order refills online and stock those up enough before your next shipment of refills arrive. Order liquid to refill these because the cartridges are half a packet.

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