Duc Văn Minh (50 page version)

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Ref: Duc Van Minh

Minh headbutted someone in the ward and has been restrained

Due to his violent behaviour, Minh has been transferred to another ward until further assessment


Minh was quite temperamental today

He spoke about seeing ghosts and hearing voices. He sometimes talked about God and having special powers

Minh’s parents insisted that he must go home and stay with them

Minh will have a forensic assessment


Attended tribunal for Minh

The solicitor did not arrange for any Vietnamese interpreter

Minh continued to be detained under Section 3 of Mental Health Act, due to the risks he poses to himself and others


Minh was quite unsettled by his new environment


Minh refused to leave his room and did not want to go out


Our session was cut short because Minh did not cooperate


Minh refused to eat. He insisted a spirit told him to starve in order to live longer


The doctor is changing Minh’s medication due to the change in his condition Minh has been diagnosed as having schizophrenia and possibly bipolar disorder

Minh showed signs of depression

Minh’s money is being kept by the hospital


Minh is still hearing voices from ghosts, God, Buddha and believes he has special powers to save people's lives. He told me he can predict when people die Minh was assessed by the Institute of Psychiatry

VMHS has not been invited to Minh’s tribunal or psychiatry assessment
Minh refused to take his medication and was not in a good mood today

Minh went to a shop to buy some snacks. I told him it was £4 but at the till the cashier told him it was £2. He turned round and asked me why I said it was £2

The panel feels Minh has been in hospital for too long and they will try to look for a suitable accommodation to discharge him

Ward round. Minh has not eaten for 4 weeks and has lost weight


The team feels Minh’s condition will not change much for however long he stays in hospital Minh entered the room but did not want to talk about it


Minh said that he feels as if he has liquid running under his right arm. Ward round ended

He is still hearing and fighting voices. These sounds always happen in the toilet

Minh expressed his concern about the side-effects of his medication. He has a dry mouth and difficulty speaking

Minh is awaiting his blood test results

Minh no longer takes liquid-form medication and said he has not seen any ghosts recently

Minh shows signs of relapse and unescorted leave is suspended

Minh stayed in his bed and didn’t want to get up
Minh said he heard voices telling him to kill himself
Minh’s mother did not understand what the hospital staff said to her. She gave the mobile number of Minh’s sister to contact in emergencies

Minh asked for weekend leave but it was not permitted because the senior was away


Minh will be under the Community Treatment Order when he moves out of hospital

He will move out in about 3 weeks. He will sign the tenancy agreement on his new flat tomorrow

Phoned the hospital and they will arrange for a Vietnamese interpreter


Minh was discharged from hospital today and should make arrangements to collect his belongings


Minh has been reported as a missing person with the police

He told hospital staff that he was sitting on the bus the whole time

Minh has become mute. The doctors say he has relapsed back to the state he was 4 years ago


Received Minh’s revised care plan


Minh attacked Dr. Gupta and the ward nurses last Friday


The doctor confirmed that the client attacked him and he is under pressure to press charges against the client


Client has side effects from his medication. The medication makes him unhappy. He developed a rash on both hands. He also has constipation and diarrhoea


Client claimed that someone stole his belongings.

Client alleged that he has been attacked four times:

1) A patient tripped him over 2) A patient kicked him on the hip

3) A patient punched him on his right shoulder

4) A patient used toothpaste to blind his eye

Minh’s mother wants to move Minh’s money to another bank account. It is currently being kept in the hospital account


Arrived at 9:45am. Minh already had his meeting

His family did not come

The hospital suggested for Minh to move to a fully supported accommodation. His mother did not support this idea



has not eaten for 5 weeks


blood and urine test shows signs of kidney failure and liver malfunction

Minh’s mother agreed to tube feeding


Minh started to eat after the hospital tried to tube feed him

Minh looked a lot better today, but he still feels a bit tired

Minh is on benefits and should not pay any tax

Minh is not well and is not able to

make decisions about his money.

The hospital has applied for guardianship to ensure Minh’s money can only be used for his own benefit


Minh has been in the hospital for a very long time


Client to be discharged today. All MDT congratulated the client. His condition has improved greatly in the past 5 years.

Client has stopped hearing voices. He no longer has issues seeing or hearing ghosts. Client currently has an allowance of £25 p/w


Minh did not take his medication. He was admitted to hospital yesterday

The doctor told Minh he should take his medication to help him stay well


Explained to Minh and his parents that the team does not want Minh to leave the country for more than 2 weeks

In the UK, people who are out of the country for over 2 weeks will have their benefits suspended and it will be very difficult to get reinstated. This will also affect his housing benefit



Phoned and spoke to Minh’s mother.

She told me that Minh had been to Vietnam for 2 weeks and returned.

Minh is keeping well

Minh looked well and told me he was happy about the trip to Vietnam. He saw a lot of people and wants to go back again

I will come to see Minh again every 4-6 weeks



Minh has been unwell and was admitted to the ward last week following an attack on staff

Minh looks physically well but is mentally unwell with delusional thoughts

Duc Van Minh is a fictional character.

This work is intended to shed light on the services offered at the Vietnamese Mental Health Services (VMHS) and the devastating impact its closure will have on the most vulnerable in the community.

This book project is a collaboration between Will Pham and Beatrix Pang in September 2023.


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